H2495 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea? [3/3][] This time An Liang designed the fake gold mine plan, he is not going to delay for a long time, but is going to harvest it directly and accurately. Therefore, after the layout is completed, An Liang will quickly push the share price of Golden Garden Mining Company to a higher position, so as to accurately cash out and cut leeks. “After the market opens today, if you are interested, I suggest that you eat as much as you want, but the chances should be less. The financial giants of the Bald Eagle Country have eaten a lot of money. 91 An Liang added. Li Cunyuan asked a question. “Brother Liang, can you eat at any price?” “Yes, you can eat at any price, not to mention the price of $28.11, but the price of $281.1, and you can also eat it with your eyes closed. “- An Liang said casually. “If you have any concerns, I will give you the bottom line in advance. You can eat as much as you like, as long as you eat it, I will buy it at a price of $300.” An Liang added. Li Cunyuan jokingly said, “If Brother Liang is willing to buy it at a price of $300 a share, then there will definitely be greater interests!” Qian Xiaogang answered, “Aren’t we going to act in unison this time?” In previous actions, An Liang always asked the members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club to pool their funds and hand them over to Anxin Investment Company to operate together, but this time, did he not ask for it? “The total share capital of Golden Garden Mining Company is only 100 million shares. , At present, several capital predators have eaten a lot, and we have no chance to sweep the goods on a large scale, so everyone can act casually, but it is best not to maliciously raise prices. An Liang reminded. “I actually suggest that you join forces with each other, and then Attempt to buy Gold Garden Mining shares directly from capital predators through over-the-counter transactions. An Liang proposes. Our “Anxin Investment is strictly guarded by the other side. If we come forward, those capital predators will definitely not agree, so this time we do not act in unison, and everyone will show their magical powers!” An Liang said half-truth. He has taken 36 million shares in the stock market, and Joey Noyce, who pretended to be the No. 9 Variety Enchantress, has controlled 19 million shares, so he has occupied 55 million shares. According to the analysis of Anxin Investment Company, Mr. Keshire Hathaway and Merrill Lynch, together with Rod & Albert Investments, and the four major capital giants of Ropp Partners, should jointly take in more than 30 million shares. The current golden garden of free circulation in the stock market Mining company stocks only have less than 15 million shares, and these stocks are in the hands of some stock market veterans. They have obviously discovered the movements of capital giants and will not sell them easily. In view of this situation, An Liang is ready to let the sky white jade The official members of the Beijing Club are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, and once they finally make a profit, they will naturally resist their pressure. “Do you still have questions? If you have any questions, ask them now, and I will try my best to answer them. If there is no problem, I move on to the next thing. An Liang asked. Lin Yili first asked, “When or at what price should we sell the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company? “Let us handle this with Anxin Investment!” An Liang responded, “This is also what I want to do.” As I said, buying stocks is a matter of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers, but when selling stocks, I hope you will hand it over to Anxin Investment Company. “Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement, you can handle it yourself. An Liang added. Lin Yili responded directly, “Our family believes in Brother Liang, we will first find a way to get some stocks, and then hand them over to Anxin Investment Agency.” 93 Ye Xiangyu agreed, “Our family is too.” Other members of the Heavenly Baiyujing Club agreed that they had cooperated with An Liang many times, and the two sides had established enough trust. As for whether there are small actions in private, An Liang really doesn’t care! Anyway, it’s not An Liang who suffers in the end anyway? This time against the Golden Garden Mining Company, An Liang is the mastermind behind the scenes. What kind of inside information should be released? It’s all An Liang’s decision! ……. Flowers 0…… Even the president of the Golden Garden Mining Company is An Liang’s pawn, how can An Liang lose? , Almost all the official members are ready to scour the wool, and in the end only Zhao Wanxi and Zhang Zi are left. Zhao Wanjin took the initiative to invite, “Let’s have dinner together at noon?” “Okay!” An Liang agreed, “However, are you not going to participate in this wool harvest? Zhao Wan shook her phone, “Sir, please, it’s now The era of 2020!” Zhang Zi was silent, as if he was not interested in picking wool. Zhao Wanxi continued, “I have already arranged it, but it shouldn’t be much, right?” ..0 “There is still a chance. !” An Liang explained, “The main competitors are Berkshire Hathaway and Merrill Lynch, plus Rod & Albert Investments, and Ropp Partners, all four of them are eyeing. 33 “But you can also try to acquire the corresponding shares from them through over-the-counter transactions,” An Liang added. Zhao Wan shook her head, “There is no chance, they are also very wary of us.” Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang and continued, “You should get a lot of benefits, right?” “Guess?” An Liang asked sarcastically. . “I already guessed, you should get a lot of benefits!” Zhao Wanjin said with certainty. Zhao Wanxi knew An Liang very well, and she was 100% sure that An Liang must have played the role of a reaper in it.

“You have full confidence in me.” An Liang replied.

After all, it’s you, you are scheming, plus a lot of conspiracy and tricks!” Zhao Wanjin replied with a smile.

“I’ll take it as you compliment me, what do we eat?” An Liang asked. He was actually curious about Zhang Zi’s situation. Why does this married, thirty-year-old woman get a score of 100 for her pure essence?

Update time: July 7, 2021 00:03:20, Bao, I say good night to you every day, how about you? Nine.

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