Soil samples extracted by H2503[2/3]

Arlia, Sunset Canyon.

Renyi Security Company has already carried out infrastructure construction in the Sunset Canyon to prepare to develop uranium mines. An Liang took advantage of this fake gold mine to get a lot of equipment from Huang Guoxiang, coupled with the strength of Renyi Security Company, they have already Possess the strength to protect uranium mines.

An Liang is willing to share the benefits of Huang Guoxiang-Xia Guoyuan, because An Liang is going to take the uranium mine for himself!

When the winner of life system rewarded uranium mines, An Liang originally planned to collude with Huang Guoxiang to protect the safety of uranium mines.

But as An Liang said, the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes.

The emergence of the Yagu Gold Mine gave An Liang a new idea. He could use the Yagu Gold Mine to make a fake gold mine in the African region, so as to reuse the fake gold mine and plan to obtain a lot of equipment, and finally use these equipment to protect the uranium mine.

The value of uranium mines is difficult to define in monetary terms.

In particular, An Liang has the fourth generation nuclear power plant technology.

When the two are combined, An Liang has plenty of cheap energy.

Once he has a lot of cheap energy, An Liang can secretly develop some of his own power, especially in Southeast Asia, An Liang can even secretly control the lifeline of the small country’s court.

That’s why An Liang wanted to swallow the uranium mine in Sunset Canyon.

After all, this opportunity is really good, a uranium mine in Africa, and Renyi Security Company has enough power in Africa, and Huang Guoxiang has provided a lot of equipment, so An Liang will want to take it all.

If the uranium mine was in the territory of the Xia Kingdom, An Liang would not want to take it for himself.

In Sunset Canyon, the No. 2 manager is checking the progress information of the fake gold mine plan. This time, he personally sits in Sunset Canyon and is responsible for directing the corresponding actions.

“No. 4, you locked the target person, right ^||?” Manager No. 2 asked.

No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God is also in Sunset Canyon, he answered affirmatively, “The swarm drone has locked the target remotely, and the other party’s actions are completely under our control. If the other party wants to take soil samples, with the cooperation of the patrol team, they will We will only take samples within our limits.”

“One more thing.” No. 4 Tianji Shenshen added, we “found interesting things at the airport, in addition to the Golden Garden Mining Company, we also found four teams with geologists.

Manager No. 2 responded, “It should be the exploration team arranged by the four investment companies of Berkshire Hathaway. You monitor each other first, and then we will prepare a new sample area.

“Okay.” No. 4 Tianji Shenju responded.

For the plan of this fake gold mine, An Liang transported a lot of raw ore from the Yagu Gold Mine to the surroundings of Sunset Canyon, so as to set up a fake gold mine.

Only such an operation can make the other side’s geologists fooled.

Otherwise, just relying on fake news, in this era of developed Internet, it is impossible to deceive people.

Arlia local time, just after eleven o’clock on Saturday evening.

Matthew and the security team set off under the cover of night, and it was naturally impossible for the No. 9 Magic Fairy to go together, she just asked Matthew to pay attention to safety.

After Matthew and Bob’s group left, the No. 9 Magical Girl immediately contacted No. 4 to report the news. Poor Matthew didn’t even know that he was in a scam from beginning to end!

About five kilometers north of Sunset Canyon, Bob’s team brought Matthew to a stop. He reminded him, “We can’t continue to move forward. The patrols ahead are very dense, and I’m worried that the other party has night vision. Equipment and infrared thermal radiation detectors, in the night environment, we simply cannot hide.99

Matthew said hesitantly, “Is there no other way?”

According to the information reserved by Sirami, she found that the gold mine was located three kilometers north of Sunset Canyon. They are now five kilometers north of Sunset Canyon. The distance between the two places is more than two kilometers. If soil samples are taken, it may not be possible precise.

“Too risky!” Bob responded, “As I said, the other party’s weaponry is very advanced, and if we are found, we will all die! 99

Matthew took a deep breath, “In that case, pay attention to your surroundings, and I’ll take a soil sample.

“Okay.” Bob responded, and again, “Be quiet!

“I understand.” Matthew responded.

Matthew took out the portable soil sampling rig from the backpack, because it is a portable soil sampling transfer machine, and the deepest soil sample can only be extracted at a depth of two meters.

The only advantage is that it is portable and uses a lithium battery for power supply. The movement is relatively small when sampling, but the sampling speed is also very slow.

Matthew patiently took samples. In order to ensure the reliability of the samples (Li Zhaohao), Matthew also changed locations to take samples. After drilling a total of three samples, he quietly left under the cover of night.

However, neither Matthew nor Bob found the swarm drone that was also covered by the night sky.

It was a bee swarm drone with a matte black finish. It hovered quietly in the sky and recorded Matthew’s sampling throughout the process!

When Matthew and his party left, the swarm drone also left silently.

No. 4 Tianji Shenshu sent this piece of information to No. 2 Manager Sheng.

“Should we pretentiously intercept them?” No. 4 Tianji Shenqi asked, “If we intercept them at this time, should we increase their trust in soil samples?

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