H2511 key blind spot! [1/3]

Four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country “know” a lot of inside information!

At least they think they even know everything!

Originally, geologist Sirami Larry had discovered the gold deposit three kilometers north of Sunset Canyon and had taken soil samples.

The next thing was that Anxin Investment Company’s white-glove Tyrande Ren’an Investment Company discovered Sirami’s behavior, and immediately arranged for personnel to hunt him down, and really killed Sirami.

However, Sirami sent the news of the gold mine to Matthew Lean, a geologist of the Gold Garden Mining Company, which naturally led to the follow-up action of the Gold Garden Mining Company.

What Jack meant was to ask if they sent all the “five and eighty” results.

Faced with Jack’s inquiry, the senior investment vice presidents of the other three large investment companies hesitated. Although Anxin Investment Company was suspected of overturning the table, they actually had advantages and disadvantages in sending such gossip.

Knowing the other three’s concerns, Jack assured him, “I have a way to get the word out without involving us.

Richard asked, “How?”

“I know a network technology expert who can help.” Jack explained, “These gossips have nothing to do with us, and the Securities and Exchange Commission can’t find us.”

“I have reservations.” Richard cautiously.

Andy seconded, “I also have reservations.

Bazel responded, “Jack, this one is too risky.”

“But we don’t have a choice, don’t we?” Jack responded, “Anxin Investment is obviously targeting us. They forced us to raise our cards through such gossip. After all, once we raise our cards, it will confirm the suspicion of insider trading.”

Before, the four of them decided to raise their placards to enter the shareholders meeting of Golden Garden Mining Company, but now Anxin Investment Company directly flips the table, leaving them with no other choice, and even sells all the Golden Garden Mining directly in order to clear the suspicion of insider trading. company stock.

“I suspect that there are some secrets hidden in Anxin Investment. If we are forced out of the game, I am afraid that Anxin Investment will have greater benefits!” Jack added.

Richard had a flash of inspiration, “The gold reserves announced by the Golden Garden Mining Company are 1,000 tons, but we all know that the gold reserves should be larger!”

In the video message reserved by Sirami, it was indicated that the gold reserves exceeded 2,000 tons, and the four large investment companies knew this news.

Andy then analyzed, “If the reserves of the gold mine are larger, the stock price of the Gold Garden Mining Company will definitely be higher. If we are forced out of the game in advance, then that part of our interests will be eaten by Anxin Investment.

“Cunning investment with peace of mind!” Bazel grunted.

Jack sneered, “Since the other party overturned the table and completely forced us out of the game, we should also pull the Anxin investment into the water, so that the other party can’t get any benefits! 93

No one objected this time.

As a result, another gossip appeared in the US stock investment market, which revealed how the Gold Garden Mining Company discovered the gold mine, how Anxin Investment was deployed behind the scenes, and revealed all the ambitions of Anxin Investment Company.

And this gossip announced that the gold reserves exceeded 2,000 tons, which further ignited the heat of the US stock investment market.

Although it is only a gossip, Anxin Investment is very famous in the US stock market. After all, it is the old sickle of the US stock market and has harvested a lot of non-vegetables in the US stock market.

So after the gossip came out, Anxin Investment Company was also pulled into the water, even if Anxin Investment Company issued an announcement stating that it was not involved, no one believed it.

Investors in the U.S. stock market are not fools, so how can they easily trust Anxin Investment Company?

However, these investors in the US stock market did not realize a problem at all. Under the bombardment of various gossip, they have ignored the true and false problems of the gold mine north of Sunset Canyon…

Almost all investors in the U.S. stock market believe that the gold mine north of Sunset Canyon is real. After all, after synthesizing all the gossip, these U.S. stock market investors directly analyzed that this time is the four major investments of Anxin Investment Company and Bald Eagle Country. Companies are fighting.

The current situation is obviously that both sides have played a real fire, and each other’s trump cards have been exploded, resulting in a lose-lose situation in the end.

Faced with such a situation, it is naturally a carnival for retail investors!

Retail investors like the big investment firms to play against each other, and they have the opportunity to take a chestnut from the fire.

If the big investment firms are in harmony and they collude with each other to form alliances, can retail investors still have the power to resist?

The gossip in the U.S. stock investment market is buzzing, but the situation in the city of Arlia Pallas in Africa is eerily calm.

In Joseph Manor, Pallas Chief Political Officer is reviewing the report on Sunset Canyon.

Butler Manson served coffee, which was a little hesitant to speak.

Pantani took the initiative to speak, “Manson, what’s the matter with you?”

“Mr. Pantani, I heard a grapevine.” Manson responded hesitantly.

0.9 “What gossip?” Pantani asked rhetorically.

“The Tyrande Company that owns the Sunset Canyon is assassinating the geologist from the Bald Eagle Country in the city, we may…” Manson only said halfway.

Pantani understood what the other party meant, after all, Manson had been with him for more than two decades.

“I understand that there is danger, so I will not participate in it. Whether there is a real gold mine or false news in the area north of Sunset Canyon, it has nothing to do with us.” Pantani responded.

Manson breathed a sigh of relief.

“Go down first, I’ll look at the documents.” Pantani waved his hand.

After Manson left, Pantani re-checked the Sunset Canyon title file information and found a key blind spot…

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