H2594 I, An Liang, do not eat this set! [1/3]

An Liang first arranged the lap race of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, and instructed Renyi Security Company to be responsible for security issues, and then prepared to notify Huang Guoxiang.

Before An Liang contacted Huang Guoxiang, Zhao Wanjin called An Liang first, and An Liang swiped the screen to answer.

“What’s the matter?” An Liang asked.

“Have lunch together?” Zhao Wanxi invited.

Zhao Wanjin continued, “Siyu and Shuangshuang of your family, including the letter that hasn’t been there, all have to go to school, you have time at noon.

“Since you said so, can I still refuse?” An Liang- teased.

“What do you want to eat?” Zhao Wanjin asked, then immediately added, “Except the old kitchen of Sandaomen.

“Isn’t their home pretty nice?” An Liang asked back.

“It’s really good, but their houses are full every day.” Zhao Wan responded, “your fox fairy food review has been very hot recently, and the owner of Sandaomen old kitchen is very hyped, so the number of customers has skyrocketed, and you can’t book at all. Location.

“Then what would you recommend?” An Liang motioned for Zhao Wanjin’s recommendation.

“Then the State Guest House!” Zhao Wanjin responded, “I like their fish-flavored shrimp.”

“No problem.” An Liang agreed.

“I’m at home, you drop by to pick me up.” Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang would like to say that the road is not going well!

This Zhao Wanxi is now more and more rude, and seems to have replaced herself as An Liang’s girlfriend.

An Liang has said more than once that he and Zhao Wanjin are not suitable, because An Liang will not give up other people for Zhao Wanjin, but Zhao Wanjin has also terminated the topic more than once.

“Okay!” An Liang agreed.

The two sides ended the call. Since he was going to pick her up at Zhao Wanjin’s house, An Liang thought about it a little and decided to bring a gift.

In case of meeting Zhao Wanxi’s family, is it not empty-handed?

An Liang contacted Li Yang and asked Li Yang to prepare ten cans of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum.

There are almost no spring and autumn seasons in Shengqing. Even in September, the weather in Shengqing is still very hot, and the peach gum production in Shiliwan Taoyuan is in a strong period.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Yang delivered ten cans of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum.

The packaging of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum is very delicate. Each can of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum is packaged in an independent gift box. The original glass jar has been replaced with a ceramic jar to enhance the external image.

An Liang understands the truth of “people rely on clothes”.

Even if Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum is not sold to the public, the more refined packaging can reflect the preciousness of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum.

If you use plastic bags casually, then the perception will be much worse, right?

West Second Road, a courtyard.

An Liang arrived by car in person, because the two parties had contacted in advance, and Zhao Wanjin was already waiting at the door.

An Liang saw Zhao Wanxi’s grandfather Zhao Zhuangkang with sharp eyes, and he was watching it in the courtyard.

Faced with such a situation, An Liang naturally did not show his timidity, he took the initiative to get out of the car to say hello, “Grandpa Zhao!

Zhao Zhuangkang walked out, “It’s An Liang, are you going out for lunch?

“Yes.” An Liang didn’t hide it. As he said, he walked to the trunk and took out the Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum gift box prepared in advance.

“Grandpa Zhao, this is a good thing from our hometown.” An Liang handed over a gift box of Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum.

The design of the Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum Gift Box is a bit unpretentious. The light pink outer box reads “pick up” in traditional Chinese characters on the front and “+’ in simplified Chinese characters on the back, indicating that it is Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum.

・・・For flowers..

Zhao Zhuangkang did not know the Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum Gift Box, but Zhao Zhuangke mistakenly thought that An Liang and Zhao Wan were in a relationship, so An Liang gave the gift, and he accepted it without hesitation.

“Okay, thank you, you go, the old man will not waste your time.” Zhao Zhuangkang said with a smile on his face.

“Let’s go first. Goodbye Grandpa Zhao.” An Liang waved his hand.

Zhao Wanjin also waved, and then got into the co-pilot.

An Liang returned to the driver’s seat to start the engine and head to the State Guest House.

“Is it just Shiliwan Natural Selection Peach Gum?” Zhao Wanxi said in a positive tone, “Thank you, this gift is very suitable for grandpa.”

“You’re welcome.” An Liang responded.

“Do you still have peach wine?” Zhao Wanjin asked.

“Your grandpa finished drinking again?” An Liang was surprised.

Zhao Wanjin responded a little embarrassedly, “A few days ago, my grandfather showed off peach wine, and he was run on by his old friends, and then gave it away, and treated guests. Now there is not a drop of peach wine at home.”

Zhao Wan added, “I guess he wanted to talk about this just now, but you sent peach gum, so he didn’t feel embarrassed to speak.

An Liang laughed, “This is the price of pretending!

Show off?

Isn’t that just pretending?

Zhao Wanjin rolled her eyes at An Liang, and said in a slightly coquettish tone, “My grandfather likes to drink, but his physical condition doesn’t allow it. Your Shiliwan Maotao wine is very good, give me a little more, okay?”

“Cough cough!” An Liang deliberately coughed twice, “Zhao Wanxi, you are normal, you can ask for peach wine, but you can’t pretend to be pitiful, I don’t eat this!

“Then which set do you eat?” Zhao Wanjin looked at An Liang Jiu with a smile on her face.

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