How does H2597 build trust? [1/3]

Golden Port International Circuit, in the VIP stand, a strange ‘negotiation’ is going on.

Facing Shisui Cheng’s lion’s big mouth, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang both fell into laughter.

Qingshui told himself that he was a little embarrassed. He had learned about the situation of the thousand-year-old astragalus slices, and he naturally knew that the thousand-year-old astragalus slices were equivalent to the life-saving medicine.

“If Your Excellency thinks it’s too much, we can talk more.” Shimizu said weakly.

An Liang waved, “Follow my rules!”

“All ears.” Shimizu Cheng’s Xia Guoyu is quite good, even idioms can be used.

“I know the situation of your boss, I need your boss to do two things.” An Liang said straight to the point.

“The first thing, I need your boss to announce his situation, including colorectal cancer.” An Liang said the first thing first.

“And I need your boss to lead the topic to the issue of nuclear pollution. After all, your boss suffered from colorectal cancer after eating the nuclear-contaminated agricultural and sideline fishery products in the Fukushima area! An Liang said in a positive tone.

Shimizu is secretly bitter, this is to ask the former chief minister of Neon to admit that his illness is related to nuclear pollution!

Although there has always been such an argument in Neon, there is no clear conclusion.

If the former chief minister of Neon publicly said such a thing, it would be equivalent to a death sentence for the nuclear pollution of Neon. Then the agricultural and sideline fishery products in the nuclear-polluted areas of Neon will be further boycotted, right?

“The second thing, I need your boss to publicly boycott your country’s nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, and call on the majority of the people to boycott this matter||.” An Liang explained the second thing.

After Shimizu Cheng heard the second thing, he actually felt relieved!

Originally, Shimizu thought that An Liang was going to use the millennium astragalus to do something unacceptable to them, but now he heard that it was to prevent the nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan.

Then it will be fine!

Because the resistance of this matter in Neon’s country is also very large, a large number of people resist such a thing, but the Neon court is just going its own way.

Shimizu neither supports nor resists the nuclear pollution waste water discharge plan. From Shimizu’s point of view, if it is just to prevent the nuclear pollution waste water discharge plan, it is better than asking for the core confidential documents of the Neon court?

“I will pass it on to the boss.” Shimizu Cheng responded, and then immediately asked, “What price are you willing to pay?”

“A thousand-year-old Astragalus.” An Liang said calmly.

“This…” Shimizu responded in embarrassment, “Too little!”

An Liang waved his hand, “This is our final bid, and we will no longer accept other rebuttal proposals.

“In addition, we need your boss to finish those two things first, and then we will pay the corresponding compensation.” An Liang added.

Although under normal circumstances, it should be paid first after work.

But the things involved in this negotiation are obviously not so normal.

Shimizu is worried that they have done something, but what if An Liang doesn’t admit it?

After all, it is impossible for their cooperation to sign an agreement or something, and it is even less likely to be protected by law, so if they really encounter something that is not paid after finishing the work, I am afraid there is no good way.

Shimizu took a deep breath and raised his concerns, “If our boss does something and you don’t get paid, what should we do?”

“We are not familiar with you, we have no history of cooperation, and there is no basis for trust between us!” Shimizu Makoto added.

The most lacking thing between people is trust!

Trust is very difficult to generate.

Even if there is a crisis of trust between husband and wife, let alone the cooperation between them?

Facing Shimizu’s concerns, An Liang agreed, “You are right, we have not cooperated in the past, so there is no basis for trust.

“If I said something about signing an agreement, you wouldn’t believe it, let alone your boss.” An Liang continued to add.

“So the question now is, how do we trust each other, right?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Yes.” Shimizu said affirmatively, “Your Excellency, do you have any good suggestions?

An Liang shook his head, “We are unconventional cooperation, so general solutions are meaningless. Even if we entrust compensation to a third party, there are various problems.”

“If we pick a third party for custody, you won’t trust it, and vice versa,” An Liang added.

(Wang Lihao)

“So the only solution is for us to try to trust each other and let us trust each other a little bit more, you are willing to trust us and we are willing to trust you. An Liang proposes a solution.

“So, are you willing to trust us?” An Liang looked at Shimizu Cheng and threw the question of trust to the other party.

Shimizu scolded inwardly, how could they be willing to trust An Liang?

But this can’t be said!

If you don’t trust An Liang, what are the two parties doing together?

After all, they have expressed distrust, so An Liang will also express doubts about them, right?

Faced with such a situation, Shimizu Makoto was forced to respond helplessly, “Of course we trust you!”

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