Chapter 442

The Internet is full of news about the big golden bottle and big silver bottle of An Nai Sun.

From Xia Guo hammer to the neon hometown, from the neon hometown to Europa!

Senior Hall can now proudly refute “Anesy is suspected of deliberately discriminating against Xia Guo consumers! “In this post, Senior Hall really did not discriminate against consumers in Xiaguo.

Just like Kia Motors, which was once a cold country, got extremely poor results in Xia Guo’s crash test.

At the beginning, Xia Guo’s netizens condemned Han Guo’s Kia Motors, saying that such crash test results completely discriminated against consumers in Xia Guo, and did not take the safety of consumers in Xia Guo in their eyes.

However, Kia Motors told the truth with facts!

Whether it’s in Neon, Europa, or Bald Eagle Country, Kia’s crash tests are all bad results.

In the end, everyone knew that Kia Motors treats everyone equally, and consumers all over the world are pitted by Kia Motors!

The same is true for Anest!

Do you think that An 153 is discriminating against Xia Guo’s consumers?

Do not!

Anetash discriminates against consumers around the world!

Including Neon Lair!

The exposure of such information directly caused the stock price avalanche of Senior Hall. The price of 7,840 yen did not hold on for even a minute, so it continued to dive.

Three minutes later, the stock price of Senior Hall reached 7,502 yen.

The rate of decline has not slowed down, on the contrary, there are signs of speeding up.

In the entire stock market, almost all of the stocks of Senior Hall are sold, and there is no buying rhythm at all.

Three minutes later, the stock price of Senior Hall dropped to 7,260 yen.

Even at this price, the decline in the stock price of Senior Hall has not stopped. After all, they are all selling orders. The retail investors are very scared and can’t wait to leave the market sooner.

At half past one, the stock price of Senior Hall hit the threshold of 7000 yen.(Read more @

In view of the results of Aneshar being hammered in the global market, this threshold also did not prevent the stock price of Senior Hall from falling.

Ten minutes later, there are still twenty minutes before the neon stock market is closed for lunch.

Senior Hall’s stock price plummeted to the level of 6,620 yen.

Anliang ordered Fan Ping to start liquidation and cash out.

Anxin Investment Company holds the 3.469 billion Xia Guoyuan short selling senior hall operation, and now it is just the rhythm of buying and repaying coupons.

The current decline in the stock price of Senior Hall is irrational!

Is the stock of Senior Hall worthless?

Do not!

Senior Hall’s stock is valuable!

An Nai Sun Whole Body Sunscreen Big Golden Bottle and Big Silver Bottle are only two products in the product line of Senior Hall, occupying a very small share of the total sales scale of Senior Hall.

Even before the [Annex X military training] was made, even before the Anestane hot sale, the stock price of Senior Hall was as high as 7000 yen, even if there is a scandal in the large golden bottle and the big silver bottle of Anestane sunscreen. , As long as the senior hall apologizes, and then push the problem to the production line problem, the problem can be solved.

Therefore, the current decline in the stocks of Senior Hall is actually an irrational decline. It is a chain reaction caused by the market, and some people have made irrational judgments.

In view of this situation, Anliang decisively ordered the clearance to leave.

The initial short selling of 3.469 billion yuan of funds held by Anxin Investment Corporation seems to be a very large sum of money, but now that it has encountered an irrational sell-off of stocks, Anxin Investment’s operations have not affected the general trend at all.

It only temporarily prevented the stock price of Senior Hall from falling!

The average clearance price for the entire 3.469 billion funds leaving the market was 6,656 yen, and their previous average short selling price was 8,140 yen, which means that Anxin Investment Co., Ltd. harvested 632.4 million Xia Guoyuan from neon stockholders in this round of volatility in the stock price of Senior Hall. Profit.

The profit margin reached 18.23%!

At present, the total capital of Anxin Investment Company has risen to the height of 4.1014 billion Xia Guoyuan.

They used to enter the market with 2.8 billion Xia Guoyuan, and now it has expanded to 4.1014 billion Xia Guoyuan. The total profit margin is about 46.48%, far exceeding the 20% return rate that Anliang had originally estimated.

The repeated horizontal jump plan succeeded!

Don’t think that the repeated horizontal jump plan only increased the profit by a little more than 26%. It seems that it is not a big deal, right?

In fact, it has more than doubled the profit!

The more important thing is to operate on the basis of a total of 2.8 billion funds!

In economics, it is very easy to make a dollar for a dollar. If you buy two popsicles for a dollar, and then sell them for a dollar, you can easily get a profit of one dollar.

It is also very easy to make one hundred yuan for one hundred yuan; it is also relatively easy for ten thousand yuan to make ten thousand yuan; but it is relatively difficult to make one million yuan for one million yuan.

It is very difficult to make 10 million!

As for 100 million to make 100 million?

It is recommended to wash and sleep, is there anything in your dream?

Anliang is now manipulating 2.8 billion of funds, and has obtained nearly half of the profits in three days, and the total profit has reached 100 million yuan.

This speed of making money is simply terrifying! .

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