Chapter 445

Six o’clock in the evening.

In Yunjing International Apartment, Chen Siyu was ordering dinner, and Anliang took Ning Ruoshuang out of the bedroom.

This Ning Ruoshuang is now more and more familiar with the rhythm, every time Anliang hugs her, she opens her hands around Anliang’s neck, and sometimes sneaks Anliang’s ear or neck.

Had it not been for the fact that her left leg was unable to exert any force, Brother Liang would have been prepared to teach her a lesson.

Near 6:20, the butler service brought the dinner up.

Anliang casually said, “Baby, let’s go check the car tomorrow.”

“Ahem!” Chen Siyu’s face turned red.

Anliang did it on purpose!

He deliberately called Chen Siyu a “baby” in response to the little girl touching his ear when Ning Ruoshuang was hug.

Can a man’s ear be touched casually?

Touch more than three hundred!

Did you give me money?

“Uncle has closed the net in the neon stock market?” Chen Siyu asked.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “Well, I closed the net in the afternoon. This time the record is good. Let’s go to Rolls Royce tomorrow.”

“Hmm!” Chen Siyu nodded obediently.

Ning Ruoshuang asked curiously, “How much did An Daxian make?”

“Want to hear the truth or lies?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“What is the truth and what is the lie?” Ning Ruoshuang asked similarly.

Anliang responded, “What a lie, it means that you didn’t make much. A Cullinan is definitely affordable.”

“As for the truth, I think it is too depressing to say it.” Anliang grinned.

Ning Ruoshuang was puzzled.

Chen Siyu was also curious, “Uncle, how much did you make?”

Anliang raised three fingers, “Not many, not many, just three!”

Ning Ruoshuang breathed a sigh of relief, “Is it more than 30 million? It’s really a bit of a shock! We dancers can’t make so much money in a lifetime. You only spent three days.”(Read more @

“Oh!” Ning Ruoshuang sighed.

Chen Siyu guessed the real answer, “Three hundred million?”

“Hahaha, my baby is still smart!” Anliang laughed.

“…” Ning Ruoshuang said he was speechless, was it three hundred million?

However, Ning Ruoshuang suddenly remembered that Anliang had said that he had made ten Cullinans two days ago, and it is not surprising that he has earned 300 million now?

It’s just that Ning Ruoshuang hasn’t thought about it!

After all, that is three hundred million!

Three hundred million may not sound like a lot, but in fact, for ordinary people, it is an astronomical figure, and it should be money that ordinary people cannot obtain for a lifetime, or even ten lifetimes.

Assuming that the first prize of the lottery is fixed at 5 million yuan, it will only be 100 million yuan if it is won 20 times in a row.

Three hundred million?

For sixty consecutive days, winning the first prize in the lottery every day can get 300 million in funds.

But Anliang only took three days!

Anliang looked at Ning Ruoshuang, “I’ll just tell it, telling the truth will definitely hurt people.”

Chen Siyu gave Anliang a white glance, “Alright, uncle, hurry up and eat.”

While she was talking, she picked up a piece of cantaloupe and fed it to Anliang.

Anliang ate the cantaloupe first, and lightly bit Chen Siyu’s finger by the way, making Chen Siyu’s face flushed again.

This feeling of being molested by a boyfriend in front of a girlfriend seems to be really exciting!


Brother Liang had experience staying at the door, or that Brother Liang did not close the door.

Chen Siyu came to Anliang’s room again in the middle of the night, and this time she threw herself directly into Anliang’s arms. This imperial girl likes to be the cat in his arms.


Next is the display of professional level!

Neither Anliang nor Chen Siyu, who were fighting at the professional level, found a problem. Brother Liang did not close the door, and Chen Siyu hurried in and did not close the door.

Yunjing International Apartment is indeed an ultra-high-end apartment with a unit price of 100,000 yuan per square meter. It does a very good job in sound insulation, but when the door is open, what sound insulation is there?

If the door is closed, if it is not in the middle of the night, or deliberately listening, it is almost impossible to hear a professional-level battle scene.

But open the door…

Who is to blame?

Ning Ruoshuang in the master bedroom felt that she was too difficult. She could barely hear her last night. She could only hear a little sound intermittently when she was especially listening.

But now I can hear it very clearly!

Especially Chen Siyu’s voice, she heard completely, the voice of losing in the battle of professional level, made Ning Ruoshuang feel the same.

Ning Ruoshuang felt that he had undergone a very obvious change!

This night is too difficult, right?

The next day.

(Qian Lihao)    Seven o’clock in the morning.

Chen Siyu’s alarm clock once again awakened Anliang and Chen Siyu, and she went back to the master bedroom to pretend to sleep again.

After Anliang washed in the guest guard, he found the message sent by Liao Xiaopeng in the temporary working group of the Imperial Capital.

‘Liao Xiaopeng: @ Anliang: Brother Liang, it seems that the investigation class of the Ministry of Neon Economics is eyeing us. Look at this news. ’

Liao Xiaopeng sent the news link to the temporary work group. After Anliang clicked on it, he found that this news was actually in a bilingual version!

That’s right!

This neon news is a bilingual version, not only in neon language, but also in Xia Guoyu. Is this doing something? .

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