Chapter 448

It was close to ten o’clock in the morning.

The group of friends in the imperial capital was resurrected, and a group of night stalls were finally awake.

‘Li Cunyuan: @Everyone: Are you awake, brothers? ’


‘Qian Xiaogang: I just woke up and was still lying down. Seven people came to the circle of friends yesterday. I’m so tired! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’m watching the news. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: [link] “The man behind the abnormal stock price fluctuation of Senior Hall comes from Xia Guo! 》’

‘Li Cunyuan: I was just about to say this. ’

‘Anliang: I am also going to talk about this issue. There is something in this news. Basically, it has reproduced the real situation of the stock price fluctuation of Senior Hall this time. ’

In fact, Zhuge Liang was not difficult afterwards!

Because everything has happened, and the person with the greatest interest has already appeared, based on the reverse derivation of the person with the greatest interest, you can easily find the context of the whole thing.

‘Anliang: Do you have any views on this news? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I think it’s a small problem! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I also think it’s a small problem. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I have known Liao Xiaopeng since I was a child, and he will not betray us. Even if he betrayed us, there is no actual evidence. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Neon’s Ministry of Economy is looking for trouble for us, unless there is evidence to prove that we violated the laws of Neon. Otherwise, they can only apply for assistance in the investigation. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Help with the investigation, hehehe! ’

Anliang understands what Qian Xiaogang meant. If Neon’s Ministry of Economic Affairs does not have real evidence, it is impossible to directly request Xia Guo’s official to initiate an investigation. He can only apply for Xia Guo’s official assistance in the investigation.

As for Xia Guo’s official investigation?

That maneuverable space is too big!

If the subject of investigation is Little Sheep, it must show a friendly image of the neighborhood.

What if the subject of investigation is a male lion?

Drinking tea, reading the newspaper, making a phone call to ask about the situation, should it also be considered an investigation?

Neon’s Ministry of Economics Investigation Department wants Xia Guo official to assist in the investigation. Then contact Anxin Investment Company to ask what is the problem?(Read more @

Just help!

After all, I called and asked, and the other party answered, didn’t it all come to light?

There must be basic trust between people!

‘Li Cunyuan: By the way, Brother Liang, if possible, recently adjusted the wealth management products of Anxin Investment Company. We may be able to pull some investment. ’

‘Anliang: No problem. ’

Anliang understood Li Cunyuan’s meaning in seconds!

‘Anliang: What amount, what rate of return, and how long is the operation time appropriate? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: We will recommend the specific amount at that time. The rate of return, I think 50% is more appropriate, and the operation time can be from one month to three months. ’

With an operating time of one to three months and a mere 50% profit margin, Anliang fully understands what it means.

‘Anliang: Yes! ’

‘Anliang: We can filter out the real and effective operation records here, and no one can pick a thorn! ’

Anxin Investment Company is a genuine investment company. According to the explanation of the Life Winner System, Anxin Investment Company’s annual profit is more than 10%.

The daily investment of Anxin Investment Company is profitable and loses, and the overall trend of profitability is maintained.

Under such circumstances, with the size of an investment company with peace of mind, it is completely possible to screen out stock operations that only make a profit without losing money, and then combine them into so-called wealth management products.

For example, in the A-round operation, if Anxin Investment Company screened two hundred US stocks for investment, one hundred of them made a profit, and one hundred lost, and the total profit was 1%.

It is entirely possible to draw some out of the 100 earned stocks as the so-called base of wealth management products.

If it is one month to three months of operation time, Anxin Investment Company can even invest some loss-making stocks in wealth management products, thus making wealth management products seamless.

After all, every money has a source, which is reasonable, legal and reasonable stock market income. Just like the source of funds for the winner system in life, how can we investigate the problem?

The government also did not stipulate that official staff are not allowed to buy stocks and wealth management products!

‘Li Cunyuan: That’s great! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: The problem this time is definitely a small one. Liang, don’t worry, it’s always only us who squeezed other people’s wool. Can we still make the sheep fail? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Yes, yes, little question! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Shengqing and Tianfu are very familiar in our family. Whether the other party is in Shengqing, Tianfu, or the Imperial Capital, everything will fall into our hands! ’

‘Anliang: I have never worried! You can fight thunder with peace of mind, and how do you guess the other party, how can you analyze the timeline logically and clearly, and what to say about things without evidence? ’

‘Anliang: It’s reasonable. Didn’t you do the testing experiment on An Nai Sun? ’

‘Yun Haiyang:…’

“Qian Xiaogang: …”

‘Li Cunyuan: Although Brother Liang made a lot of sense, I suddenly felt like we were in the wrong place? ’

‘Anliang: Be confident! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The profit of the three small goals, this pot, I’m back! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brothers, I can carry the pot this time. I think they will find trouble in Tianfu with a high probability of 3.2. After all, Anxin Investment Company is in Tianfu…’

‘Li Cunyuan: Steady! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Next, let the ocean brother perform! ’

‘Anliang: Leave the stage to you, let’s dance, boy! ’

‘Anliang: By the way, what did Cullinan say, is there anyone else who wants to make a reservation? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I, I, I! My father’s 70th birthday next year, I will arrange it! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: My money comes upright, and every point can stand the investigation. This time I want to give the old man a long face! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: You all have to do it all, I will do one too! ’

So after earning three small goals, everyone is inflated very much? .

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