Chapter 452

Golden Port Car Park, the open-air parking lot of Rolls Royce 4S shop.

Anliang hugged Ning Ruoshuang in the form of a princess. Faced with Qian Xiaogang’s question, he walked towards the Rolls-Royce 4S store and responded, “Brother Gang, let me introduce to you. This is Ning. Ruoshuang, she is our close friend of Chen Siyu.”

“…” Qian Xiaogang said speechless.

He knew that Ning Ruoshuang was Chen Siyu’s best friend!

But because Ning Ruoshuang is Chen Siyu’s best friend, Anliang-Why hold Ning Ruoshuang?

“No, Brother Liang, I…you know!” Qian Xiaogang asked-I need to understand a little bit.

Anliang laughed, “When you open your mouth, you are filled with the breath of a scumbag!”

? ? ?

Qian Xiaogang has a question mark on his face. Is he a scumbag?

Now it’s Anliang, the best friend of Princess Bie holding his girlfriend, yet there is still a face to say that he is a scumbag?

“I vomited!” Qian Xiaogang looked at Anliang speechlessly.

Anliang quickly explained, starting from Ning Ruoshuang’s left leg ligament strain, and then said that Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s girlfriends are deeply affectionate, and he is responsible for helping to take care of Ning Ruoshuang.

As for Ning Ruoshuang’s situation in school and Ning Ruoshuang’s family situation, Anliang did not say anything about privacy.

Qian Xiaogang was still quite speechless after listening.

There is such a god operation?

“Brother Liang, I take it!” Qian Xiaogang replied.

“Brother Gangzi, have you ever heard a sentence, benevolent see benevolence, wise see wisdom?” Anliang explained.

“Have you heard of it?” Qian Xiaogang asked back.

“Our current situation is like this.” Anliang explained, “In my eyes, I haven’t thought about it too much. I am just helping our close friend Chen Siyu, so I don’t think there is anything wrong with the current situation.”

“But you scumbag must have complicated minds, so when you look at our situation, you think a lot, right?” Anliang said teasingly.

“…” Qian Xiaogang was speechless again.

There is nothing wrong with Anliang’s explanation!(Read more @

Qian Xiaogang suddenly felt that he wanted to study hard with Anliang and strive to be a good man.


I want to be a good man!

Qian Xiaogang suddenly thought of another thing. They are black in the group every day. Anliang is really miserable, but this is really miserable Anliang?

Sure enough, it’s a bit miserable, huh?

“Brother Liang, I will correct my evil and become a good man in the future,” Qian Xiaogang said suddenly.

Anliang laughed, “It’s useless for you to be a good man. You still need a reasonable girlfriend like our Chen Siyu. I said in the group before that our Chen Siyu is reasonable and you don’t have to worry about exposure.”

Qian Xiaogang is completely autistic!

When Anliang walked into the Rolls-Royce 4S store holding Ning Ruoshuang, Yun Haiyang and Li Cunyuan also looked over. Their expressions were also dumbfounded. They first looked at Anliang, who was holding Ning Ruoshuang, and then again. After looking at Chen Siyu next to Anliang, they looked at each other.

“Brother Yuan, I didn’t dream?” Yun Haiyang asked.

Li Cunyuan replied helplessly, “I think I am also dreaming!”

“Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, let me introduce you to Ning Ruoshuang. She is our best friend Chen Siyu.” Anliang quickly explained the situation.

Hu Xiaoyu and Miao Xueyi first looked at Ning Ruoshuang, and then at Chen Siyu together.

Hu Xiaoyu even walked directly to Chen Siyu’s side, and she asked in a low voice, “Sister Siyu, what’s the situation, don’t you mind?”

· ······Find flowers··········

“I believe in Brother Liang, and I also believe in Shuangshuang.” Chen Siyu responded.

“But…” Hu Xiaoyu didn’t know what to say, she didn’t seem to have a stand to teach Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu smiled and said, “An La An La, I really believe them.”

Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang silently gave Anliang a thumbs-up. They had the same thoughts as Qian Xiaogang. Is this an Anliang miserable?

If it is such a miserable situation, they expressed their hope that it would be miserable too!

“Have you chosen first?” Anliang put Ning Ruoshuang on the sofa.

Ning Ruoshuang sat on the sofa and observed the situation in the Rolls-Royce 4S store. If Anliang hadn’t brought her in, she would never have come in, right?

0 ……… …….

After all, it is a Rolls-Royce 4S shop!

“No!” Hu Xiaoyu interrupted, she asked, “Brother Anliang, you really made a lot of money?”

Anliang smiled and responded, “You ask Brother Haiyang, he knows the answer.”

Hu Xiaoyu looked at Yun Haiyang, “Yun Haiyang, I will give you one last chance, do you continue to be an old pick? If so, don’t blame me!”

Yun Haiyang hummed, “Why should I buy you a Porsche Cayenne? Come on, I don’t blame you, what are you going to do?”

“Sure enough, men are forgetful!” Hu Xiaoyu snorted, “When we were in junior high school…”

Yun Haiyang interrupted her, “Isn’t it, eldest sister, you want to say that I borrowed you 100 yuan in junior high school and haven’t paid it back for a year?”

This matter, Hu Xiaoyu did say many times.

“No!” Hu Xiaoyu stared at Yun Haiyang, “What I want to say is, when you were in junior high school, you secretly sent me a love letter!”

? ? ?

Everyone looked at Yunhaiyang, but there is such a thing? Million.

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