Chapter 463

This little fox is really too sensible!

Doesn’t she know that she is easy to be wronged if she is too sensible?

Only a crying child has candy to eat!

Because of grievances, it is always reserved for sensible people.

‘Ding! ’

‘Special task: In view of Yang Maoyi’s consideration for the host, please bring the host to the demon and revenge! ’

‘Task reward: Every time the host dances with the demon-dropping stick method, he will receive a reward of 2 million tiger teeth. ’

‘The host, please work hard to help the righteous way! ’

This system is worthy of being a system with the prefix of ‘Life Winner’, it is really no problem with the winner of life!

“Little vixen, do you listen to me?” Anliang asked.

“Yeah, I listen to the king!” Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively.

Anliang found an emergency lane to park, “Next you drive, I will use your mobile phone to broadcast live for a while.”

Yang Maoyi guessed Anliang’s intentions, but she also handed the phone to Anliang well, “Majesty, my password has not changed.”

Anliang naturally remembers the password. Yang Maoyi’s mobile phone password is very simple: 141242, the meaning of this password: ‘one is one, two is two’.

The two exchanged positions and Yang Maoyi drove the car. Anliang unlocked Yang Maoyi’s mobile phone. He turned on the Hutooth platform and then blocked the front camera before turning on the live broadcast, so as to avoid the front camera from shooting him.

When the broadcast started, Anliang adjusted to the rear camera and pointed the lens at Yang Maoyi.

“Hello, is there anyone?” Anliang said.

There were only a few people in the live room.

‘Fuck! ! ! ’

“This voice…”

‘That man is back? ’

‘Only I noticed that he was in the co-pilot. Is Miss Fox driving? ’

‘A new audience ahead? ’

‘As everyone knows, there is no vixen anymore, she has been taken in by her beloved brother. ’

‘Recently, the live broadcast of the anchor has decreased a lot, understand? ’

‘Onlookers are super king. ’(Read more @

Anliang looked at the barrage and said casually, “Does anyone remember my voice? It’s a bit scary`‖!

‘Hahahaha! ’

‘Who can’t remember such a special voice from the beloved super king? ’

[Old story] Send out “Treasure Map”*1

‘Old thing: Damn it! Excuse me, is my eldest brother? ’

Anliang saw the treasure map sent by the emperor of Jiushi, and he responded, “Thank you for the treasure map sent by the emperor of Jiushi. Welcome to the live broadcast room.”

‘Old story: This treasure map has a card face! The boss of the super god emperor thanks for a treasure map, which must have a card face! ’

Anliang looked at the emperor’s barrage, and he responded with a smile, “Don’t mess with the old brother, I’ll just come up to see how the lottery was cheated, it seems a bit exciting?”

‘Old things: Hahahaha, there is something inside, my beloved brother is doing things? ’

Anliang replied, “It’s impossible to do things! I really came up to take a look! The main thing is to see if our little fox has been bullied.”

‘Old thing: vomit! ’

‘Old things: official announcement? ’

‘Old story: It doesn’t seem to matter whether official announcements or official announcements are not important? ’

‘Old story: Who dares to bully your big sister fox now? ’

‘Old story: Can you hide a sister on Huto’s platform? ’

Anliang looked at the message sent by the emperor of the old things, he laughed, “Is it still a hidden sister?”

“By the way, let’s say one thing, tomorrow weekend PK battle, I will take the little fox to the king, by the way, draw a lottery at the same time, the first prize is 1 million cash!” Anliang explained.

‘Old things: My beloved brother is really messing up! ’

‘Yangzi: I heard about the lottery, so I came in! ’

‘Reading poems: Is it the kind of lucky draw that runs off the road? ’

‘Aries: If I don’t run away, I won’t participate! ’

Anliang responded, “If Brother Nianshi and Brother Aries are drawn, I will definitely run away!”

‘Read the poem: Don’t don’t! I am going to make a fortune and look at this wave! ’

‘Aries: I beg my beloved brother to give me a way to survive. ’

‘Old story: Waiting to win the prize! ’

‘Old story: If I win a million, I’ll pay back and I’ll sell my account and withdraw from the internet! ’

Anliang glanced at the VIP seats. He only started broadcasting for less than ten minutes, and did not renew fees or brush gifts to increase popularity. Actually, the number of VIP seats broke 10,000?

So how popular is the super god Emperor of “The Return of the Beloved”?

Looks more popular than Yang Maoyi!

“. “If Older Brother quits the Internet, I believe Mo Xin will definitely find our little fox to settle the bill, so I think Older Brother will definitely not win the prize.” Anliang said jokingly.

“Let’s talk about the lottery. What can be determined now is that at 8 o’clock tomorrow night, when the weekend PK game starts, the lottery will start simultaneously.” Anliang warmed up the draw.

“The prize that can be determined at the moment is a first-class prize of one million. For the following prizes, I have to discuss with the little fox (Qian Nuo Zhao), and she will make a decision. Do you understand, don’t you hurry up to please her?” Anliang Said jokingly.

“Finally, let me talk about the issue you are most concerned about. This time the lottery, we also use face value gifts, we also postpone the prizes, and arrange the running package!” Anliang said jokingly.

‘Old thing: Summon Superman! There is an anchor from the underworld, please block him! ’

‘Super Pipe Number: I dare not seal it! country’

‘Old story: Is there really a super-management? ’

‘Superman’s number: The junior manager shivered, begging the boss to show his face. ’

The barrage suddenly ridiculed.

‘This superman is so humble! ’

‘The Super God Emperor really has a card! ’

‘After all, he’s a real boss! ’

‘Wait for the Super God Emperor to arrange! ’.

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