Chapter 471

It’s seven forty in the evening.

Anliang was adjusting the camera. He pointed the camera at the book he bought in the afternoon “How to be successful?” “.

But Anliang made a girdle with roll paper very spoofly, and written on it in bold with a black pen: ‘how to please the rich woman? ’

So how to succeed?

Of course it is to please the rich woman?

Anliang tested the situation of the camera. He had already faced the camera in the direction of the wall and shot at a fixed angle “How to succeed?” “This book.

“Get it done!” After a simple test, Anliang was sure to be foolproof.

After all, the danger premonition ability provided by the winner of life does not send out a premonition of danger.

At 7:45, Anliang started the live broadcast with the assistance of Yang Maoyi. He clicked on the “Start Broadcast Reminder”, which was equivalent to sending a notification to every user who followed Yang Maoyi.

19 Yang Maoyi’s attention is very high, with more than 4 million. If calculated according to the attention, Yang Maoyi is also an absolute big anchor.

But most of the viewers who follow Yang Maoyi are actually fans of Anliang.

If it was Yang Maoyi’s gourmet restaurant that sent the’starting reminder’, these fans would simply ignore it, but today is different. Live broadcast news events, various Hutooth fan groups, and even other live broadcast rooms are all discussing Anliang today. The lottery thing.

So when the start-up reminder was sent out, the VIP seats in Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast room were completely surging.

Usually when Yang Maoyi explores the restaurant, the VIP seats are basically a thousand people, but now the broadcast reminder has just been sent out, the number of VIP seats has directly exceeded 100,000.

Yang Maoyi naturally saw this situation, and she was sitting next to Anliang!

“Wow, these people are too much. When I was broadcasting, none of them came!” Yang Maoyi was really envious. The number of VIP seats has risen to 170,000, and it is still increasing by a few thousand per second.

“You don’t understand, right?” Anliang said solemnly, “As everyone knows, I am the big anchor of the Huya platform!”

The barrage in the live broadcast room broke out one after another.

‘There’s nothing wrong with the big anchor! ’

‘Where’s the main anchor? ’(Read more @

‘How to please the rich woman? ’

‘I suspect this person is deliberately engaging in a mentality! ’

‘in? Successfully learn live broadcast? Monthly income in millions? ’

‘Brother upstairs, the monthly income is too little. It should be one million every day. Please understand? ’

‘Is this a lottery live broadcast room? ’

Anliang randomly checked the barrage, and he responded, “The theme of today’s live broadcast is to teach you how to win the favor of rich women and reach the pinnacle of life.”

‘coach! Taught me! ’

‘Start taking notes in silence! ’

‘May I learn how to assign rich women? ’

‘Thanks for the invitation! There are many rich women in Baima, welcome to join! ’

‘I have no chance for a straight guy like me. The rich women belong to you. I just want to get one million today! ’

‘The one upstairs is dreaming? ’

‘I’ve recharged a hundred yuan, and after four hours, I will generate 10,000 times the profit! ’

Anliang ignored the barrage. He was participating in the weekend PK battle. Although the weekend PK battle did not even trigger the task of the life winner system, he was idle anyway. During the lottery, what’s wrong with winning a Zhouxing champion by the way?

Of course there is nothing wrong with it!

In fact, after Anliang’s announcement yesterday, most of the anchors on the Huya platform have already wailed. Every time Anliang participated in a PK event, which one did not Yang Maoyi get the first place?

After Anliang completed the weekend PK registration, he glanced at the time. It is now 7:55. After a while at 8 o’clock, Huya platform officials will automatically randomly match the opponents in the weekend PK battle.

“Please note that the lottery starts at 8 o’clock on time. Each round of lottery draws is one hour. Those who win the lottery will directly reply to the receiving account number in the winning message. In theory, payment insurance and WeChat take priority. , Please provide the account number of Gongshang Bank.” Anliang explained.

“Because I am an account with China Commercial Bank. If you have another bank account, please wait patiently for 24 hours before the account arrives. Don’t keep asking the host if there is any reward, whether the host will black the reward, and the host will not. Will go off the road, and if you ask anything like this, it’s troublesome to supercharge your title.” Anliang explained.

At the next moment, a 560 barrage appeared in the center and on the top.

‘Chaoguan No. 008: Okay, Chaohuang boss, I have received it. ’

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly broke out.

‘Fuck! Too much card face, right? ’

‘This… is called a super tube and there is a super tube reply? ’

‘You deserve to be a real boss! ’

‘Shivering! WeChat Pay and WeChat are ready, the only thing missing is winning. ’

Seeing the emergence of the super tube, Anliang didn’t have too many accidents. He set up the lottery information, mainly to avoid the ears of the Hutooth platform, and set the prize as “Everyone Loves Little Red Paper”.

There are only two prizes in this round of lottery, one is awarded with 2500 cute little red papers, and twenty-five 100 cute little red papers will be rewarded.

The 2500 small red pieces of paper rewarded by Everyone’s Love, only need a gift of RMB yuan to participate in the drawing.

Another bonus option is reduced to the level of 1 yuan to participate.

Small profits but quick turnover!

Anyway, one person can repeat the lottery draw multiple times, and it is not that one person restricts one lottery draw. .

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