Chapter 478

The male anchor Da Meng comes from the Zhuang Zhou Guild. He is the top male anchor on Huto’s platform. Fans follow more than 5 million and the average monthly gift flow also exceeds 5 million.

Dameng’s live broadcast style is relatively sharp. It often talks about some gossips in the live broadcast circle, which has won the likes of a considerable number of viewers, especially some viewers who like gossip, and they like Dameng’s live broadcast.

This time, Anliang and Yang Maoyi’s lottery draw was very hot, and Da Meng discovered some of the clues, so he was ready to catch up on the heat.

“Under normal circumstances, for the anchors signed by the guild, the gift share is only 30% to 35%.” Dameng said again about the internal information of the anchor circle.

“After this comparison, everyone should know what high level 45% is?” Dameng was sour again.

“If you divide the contract according to this contract, plus a 20% tax rate, let’s first calculate how much money the hidden sister can get if the super god emperor directly rewards 4 million.- “Da Meng analyzed.

“We calculated the additional 10% golden bean coupons given by the Super God Emperor, and 4 million recharges turned into 4.4 million golden bean coupons. The final after-tax income was 1.584 million yuan!” Da Meng listed this number and displayed it on the screen. display.

“My fans sent a screenshot of the data from the hidden Yijie live broadcast room. According to the data released by the other party, the other party won 6,629,967 yuan in gift flow with a 4 million lottery.” Dameng accurately stated the data, obviously prepared. Come.

“It can be seen from the total flow of gifts that it has exceeded 4 million or 4.4 million, and the after-tax income will inevitably exceed 1.584 million.” Dameng carried out the concept of stealing.

“I simply calculated it. With the total turnover of this gift, the hidden sister’s after-tax income is 2,788.12 yuan, which is equivalent to an extra 802,788.12 yuan, which is more than 800,000 yuan! “Da Meng secretly changed the concept again.

“After this calculation, family members, do you still think that Hidden One Sister has lost?” Dameng asked strangely.

In Dameng’s live broadcast room, a large group of viewers sent barrage.

‘**! ’

‘I said, how could she have lost? ’

‘Anyone who is an anchor can still lose money? ’

‘I didn’t believe that the other party was losing money before, but it turned out to be the case! ’(Read more @

‘I vomited! I believed it before! ’

“Too insidious, right? ’

‘I was cut the leek again. I just invested two hundred yuan in the lottery over there. After all, I thought the other party was at a loss, so I became a leek again! ’

‘I’m leeks too! ’

‘Silently cancel the other party’s attention, and pull the other party into the blacklist in my heart! ’

‘Isn’t it? A famous super king, a popular anchor, did such a thing? ’

As the saying goes, what kind of anchor there is, there is what kind of audience.

Under the circumstance that the anchor of the Big Dream secretly changed the concept, it caused a large group of viewers to second it. It was an incredible feeling.

After being informed of the old incident by a friend, he came to the live broadcast room of Dameng, and heard the second half of the content, he sent a barrage message.

‘Old story: Big Dream, you are also a major anchor, why did you suddenly go to the underworld? ’

The old account is the emperor, and his speech is directly at the top of the rhythm, and ordinary room management can not mute, only the super administrator of the Huya platform can mute.

· ········· Ask for flowers· ·

As for the administrator of the guild?

Go to sleep!

Emperor Dad is so powerful!

Because he could not mute the emperor, and add the message of the god emperor to the top, he could not pretend to be blind, and could only line up with the emperor’s father.

“It turned out to be the emperor who won the lottery!” When Da Meng spoke, it was the Onmyoji mode.

Old Meng did win the lottery, but Da Meng felt like he was operating in a dark box.

“Excuse me, the emperor, is what I just said wrong?” Da Meng asked.

……. …….

But Da Meng didn’t have time to talk about the old things at all. After all, the old things were sent by typing, and he directly spoke at the rhythm.

“These data are all the data from the other party’s live broadcast room. I didn’t falsify the data. Didn’t the other party earn more?” Da Meng asked.

The audience in the live broadcast room also sent messages one after another.

‘There’s nothing wrong with big dreams! ’

‘I was in the live broadcast room next door, and I can guarantee that there is no problem with the data of Big Dream, and the host on the other side will make these data completely public. ’

‘Same on the other side, same guarantee! ’

“The emperor, you can’t talk to the other party just because you have won a million?” Da Meng continued, “We who have no stakeholders, can’t we analyze from a neutral perspective?”

“I didn’t want to say it, but fans always said that the other host was too pitiful, and the raffle was at a loss. The host ran away before the heartache. In order to curb such unhealthy trends, I stood up and exposed the truth.” Dameng Yoshihide He spoke in words, as if he was really a messenger of justice. B.

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