Chapter 480

The problem is actually very simple!

Anliang took out a four million lottery with real money. From Anliang’s point of view, he lost four million in blood.

Yang Maoyi has been blocking Anliang from spending on the Huya platform because she also feels that this is a disadvantage.

After all, the Hutooth platform directly drew 55% of the gift flow, which is indeed a very loss!

As for the life winner system, it is Anliang’s own business, and other people don’t know the existence of the life winner system.

What happened this time was analyzed from a neutral perspective. Did Anliang and Yang Maoyi suffer?

Unless an onmyoji anchor like Dameng, it is impossible to think that Anliang and Yang Maoyi have not suffered.

The editors of live news events can’t help but pull sideways. Can’t it prove the problem?

The yin and yang of the big dream Anliang’s affairs have made a lot of noise in the live broadcast circle. In the live broadcast of the big dream, a considerable number of people actually believed in the analysis of the big dream.

It can only be said that when the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds!

Otherwise, why are there such a series of words as ‘silly beep’, ‘idiot’, ‘idiot’, ‘mentally handicapped’, ‘brain disabled’ and so on?

If such a person does not exist, such a vocabulary cannot appear, right?

The next day.

At 7 o’clock in the morning, Anliang woke up, and Yang Maoyi was pretending to sleep.

Looking at the little vixen pretending to be asleep, the Super God Emperor expressed his intention to attack!

Approaching eight o’clock, An Daochang, who was transformed into a righteous giant, suppressed the fox demon.

After the two of them had a simple wash, Yang Maoyi spoke first, “Majesty, our yesterday’s lottery was criticized by yin and yang. The other party is the top male anchor on the Huya platform.”

“Huh?” Anliang was stunned for a moment, “What did the other party say?”

Yang Maoyi took her cell phone directly, and she clicked on a small video, which was sent to her by Mo Xin.

Anliang checked it and found that this video was a big dream analysis of whether Anliang and Yang Maoyi’s lottery were earned or lost.(Read more @

When Anliang watched the small video, he suddenly laughed, “This man is really a math genius, I almost believed his statement.”

“Humph!” Yang Maoyi snorted softly, “Majesty, isn’t this conclusion your own?”


This conclusion is really Anliang’s own!

In the early morning, Anliang analyzed Yang Maoyi in this way, saying how much money Yang Maoyi can get for the four million turnover. Now that the lottery is going to get a total of more than six million turnover, how much can Yang Maoyi get? .

Didn’t expect other people to attack them with this theory?

Yang Maoyi clicked on the news information of the live news event for Anliang to view.

After Anliang read it, he laughed, “This editor is good, I want to add a chicken drumstick to him, this analysis is not wrong, any primary school student with IQ can come up with an answer, the other party can actually be yin and yang strange.”

Yang Maoyi explained on the side, “We Xiao Jimei have analyzed it, and that big dream should think that you are a threat.”

“Huh?” Anliang was puzzled.

“He should be worried that you will change your career as an anchor, thereby threatening his status.” Yang Maoyi explained, “You were so popular when you broadcast yesterday. With more than one million VIP seats, the audience of other anchors has dropped a lot Intercept, this situation really worries other anchors.”

“Especially those top male anchors, they are more worried about you changing to be an anchor, once you switch in, their status will be threatened.” Yang Maoyi added, “There was a situation like this before, a rich second generation from Xijiang joined the live broadcast The industry, stirring up the wind and rain in the live broadcast industry has caused a lot of headaches for many male anchors.”

Anliang almost laughed!

He changed career to be a male anchor?

May I make one million a month?

What if you can make a million?

It took Liang Ge three days to collect 300 million profits from the neon stock market. If live broadcast earns 1 million a month, it will take 300 months to earn 300 million.

Twenty-five years?

Ha ha!

Brother Liang is unable to complain!

Ignorance limits the vision of that big dream anchor!

From another perspective, in the eyes of Dameng, Anliang really looks like the kind of guy who wants to enter the live broadcast field, because Anliang hardly supports other anchors except Yang Maoyi.

Even if you support other anchors, it’s just a courtesy.

According to Big Dream’s calculations, although Anliang gave Yang Maoyi a lot of money, if Anliang and Yang Maoyi are in the same group, Anliang’s loss is completely within an acceptable range.

After all, Anliang has gained a lot of popularity with Yang Maoyi. Once he announces his entry into the live broadcast industry, I am afraid that he will directly be among the top male anchors, right?

Under such circumstances, wouldn’t the original interest groups be threatened?

So Big Dream is not stupid, how can he not analyze that Anliang and Yang Maoyi’s live lottery draw is a loss?

He just pours dirty water through such topics!

Even if the logic of this topic is very poor, he presupposes the foreshadowing.

Once Anliang really wants to be an anchor in the future, he can use this thing to make Yin Yang strange and prevent Anliang from becoming a top male anchor. .

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