Chapter 489

In the face of Limbo’s waiting for work and let Anliang propose a proportionate matter, how can Anliang be polite?

Anliang directly opened his mouth to reply to the message, ‘All gifts are divided into ninety-ones, we are nine, you are one! ’

‘Limbo: That’s impossible! ’

‘Lin Bo: The beloved is super emperor, you are always giving gifts for renewal. On our Hutooth platform, the emperor and the swordsman will give you 10% of the renewal fees, and the nobles of other levels will also give golden bean coupons. If you divide it according to nine-one, your ratio is too high! ’

According to the 10% of the gift of the emperor and the swordsman, that is 99% of Yang Maoyi’s share?

Such a division will definitely not be accepted by the Hutooth platform!

Of course, Anliang also deliberately opened his mouth.

‘Limbo: We can accept all gifts in six or four, you six, we four. ’


Yang Maoyi’s current share ratio is 45%, which means that the pace has been directly increased by 15%, which is equivalent to an increase of one-third.

But Anliang was not satisfied. He replied, ‘this share ratio is a bit bad, I step back and divide it into eighty-two! ’

As for who is eight and who is two, I still need to say?

If it is divided into 82%, the rewards given to Yang Maoyi by Anliang will increase to a height of 88%, which is almost doubled compared to the current 45%.

‘Limbo: Please wait a moment and discuss it internally in our company. ’

Anliang is very well-known on the Huto platform, especially this time it broke the total daily gift flow of the Huto platform, and it made the book data of the Huto platform look good.

After all, Anliang’s rewards are genuine rewards, and this answer sheet will not be attacked by anyone.

If you are rewarding with an account operated by yourself?

As long as Huya dares to publicize, I am afraid that people will be hammered out of the dog’s mind!

The times have changed. In this era, the live broadcast platform falsely promotes that 7 billion people watch the live broadcast, which is definitely a manifestation of mental retardation.

In the recent period, the appearance of Anliang has brought considerable benefits to the Huya platform, such as attracting more new users and creating more topicality.

The most important thing is to increase user activity!

Whenever Anliang appears, the number of online users on the Huya platform will increase considerably.(Read more @

It is precisely because of this that Huya Platform carefully considered Anliang’s requirements.

If it is an ordinary user?

Go to sleep!

Isn’t it good to be the boss of the Huya platform in your dream?

In less than five minutes, Limbaugh responded again.

‘Limbo: Hello, my beloved is super king. We re-negotiated a sharing clause. ’

‘Limbo: If it’s the [Return of My Beloved] account giving a reward to the [No Vixen] account, we will accept a 82% split. ’

‘Limbo: But if other users give [there are no more vixens], we only accept a six-four share. ’

This share clause is already quite good!

After all, Yang Maoyi, except for Anliang, a source of large rewards, has few other rewards, okay?

‘Anliang: Add one more item. If we do a lottery, the gift will also be divided into 80%. ’

If in the last lottery draw, Yang Maoyi’s share ratio could reach 82%, she would be able to make money at a pace.

‘Limbo: Wait a minute, we need to discuss. ’

‘Anliang: No problem. ’

This time, the Huya platform negotiated faster. After more than a minute, Limbo replied to the message.

‘Limbo: If you use the [no vixen] account to draw a lottery, we accept a split of seven to three. ’

‘Limbo: The beloved is super emperor, this share ratio is already very sincere, I believe you can calculate it. ’

Anliang used his mobile phone to make a quick calculation. Even if it is a seven-three-open, according to this proportion, yesterday’s lottery will only lose less than 300,000.

If the warm-up time of the lottery is longer and it is put in the daytime, it will basically make money!

‘Anliang: No problem! ’

‘Limbo: Let’s add one more situation. This share ratio will be implemented from tomorrow. ’

Anliang doesn’t mind, Hutooth has taken a step back, and he doesn’t need to be aggressive anymore.

‘Anliang: Yes! ’

‘Limbo: Thank you for your understanding, we will re-sign the new contract with anchor Yang Maoyi. ’

‘An Liang: OK. ’

‘Limbo: Don’t disturb the two super kings to rest, I wish you a happy life. ’

‘Anliang: [Handshake]’

‘Limbo: [Handshake]’

After Anliang and Limbo finished the exchange, he told Yang Maoyi the result.

Yang Maoyi immediately got up, put on her pajamas, and went to the live broadcast room. Then she opened the Excel spreadsheet on the computer and added the new split plan to the Excel spreadsheet for calculation.

“Wow! King, come and see!” Yang Maoyi summoned Anliang.

Anliang walked over and said, “What are you looking at?”

“My lord, if it’s a new share plan, when we next draw, if we promote a little more time and choose a holiday afternoon, we will definitely make a profit.” Little Fox Jing explained.

Anliang laughed, this little vixen is too lucky, right?

In the past, Anliang was not allowed to consume on the Huya platform. Now that he sees the hope of profit, he decisively calls Anliang?


Author Jun: Curious, how many people thought that Brother Liang would do this? .

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