Chapter 511

Cultural Street, the old story Boboji.

Anliang picked up a piece of chicken gizzard and fed it into his mouth to chew. This piece of chicken gizzard was soft and waxy, had a marinated fragrance, and also had the spicy flavor of bobo chicken. It seemed that it was marinated first and then soaked in the bobo chicken spicy condiment?

Generally, the chicken gizzards in Bobo Chicken shops are just boiled and soaked in spicy condiments to absorb the flavor of the spicy condiments.

‘Ding! ’

‘The host experienced the enjoyment of the taste buds and won a random lucky draw package. ’

Worthy of being an old store!

Anliang directly chose to open the random lucky draw package.

‘Congratulations to the host for getting a primary shopping cashback card. ’

Recently, this reward has been a lot!

Is it because Anliang said that he liked this reward before, and the life winner system adjusted the reward plan?

Anliang glanced at the item reserve in the Life Winner System. Among them, there are four primary shopping cashback cards, three of which are full five-time consumption cashback, and the other one only has the last cash-back consumption, which means a total of 16 Cashback for primary purchases.

“It’s delicious!” Anliang commented, “Did their chicken gizzards be marinated first?”

“You actually ate it!” Xia Ruyi responded.

Isn’t it right to eat such an obvious taste?

“Many of their food is marinated first and then soaked in spicy condiments, so the taste has always been great.” Xia Hexin added.

Anliang tasted them one by one. As Xia Hexin said, many of the ingredients at the Old Story Bobo Chicken Restaurant are marinated and then soaked in spicy condiments, including lotus root slices, potato slices, and vegetarian dishes such as dried tofu and bamboo shoots. Actually, the spicy condiment is soaked after the marinade.

After more than an hour, Anliang finally put down his chopsticks, he sighed, “It really tastes very good!”

“You like it!” Xia Ruyi responded, “By the way, have you eaten well?”

Anliang nodded, “Well, after this meal, I thought about the rhythm of running five laps in the playground at night.”

“As far as you eat the most, none of the four of us eats as much as you alone.” Xia Ruyi hummed, and she greeted, “Uncle Zhou, pay the bill.”

A middle-aged man with gray hair came over. He glanced at Anliang before responding, “Xia Xia, you were originally 527 yuan, so you can just give 500 yuan.”

The per capita of Boboji actually reached 100 yuan!(Read more @

But this taste is totally worthy of the price!

Of course, the biggest problem is that Anliang has eaten too much. If there are only four girls, I am afraid that he can eat two hundred yuan, is it still a big problem?

If Anliang’s thoughts were known to the four girls, they would definitely laugh wildly!

Because they were all reserved just now!

Especially Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, the two of them basically didn’t eat much. They were pretending to be the rhythm in front of Anliang. Otherwise, what would it be like to eat and drink in front of Anliang?

Anliang did not rush to pay the bill. According to his judgment, the two sisters Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi should be a middle-class family, and they belong to the rhythm of eating and drinking.

After all, when they met them for the first time, they were self-help at Sihaijia, and college students with poor conditions would really not go to Sihaijia for self-help.

Besides, you don’t have to rush to pay for your sisters.

Rushing to pay for everything, on the contrary, it is easy to develop a situation that is taken for granted.

After Xia Ruyi made the payment, Anliang asked, “Are you going to have anything this afternoon?”

Xia Ruyi responded negatively, “We have nothing to do.”

“All right!” Anliang replied, “Then I will send you back!”

? ? ?

All four girls said that they have a lot of question marks…

Xia Ruyi said nothing happened, right?

Obviously nothing happened, Anliang sent them back?

In such a situation, shouldn’t you find a cafe to sit in?

Watch a movie or something by the way?

Go back to invite them to dinner at night?

So as to further deepen the relationship between the two parties?

“I am ready to study in the afternoon. At the end of the 24th semester of our college, I missed a lot of classes before. Recently, I have tried to make up for it so that I don’t have an ugly face.” Anliang added.

How could Brother Liang didn’t understand the tricks of making up sisters?

The Bobo Chicken at noon was treated by Xia Ruyi. According to the truth, he should indeed take Xia Ruyi to a cafe or something, and then arrange dinner to win Xia Ruyi’s favor.

But now there are four girls!

In this case, is it okay to get twice the result with half the effort?

If there is only Xia Ruyi or Xia Hexin, or there are only twin sisters, Anliang must have arranged this way, especially when watching movies or something, he can deliberately sit in the middle position.

Then hold hands tentatively one left and the other right?

Anliang would like to know how the twin sisters reacted under such circumstances.

The twins are rumored to be telepathic, right?

Under such circumstances, are they telepathic?

It’s a pity that Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo are here now, so Anliang naturally said that he would study hard.

Anyway, he really wants to study hard!

The life winner system has arranged a temporary buff of [Quick and Forced Memory], is it possible that Brother Liang can still mess up the exam? .

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