Chapter 519

IFC, underground parking garage.

Xia Ruyi found two of Anliang’s supercars. She felt a sudden realization. No wonder Anliang bought another Lamborghini Urus, because can the Lamborghini Urus sit on four young ladies?

“The red one is Ferrari Pista, which is worth more than six million.” Jiang Zhaocong showed his knowledgeable introduction. “The sky blue one is the Porsche 911 TurboS, which is about three million.”

“It can be seen from the license plate that the two cars should belong to the same owner. This level of car is basically not born and it is difficult to own in this lifetime.” Jiang Zhaocong said with a sigh.

Anliang suddenly felt a little regretful. When he came out, why didn’t he bring out the keys of the two cars?

Xia Ruyi obviously thought of the same thing, she leaned close to Anliang again, took Anliang’s arm, and raised her eyebrows at Anliang.

Anliang443 lowered his voice, “No key.”

Yang Yingying looked at Ferrari Pista and Porsche 911 TurboS enviously, she sighed a little, “This kind of sports car is really beautiful!”

Jiang Zhaocong responded, “I will work hard in the future and strive for a few years to buy you a Porsche 718!”

Yang Yingying immediately took Jiang Zhaocong’s arm, “Thank you Brother Cong!”

“Yes, you are my girlfriend and I will treat you well.” When Jiang Zhaocong was speaking, he silently observed the expressions of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

However, neither Xia Ruyi nor Xia Hexin paid attention to what Jiang Zhaocong said. They were far more mature than Yang Yingying in terms of human relationships and sophistication.

The two sisters of the Xia family knew very well not to listen to what the man said, but to see what the man did.

What’s the point of speaking nicely?

Just say nothing?

Like Jiang Zhaocong’s empty check, how could the two sisters of the Xia family have the so-called ‘envious’?

Jiang Zhaocong looked at the two sisters of the Xia family without any reaction at all. He felt a little lost, and then led the way to the elevator. He familiarly led everyone to the Gucci store.

As soon as Anliang walked into the store, he found a problem. Lili, the clerk of the Gucci store, was walking over. She obviously recognized Anliang.(Read more @

‘Fuck! Anliang ignored this detail!

He looked at Lili and frowned slightly, which prevented Lili from saying hello.

Lili has a very high level of observing words and colors. She did see Anliang, but she saw Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin. The last time Anliang brought over was a little fox.

In such a situation, Lili is a rhythm that can be understood in seconds!

Lili did not say hello to Anliang, she greeted Yang Yingying, “Hello, welcome to Gucci, what do I need to see?”

Yang Yingying replied quietly, “I want to see your latest underarm bag.”

The reason for the secret coolness is that she feels that the clerk is looking for her as soon as possible, rather than looking for Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, which shows that she seems to have more potential purchasing power than the two sisters in the Xia family?

So what’s the use of being beautiful?

She Yang Yingying lives beautifully!

“Sorry, the underarm bag is temporarily out of stock. The underarm bag is too popular recently. Welcome to take a look at our other styles of bags.” Lili apologized.

Anliang took the two sisters of the Xia family to browse the Gucci store casually. Yang Yingying watched Anliang wearing a “cottage” Gucci but unconsciously, she even felt that she was embarrassed by the rhythm.

“My dear, there is no underarm bag I want, let’s go and have a look next door!” Yang Yingying pressed Jiang Zhaocong’s arm.

Jiang Zhaocong considered it for a while before nodding, “Let’s go, let’s go to Louis Vuitton next door.”

After speaking, he greeted, “Student An, let’s go and have a look next door.”

“Okay.” Anliang responded.

Yang Yingying and Jiang Zhaocong walked in front, Anliang and Xia’s sisters walked behind, and the five entered the Louis Vuitton store one after another.

Overall, the price of Louis Vuitton is a bit higher than that of Gucci.

When Anliang walked into Louis Vuitton, he still hinted to the clerk Xiao Tang as before.

Similar to Anliang’s situation where the same male customer brings different female customers to the store, it is not a miraculous and rare thing in a luxury brand store. Xiao Tang naturally understands what Anliang means.

rest assured!

The clerks in high-end stores are basically professional.

Yang Yingying spent a while in Louis Vuitton. She chose the MURIA series handbags that Anliang gave to Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian in the Imperial Capital.

Is this an accidental fate?

The handbags in this series are all priced at 31,500 yuan!

Gucci’s underarm bag is only 18,000 yuan, okay?

From a budget of less than 20,000 yuan to more than 30,000 yuan, Jiang Zhaocong is also secretly hurting the rhythm.

Although Jiang Zhaocong’s annual salary is indeed five to six hundred thousand, he was only promoted this year. The Mercedes-Benz E-Class he bought is also the minimum configuration and is still a mortgage loan.

As for the house?


Jiang Zhaocong didn’t buy it either!

So in the face of more than 30,000 Louis Vuitton handbags, Jiang Zhaocong still hesitated. After all, it is really expensive, right? .

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