Chapter 523

In the Louis Vuitton store, Yang Yingying’s mentality collapsed a bit!

Obviously this shouldn’t be the case today, okay?

Today’s script is supposed to show her Yang Yingying with her well-qualified career elite boyfriend in front of two beautiful cousins, so that the two cousins ​​know that it is better to be beautiful than to live beautifully.

Yang Yingying doesn’t like two cousins!

Especially after the two cousins ​​went to high school, she disliked the two cousins ​​more and more, because the two cousins ​​were more beautiful than her, so that Yang Yingying always wanted to show off in front of the two cousins.

This time Yang Yingying changed a boyfriend who was an elite in the workplace. She wanted to show off to her two cousins ​​the first time. She originally thought that the two cousins ​​would refuse her shopping invitation, but who knew that the two cousins ​​agreed?

What is even more troublesome is the current situation. She was originally jealous that her two cousins ​​were more beautiful than her, but now Louis Vuitton is giving away bags because the two cousins ​​are too beautiful?

Did Louis Vuitton take the wrong medicine?

“Are you really going to give them two bags worth more than 30,000 yuan?” Yang Yingying asked Xiao Tang unwillingly.

Xiao Tang nodded affirmatively in response, “Yes. The two ladies Xia are really beautiful, and they are very rare twins. If they use our Louis Vuitton products, we believe it will bring a good advertising effect.”

“But…they are just ordinary students!” Yang Yingying felt a little mad. “In their daily activities environment, it is almost impossible to have potential customers of your Louis Vuitton…”

Xiao Tang smiled and didn’t mean to speak.

The owner of the funeral shop looked at the classic dark brown PM messenger bag that Yang Yingying was carrying, and he asked, “Cousin, your bag is also pretty, how much is it?”

Yang Yingying stared at Anliang in death. When this person was explaining the Muria handbag just now, he still put it right. Now he is pretending to be Xiao Mengxin?

Jiang Zhaocong was a little embarrassed on the side. He knew the price of Muria handbags. If nothing happened now, he could successfully win Yang Yingying with the classic dark brown PM messenger bag today, right?

As a result, who knew that such an unexpected situation had occurred!(Read more @

Xiao Tang’s ability to detect words and colors is very powerful. She responded with Anliang’s mentality, “The price of this classic series of messenger bags is 14,900 yuan. It is our Louis Vuitton’s most classic messenger bag. Praise.”

Anliang gave Xiao Tang a wink, and made a gesture of “two” with his right hand.

Xiao Tang continued, “On behalf of Louis Vuitton, I can present two more PM series messenger bags to two ladies Xia.”

“Two ladies Xia, please here, let me take you to choose the style you like.” Xiao Tang made an invitation gesture.

The boss of the Baishidian is making up for the knife, “Cousin, which messenger bag do you think is the best?”

Yang Yingying took a deep breath. She left without anger, but followed up. She wanted to see if it was a real gift or a fake gift.

Jiang Zhaocong glanced suspiciously at Anliang. He had begun to suspect that Anliang was behind the scenes.

‘Could this young man be rich? Jiang Zhaocong thought to himself.

He preconceived that Anliang was a poor ghost, but now it seems that something is wrong. If Anliang’s Gucci is not a copycat, it means Anliang is really rich.

But Jiang Zhaocong didn’t care too much!

Because this time Anliang and Xia’s two sisters traveled by riding his car!

Jiang Zhaocong thought from his own perspective, if Anliang had a car, he would not take the two sisters of the Xia family to run the car, right?

After all, for men, rubbing a car seems like a shame!

But for Anliang, what is the shame of such a thing?

At present, Anliang’s wealth can basically support Anliang to do what he wants to a certain extent. In the current situation, Anliang wants to rub a car when he wants to.

If not?

It is possible to arrange business reception vehicles of Anxin Investment Company on the road at any time, and even to arrange the courtesy vehicles of five-star hotels and the services of professional car rental companies.

But Anliang just wants to rub the car, what’s the problem?

What wealth gives Anliang is not brain damage, but the confidence to face any situation!

In short, no matter what happens, Anliang has the confidence to face it.

Classic handbag area.

Xiao Tang took the two sisters of the Xia family (Wang Ma Zhao) to choose the PM series messenger bag.

“¨ 々 Sister, we already have a fashionable bag. Let’s choose a classic bag?” Xia Ruyi said, while patted the Muria handbag diagonally.

The light of Xia Hexin saw Yang Yingying. She didn’t want it, but Yang Yingying was right there. She could only agree, “Well, I think so too.”

“Then we choose a contrast color model, light brown and dark brown contrast color model, I think it looks better!” Xia Ruyi obviously also opened the funeral shop.

The advanced model of light brown bag cap and dark brown bag body is priced at 16,000 yuan. Isn’t that the classic model that just suppressed Yang Yingying? .

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