Chapter 535

Baiyue’s heart is very complicated.

On the one hand, Baiyue couldn’t help but imagine a scene with Anliang one day, even if it was just one day with Anliang.

Do not!

Even if it is only an hour, or even shorter time, Baiyue is willing to~.

After all, it’s moths fighting the fire. There is no silly thinking, only the willingness to pay.

Baiyue is willing!

But on the other hand, Bai Yue knows very well that compared to other girls who appeared next to Anliang, she is really ordinary, ordinary, and even unremarkable.

That’s it now!

The two sisters of the Xia family are good-looking, tall and slender, and their skin is fair. What’s more important is that they are twin sisters.

Baiyue is also on the campus wall!

Baiyue naturally saw some so-called topics on how the twin sisters can have an advantage on the campus wall.

Now Baiyue watched the twin sisters talk with Anliang, naturally joking, and she was full of envy.

Because Baiyue’s heart is full of inferiority complex!

When Bai Yue faced a tall, handsome and rich male god like Anliang, she was really full of inferiority complex. She didn’t know how to face Anliang. The best way was to be obedient and obedient. Talking little dumb.

In her opinion, maybe this is the way to stay with Anliang, right?

If it is too noisy, if you show the slightest feeling of liking Anliang, maybe you will be hated by Anliang?

Baiyue likes to listen to a song recently, in which several lyrics are sung into her heart.

‘Don’t dare to be too close to you, for fear that you will be annoying, there is only one person silently alone. ’

‘You are just a passer-by passing through my world, I don’t dare to be too afraid that you will see my sadness. ’

‘Don’t ask for your kindness, give me a little more smile. ’

This song is called “Passing by”, and it almost perfectly matches Baiyue’s mood. For her, Anliang is probably a hurried passer-by on the journey of life, right?

Although the startling glance was like a dream, it left an indelible memory for Bai Yue.

He didn’t intend to mess with the dust, but the wind blows the dust!

Baiyue suppressed her joy. She wanted to be close to Anliang, and she was afraid to be close to Anliang because of low self-esteem, so her favorability was always suppressed at 79 points.


not qualified!(Read more @

Take a step back?


Baiyue once saw a passage: ‘It seems that we shouldn’t be like this, let alone this, but it can only be this way! ’

She also wants to go further with Anliang, but is it really possible?

Look at the two sisters of the Xia family who are radiant now, and look at their glamorous look. They are like cranes, and Baiyue feels like an ugly duckling!

Anliang found the silent Baiyue, and his feelings for Baiyue were also very complicated.

From the initial pity and sympathy, the identification of Baiyue’s toughness after slowly contacting, and now that he can’t bear the harm, he just wants to silently protect her.

At least in the four years of university, leave an unforgettable memory for Baiyue!

‘Ding! ’

‘This is a girl with a weak appearance and a strong heart. She fights against a powerful destiny with a weak body, but has never bowed to destiny! ’

‘[The Fate of Baiyue] The special series of missions have been completely completed! ’

“Reward Baiyue [Gorgeous Transformation]”

‘Special reminder: Please continue to pay attention to Baiyue, this strong girl, now blessed by fate, is about to begin a gorgeous transformation. ’

‘Task Reward: None’

‘Failure Penalty: None’

Are there any task rewards?


·· ·····Find flowers····

[The Destiny of Baiyue] The special series of missions have actually brought Anliang’s confidential business information to Anliang in the first and second phases, thus winning a lot of economic benefits for Anliang.

So this special task was finally completed, and Anliang completely accepted it even if there was no clear reward.

Sometimes, the reward of monetary benefits does not soothe people’s hearts.

People are interested!

The result is very good for Baiyue, and Anliang is really satisfied.

If this result is replaced by other rewards, whether it is rewarding Anliang 100 million, or the trend information of a U.S. stock market in the next three days, or even directly rewarding Anliang 1 billion, or even 10 billion.

. ……… 0

Seriously, Anliang won’t be moved!

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Anliang has his own bottom line.

Money is the best thing if you can control it, because it is almost omnipotent.

But if it is unable to control it, or even controlled by it in turn, it will become a demon and make people fall into the abyss of hell.

Anliang’s mentality is very good. He is not a pure businessman, and he does not have the idea of ​​success that is profit-oriented.

‘Gorgeous transformation…’ Anliang thought silently in his heart.

Could it really be a butterfly emerging?

The ugly duckling transformed into a noble swan?

Anliang began to look forward to it!

No matter what the future of him and Baiyue, he sincerely hopes that Baiyue will become better, and he hopes that this girl who fights against fate can have a good result!

If one day the white moon also shines brightly, that would be the best ending!



PS: At 05:52:05 on July 24, 2020, it describes the white moon, the tip of the nose is sour, and the tears flow silently. Knife.

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