Chapter 538

With the information obtained through the interpersonal scanning system, Baiyue’s situation has improved significantly.

Baiyue’s appearance has improved several points, probably because of her better physical condition, coupled with the improvement of her living environment, especially after Yu Yue works, she no longer needs to run for life, her appearance has risen from 78 to 82 point.

Anliang has long seen that Baiyue’s facial features are very good. If you use a beauty camera, you can see it.

Baiyue’s body rating has been improved only slightly, probably because of the 1.5-meter-five-meter reasons, coupled with the difficult situation of life, she looks like a junior high school student?

The special score can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds!

It rushed directly to the 90-point mark!

It seems that when Baiyue’s special score dropped to 80 points, his health was extremely poor.

But her favorability remained unchanged. It was still 79 points, not increasing or decreasing.

Anliang silently watched Baiyue lower his head to eat, he suddenly liked such a quiet Baiyue, maybe because of pity?

In less than ten minutes, the light food chef Chai Dehou personally delivered a steak and mashed potatoes.

“President An, please taste.” Chai Dehou put down the non-fried steak and oil-free mashed potatoes.

Anliang tasted the non-fried steak. Although it was not fried, the steak has its own fat and is still fried very well. Both the texture and the taste are good.

Anliang tasted the mashed potatoes again, he frowned slightly, the mashed potatoes were very ordinary.

“The steak is good!” Anliang replied, “But the mashed potatoes are too common. If I were a customer, I would definitely not be able to accept the price of 28 yuan per serving.”

Baiyue listened to Anliang’s comment, she silently took a bite of mashed potatoes, her eyes moved slightly.

In Baiyue’s eyes, this mashed potato was indeed very general except for its exquisite cooking.

Chai Dehou explained, “Sorry, Mr. An, we have actually found a problem with the taste of mashed potatoes, but we have searched various markets and supermarkets in Tianfu, and tested all the potatoes, but none of them provide a stable taste.

“Reduce the price!” Anliang responded, “Posted on the official account that it was unable to obtain premium potatoes and therefore could not provide better-tasting mashed potatoes. Originally, the price of mashed potatoes was reduced to 18 yuan for a limited time. Until we found a better supply of raw materials.”

Baiyue heard Anliang’s remarks, she raised her head to look at Anliang, she wanted to speak, but in the end she did not say it.

“Okay!” Chai Dehou responded.

The pricing of the Feather Moon Light Eclipse also tends to be high-end. Anliang has only one requirement for Feather Moon Light Eclipse: good value for money!

It’s too magical to be worth the money. In the business world, what you pay for is already a representative of conscience.(Read more @

Value for money is the greatest conscience!

After all, in the catering industry, most of them are ‘not value for money’.

Take the Jiwei shrimps at various wedding banquets as an example. If all are dead shrimps, it may be a bit absolute, but 99% of them are dead shrimps, it is not wrong!

The concept of ‘value for money’ like Anliang’s is definitely a conscience in the catering industry.

After Chai Dehou left, Bai Yue silently ate the mashed potatoes again. She repeatedly tasted the taste of mashed potatoes. In Baiyue’s eyes, the 28 yuan worth of potatoes was “not worth the money.”

“Classmate Anliang.” Bai Yue said suddenly.


Is this little mute finally willing to talk again?

“Huh?” Anliang looked at Bai Yue suspiciously.

Bai Yue hesitated for a moment, but finally changed the subject.

“I want to ask for leave.” Baiyue responded.

“Ask for leave?” Anliang wondered, “Is it a final exam question?”

Before Baiyue answered, Anliang continued, “Feather Moon has regulations. During the final exams, you can take paid leave to concentrate on the exam.”

Is there a rule for Feather Moon?

It doesn’t matter!

Now that Anliang said, there are rules!

Bai Yue shook her head, “I hope to take leave from the 28th to the 30th.”

“¨ What do you want?” Anliang asked the bottom line.

Baiyue considered it for a while, and then whispered, “I want to go home. I am going to take my mother out for the New Year. I have already agreed with classmate Wei Liyue that I will sleep in her bed during winter vacation. Sleep in my bed.”

“I want to show my mother the outside world this year.” Baiyue added.

Tianfu School of Economics is very user-friendly. There is no saying that the dormitory will be closed after a holiday. You only need to write an application and you can stay on campus during the holiday without paying additional fees.

This point must be praised to Tianfu School of Economics!

Anliang knew that Bai Yue was from Daliang Mountain. He wondered, “Is three days enough?”

“Enough!” Baiyue replied affirmatively, “If it weren’t for my mother’s bad health, in fact, two days would be enough. I will prepare for (Zhao Hao) to leave on the 27th and be able to rush home on the 28th. , And then bring my mother back directly.”

Anliang frowned, “Your mother is not in good health?”

Baiyue was silent.

“By the way, has your side opened to traffic?” Anliang asked.

Baiyue nodded first, then shook his head, “There is a very, very bad mountain road, and ordinary cars can’t get on it, mainly tractors. Well, do you know that tractors are abundant?”

? ? ?

Anliang has many question marks, “Am I like such an ignorant person?”

Baiyue shook her head quickly, “No, no, I just thought, you people in the city…you don’t know tractors.”

This white moon!

Are you so cautious even when you say a labelled name like “people in the city”? .

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