Chapter 545

The next day, just after eight o’clock in the morning.

Anliang woke up from his sleep, he first looked in Baiyue’s direction. Baiyue was completely covered in the quilt. Is it really a little quail?

In fact, Baiyue has already woke up!

Do not!

To be precise, Baiyue did not sleep well all night. She even had an absurd dream. In the dream, Anliang attacked her while she was asleep. After she found out in the dream, she chose to pretend to sleep.

Such absurd dreams made Bai-yue a little frightened.

If the dream is true, will she stop Anliang?

So she didn’t sleep well all night.

Anliang watched Baiyue hiding in the quilt, and he was not busy getting up because he found that the life winner system had sent him a message.

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host for harvesting [pure love]. ’

‘The host will receive blessings from [Pure Maiden]. ’

‘The blessing of a pure girl: a pure and flawless girl, praying for the host sincerely, blessing the host for a long life, blessing the host not to invade all diseases, and blessing the host to be safe. ’

‘Special Reminder: This blessing is successful! ’


Blessing success?


Not invaded by all diseases?

Is it safe?

Anliang looked at Baiyue hiding in the quilt. This blessing must come from Baiyue!

But Baiyue’s blessing is too strong, right?

For the time being, let’s not talk about a long life and a hundred years of life, nor about peace and security, just being invincible from all diseases, is it very exaggerated?

After all, it is invaded by all diseases!

What is most important to the rich?


of course not!

Can the rich still lack money?

Take Anliang as an example. At present, Anliang has more than 600 million funds. If there are no accidents, his future wealth will only increase.(Read more @

So is wealth important to Anliang?

No no no!

Ten billion, ten billion, or even one hundred billion. Although there are big differences, for normal consumption, the three are actually at the level where you can buy what you want.

So what do you want so much money for?

For the rich, the most important thing is health!

This answer is a common wish for all wealthy people.

If you don’t have a healthy body, what if you have more money?

This blessing from Baiyue is simply the most suitable reward for the rich.

Originally, Anliang simply sent Baiyue home, and took a look at Daliang Mountain by the way, and then took Baiyue and her mother back as a good deed.

Is there a reward for good?

If the value of this blessing must be measured by economic value, I am afraid it exceeds tens of billions, right?

Anyway, let Anliang use 10 billion to exchange, he exchanged without hesitation!

How to choose between 10 billion and all diseases?

Still need to consider?

Anliang silently thanked Baiyue, and then deliberately made a louder voice.

“Ah! Ha!” Anliang yawned, indicating that he was awake, and he called out, “Bai Yue, wake up, get up!”

Baiyue, who had woke up a long time ago, carefully stuck out a small head from the quilt. She secretly observed Anliang’s expression to determine whether Anliang had discovered that she had kissed him yesterday.

However, Anliang’s expression was not abnormal, which made Bai Yue breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’ll go wash first, and you will solve your own problems yourself.” Anliang explained.

Bai Yue nodded quickly. She was actually sleeping in thermal underwear. She wrapped herself tightly. She was not guarding Anliang, but was afraid that Anliang would misunderstand her, which would arouse Anliang’s disgust.

When Anliang was washing in the bathroom, Baiyue quickly dressed and neatly.

Waiting for Anliang to come out of the bathroom, Baiyue had already put on her shoes.

“You go to wash, and when it’s done, we go out for breakfast, and then take you home.” Anliang explained.

········· Ask for flowers··················································································································

“Oh!” Bai Yue responded concisely.

Yuecheng’s breakfast is naturally early.

Anliang found an old-fashioned breakfast according to the comments of the masses. He ordered a bowl of mutton noodles. He will drive up the mountain in a while. Let’s forget the beef noodles, right?

Baiyue also chose mutton noodles, she just wanted to choose the same as Anliang.

Yuecheng’s mutton noodles do not have the spicy flavors of Tianfu and Shengqing, but they have their own flavor. Generally speaking, they are at a medium-to-higher level and do not trigger the rewards of the winner system in life.

.. …… 0

The two had eaten breakfast and set off again. The mobile phone navigation still provided road guidance, but an hour later, Anliang drove into Daliang Mountain and the mobile phone navigation gradually became invalid.

Baiyue became a living map.

In the past half month, there has been no rain in Daliang Mountain. Although the road conditions of the mechanical farm road are bad, it is not a problem at all for the land cruiser that has undergone cross-country transformation.

The Land Cruiser has conquered too many places, this time it is just Daliangshan!

Baiyue’s hometown is Bhutuo County, which is more than 2,600 meters above sea level on Daliang Mountain. From Yuecheng to Bhutuo County, according to Baiyue, it takes four hours to ride a tractor.

If it is walking?

That is to walk from morning to night, ten hours less!

Anliang’s driving skills are at a professional level, and the giant land cruiser is also moving forward steadily on the tractor road. While driving, he is looking at the road conditions.

Seeing that there is no village in front, no shops behind, no one on the road, all in the mountains and dense forests, Anliang couldn’t help but rejoice in silence!

If he didn’t send Baiyue back, how could Baiyue go home alone?

After all, the white moon now is not the white moon it used to be!

The current Baiyue’s face value attribute has exceeded eighty points… for a long time.

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