Chapter 565

Yang Maoyi set up navigation for Anliang, located in the old ferry area at the southernmost tip of Shengqing.

When Anliang drove, Yang Maoyi explained the situation to Anliang, “My mother-in-law lives there. When the junior high school was on vacation, I went to her mother-in-law’s house to play, and then her mother-in-law took me to eat maw chicken.”

In Shengqing, “mother-in-law” means “grandmother”, not what a wife calls her husband and mother.

“Later after my mother-in-law passed away, I never went there again, and the maw chicken became the taste in my memory.” Yang Maoyi continued.

Anliang tentatively asked, “Should we change another house?”

“It’s okay, King.” Yang Maoyi explained, “My mother-in-law is happy and mourning. I just miss her mother-in-law, but I am not sad.”

“Yeah.” Anliang sighed in relief.

“I wanted to go back to taste that fish maw chicken before, but no one has accompanied me back. When I was a gourmet shop before, I wanted to go back, but eventually gave up.” Yang Maoyi sighed.

At about six o’clock, the two arrived at an old residential building. Anliang saw a shop sign: [Nine Dragons Huajiao Chicken Dinner Company].

This shop sign is full of the flavor of Hongkang Island. Could it really be Hongkang Island from here?

Anliang parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road, and there were several luxury cars parked around.

Yang Maoyi led the way. She introduced, “This fish maw chicken should be the most authentic fish maw chicken in Shengqing.”

She suddenly lowered her voice and said, “I heard that the boss, Uncle Cai, offended people on Hongkang Island, and finally chose to come to Shengqing for development.”


There is such a story?

But Anliang saw through the blind spot in one second.

An owner of a restaurant who offended people on Hongkang Island traveled to another country. Why did he tell these things?

Since it is serious enough to allow him to travel abroad, if you tell it, you really don’t worry about being known by the enemy?

So this kind of story is flickering, just to increase the topicality of the store and create a story background.

When I just parked, Anliang noticed a lot of luxury cars parked on the side of the road. It seems that this boss named ‘Uncle Cai’ is really a storyteller!

Anliang and Yang Maoyi walked into the Nine Dragons Flower Maw Chicken Dining Company. The other party transformed the two residential rooms on the first floor into a dining room. The two living rooms have a total of eight tables and six private rooms.

Today’s six private rooms are all booked out, Anliang and Yang Maoyi don’t mind eating in the lobby.

“You come and see what you want to eat.” Anliang motioned to Yang Maoyi to order.

Yang Maoyi was not polite. After ordering some must-order special dishes, she handed the menu to Anliang, “Major, what else do you want to eat?”(Read more @

Anliang looked at it and found that the price of this Nine Dragons Flower Maw Chicken Dinner Company is really not cheap!

A small portion of authentic Huajiao chicken costs 198 yuan for two people.

Yang Maoyi ordered an M6 Australian Wagyu beef sirloin beef slice, each price was 168 yuan; the price of four eight-head abalone was also 168 yuan; the price of four fresh tiger prawns was 198 yuan.

Anliang took a look, he made up a grouper, the price reached a height of 268 yuan, and then added a fish maw fish rice, and added a vegetable platter to relieve the greasiness.

The cheapest one should be the vegetable platter, but the price has reached 38 yuan.

The price of Huamao Laofan is as high as 88 yuan because of the use of Huamao Chicken Soup.

The Huamao chicken was served first, and the service staff served Anliang and Yang Maoyi a bowl of pepper chicken soup.

Anliang took a bite, the chicken soup was fresh and thick, without the taste of chicken essence, and the taste was very good.

But the chicken gave a bad review!

Because the chicken was not processed properly, the taste of dry wood appeared.

Fortunately, the following seafood and sirloin beef slices have saved a certain evaluation, especially the fish maw for rice, which made Anliang eat two bowls of rhythm. The only pity is that there is no reward that triggers the life winner system.

In the end, Yang Maoyi settled the bill, and Anliang did not grab the order.

He was thinking about looking for the next opportunity to use the [Memorized Food Reward Cashback Card], but when Yang Maoyi checked out, he could actually trigger the cashback reward?

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the host and Yang Maoyi for tasting the food in memory, evaluation is in progress…’

‘Random Cashback Coefficient: 920’

‘Pleasure factor: 1.72’

‘Memory factor: 0.99’

Anliang clicked on the details of the pleasure coefficient. Yang Maoyi provided full marks. Anliang’s pleasure coefficient was only 0.72.. …….


I pit myself?

It seems that you really cheated yourself, right?

The main reason is that the chicken of the Huamao chicken has overturned, which makes Anliang’s food experience flawed.

‘Total amount of final cashback reward: 2,807,343 yuan’

‘Special note: This cashback reward fund comes from the U.S. stock market and will be obtained through Anxin Investment Company. The operation of obtaining the fund is reasonable and reasonable. All operations are well-documented, please rest assured to use it. ’

Seeing that the cashback reward is close to 3 million, Anliang decided to forgive the chicken overturned incident of pepper chicken!

“My lord, can you walk around with me?” Yang Maoyi asked.

Anliang naturally did not refuse.

Yang Maoyi’s grandma used to live nearby, right?

The two walked around for nearly half an hour before returning to Lin Shanju.

Dao Ann, the righteous giant, suppressed the vixen twice in a row before letting the little vixen down.

“Great King, happy birthday!” Yang Maoyi greeted in advance. It’s only ten o’clock in the evening!

Anliang squeezed Yang Maoyi’s tender face, “I am going home today, and tomorrow my parents are going to celebrate my birthday, and I will come to you the day after tomorrow.”

“Yeah!” Yang Maoyi obediently agreed.

It was past eleven when Anliang took a taxi home, and An Shengyu and Sun Xia had already returned to the bedroom to rest. He sent a message to the two and returned to his bedroom.

However, Liang Ge, who just lay down, found a serious problem!

Li Xiyan actually pushed the WeChat account of her mother Liu Ling. What does this mean? .

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