Chapter 573

Gongshang Bank, Beiyu Branch.

In the VIP reception room, Liu Ling is sending WeChat to Anliang, and Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao are communicating in a low voice.

“Jiaojiao, you have to stare at her!” Shi Yanru said in a low voice, “I suspect she added Mr. An’s WeChat!”

Cao Yujiao seconded, “I think so too!”

“I used to think she really doesn’t eat fireworks, and she pretends to be like a fairy every day, but when she meets Mr. An, it is not a trick!” Cao Yujiao chewed.

The three of them are VIP customer commissioners in the VIP reception room. Because Liu Ling is good-looking, even if she doesn’t fake colors for her customers, her performance is still the best of the three.

Otherwise, Liu Ling will not become the deputy manager!

But since Wang Bo came down to serve as the VIP account manager, he coveted Liu Ling’s beauty and targeted Liu Ling everywhere.

Coupled with Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao’s embrace, they directly embarrassed Wang Bo.

This time they wanted to give Liu Ling a handful. Before Wang Bo deliberately arranged Liu Ling to sit in the VIP reception room. Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao intercepted the financial staff of AXA Construction Company outside in order to attack Liu Ling.

As a result, who knew that such a change happened by mistake?

Shi Yanru sneered, “I have seen her problem! I said before, I saw her wearing a new Dior dress of more than 50,000 yuan, do you think she can afford it?

“What shall we do now?” Cao Yujiao was a little anxious. “If she wants to play tricks, I am worried that Mr. An will not be able to handle it. This dead woman is really annoying. Without knowing the truth, Mr. An may think she is only twenty How old is it?”

Shi Yanru lowered her voice, “We just have to stare at her! Even if she is really chatting with Mr. An, if she makes an appointment with Mr. An, we will follow her secretly.”

Speaking of this, Shi Yanru paused, “If we tell Xiao An that Liu Ling is actually thirty-eight years old, what do you think Xiao An always feels like?”

Shi Yanru is 29 years old this year, and Cao Yujiao is only 30 years old this year, but the two of them seem to be older than Liu Ling. They admire Liu Ling every day.

Cao Yujiao couldn’t help but laughed, “If I were Xiao An, I would definitely be very angry!”

Unfortunately, Cao Yujiao is not Anliang!(Read more @

Zifeiyu, know the joy of fish?

Liu Ling didn’t know that she had been spotted by Cao Yujiao and Shi Yanru, and she was still chatting with Anliang.

Faced with Anliang’s reply, Liu Ling thought about it for a while and then replied.

‘Liu Ling: I know a private house of pickled cabbage chicken that has been in business for 21 years. ’

‘Liu Ling: The boss and the old couple started their business in the era of layoffs. It has been 21 years since then. ’

‘Liu Ling: This private house of pickled cabbage chicken only has three and a half tables, and it only sells pickled cabbage chicken for 21 years. ’

‘Liu Ling: Classmate An, are you interested? ’

Good food?

Anliang is definitely interested!

After all, it is possible to trigger the food rewards of the winner system in life. Even the most dished one million Hutooth coins, according to the latest agreement between Yang Maoyi and Hutooth platform, direct rewards to Yang Maoyi can cash out a little more than 700,000 rhythm.

‘Anliang: Of course I’m interested! ’

‘Anliang: Where is the location? ’

‘Liu Ling: [Location Information]’

‘Liu Ling: I’ll make a reservation first. Let’s meet at 11:30 noon? ’

‘Anliang: No problem! ’

‘Liu Ling: See you then. ’

‘Anliang: [OK]’

After Anliang and Liu Ling had an appointment to meet, Anliang first sent a message to the little vixen. He said he went to find the little vixen today, but now it seems that something unexpected has happened.

‘Anliang: Little Fox, I have a temporary job to deal with. I will see the situation later. ’

‘Yang Maoyi: Hmm! Okay, King. ’

Yang Maoyi is always so well-behaved and sensible. Anliang is really satisfied with her. He even thinks that Yang Maoyi can be used as a breakthrough point?

Anliang ate some breakfast at random. He first set an alarm clock to remind him of the appointment, and then began to study how to target the Bentian car.

However, after a morning of research, Anliang also got a headache.

Because this horse riding is a dead end!

Consumers-Dealers-Media-Bentian Automobile Manufacturers

The four roles have formed a closed loop. All of them have to safeguard the interests and reputation of Bentian Motors. It is basically a monolithic rhythm. It is impossible to break their alliance.

Anliang can be regarded as understanding the reason why the overall car sales in Xia Guo declined in 2019, but the sales of Bentian Motors increased by nearly 10%.

It has to be said that Bentian Motor’s global marketing expenses are hundreds of billions of Xia Guoyuan, not for nothing, but really formed an invincible effect!

Anliang couldn’t think of a plan to break the game for a moment. He glanced at the time. It was already 10:30. The location of the pickled cabbage chicken private house was about half an hour away at 11:30 that he and Liu Ling made an appointment.

Anliang decided to wash briefly, and went to Liu Ling’s appointment to see what conditions Liu Ling could offer? .

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