Chapter 582

Shrimp stuffing has been certified by the Winner of Life System.

Anliang hopes that the rewards of the random lucky draw package will no longer be the ultimate experience 001. After all, what should be done, Liang brother himself knows!

‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining one million Tiger Tooth Coins. ’

‘In view of the fact that the account of the return of the beloved is currently managed by Yang Maoyi, this reward will be temporarily reserved and the host will be free to recharge to any account at any time. ’

‘The corresponding top-up funds will be paid by the host in the investment account of Anxin Investment Company, and will be obtained by Anxin Investment Company from the US stock market. Please feel free to use the host. ’

Not bad!

The life winner system is very user-friendly!

At present, the account of the Super God Emperor is mainly used by Yang Maoyi. If you suddenly recharge one million into it, Yang Maoyi will definitely ask.

Therefore, the life winner system is very user-friendly and retains the recharge rewards, and it is up to Anliang to decide on its own to recharge these million Hutooth coins to any account.

If Brother Liang wants to reward the second female anchor, he can secretly open a trumpet.

But Anliang is not that kind of person!

Especially when the little vixen is so obedient and sensible, and yet another heart is all on him, Brother Liang will definitely not do that kind of thing.

“The taste is okay!” Anliang responded.

Yang Maoyi whispered, “Except that the price is a bit expensive, everything else is pretty good.”

Generally speaking, the price of two chaos is about 12 to 18 yuan, and the sales method of this shrimp chaos is just a calculation.

Every fresh shrimp stuffing cost 2 yuan, Yang Maoyi ordered 15 for Anliang, which is equivalent to two taels, which is the price of 30 yuan.

The price of this one is indeed a bit expensive!

“Reluctantly can be regarded as value for money~〃.” Anliang gave a comment.

Although the price is more expensive, the stuffing made of fresh shrimp is also expensive.

The two had eaten shrimp stuffing and ran their hands, and they were still driven by Yang Maoyi. Because there was a small traffic jam, they arrived at the Cienshan large flat project near ten thirty.

The name of this large flat-level project is: Lan Jingyuan.

The bright yellow Lamborghini Urus parked directly in the open-air parking lot in front of the sales department. When Anliang and Yang Maoyi got off the car and walked towards the sales department, the security personnel also respectfully saluted.

The sales department of Lanjingyuan, a large flat-floor project in Cienshan, is still a bit lively!

However, today is Friday, not a holiday. In the sales department of Lan Jingyuan, there are more than a dozen men in suits and leather shoes who are looking at the house with their female companions.(Read more @

It’s just that Anliang knew at a glance that they were childcare!

In the entire sales department, only Anliang and Yang Maoyi are serious customers.

As for those guests who look after the female companions in suits and leather shoes?

Their acting skills are too bad!

It’s an old trick for the sales department to hire childcare to make real estate hot, but can it hire a professional team?

Lan Jingyuan is a big flat floor!

The smallest unit is 170 square meters, and the lowest price is 26,800 yuan per square meter. Even if you give a little discount, it is at least 4.5 million yuan, right?

If these men in suits, leather shoes and female companions want to impersonate customers, can I buy a better suit?

How can I pretend to be a customer who buys a flat floor if the necktie and leather shoes are not more than 500 yuan?

“Hello, I am Lan Jingyuan’s sales consultant Yang Xiaolin.” A female salesperson greeted her politely, and the other salesmen looked at her with envy and jealousy.

Although both Anliang and Yang Maoyi are too young, Anliang is a high luxury brand clothing, and wears a watch that does not look simple.

Although Yang Maoyi doesn’t have all the high-end luxury brand clothing, she diagonally straddles a Louis Vuitton messenger bag, and the two have just got off the Lamborghini Urus. These sales have just been discussed!

Anliang asked casually, “What type of apartment do you have?”

Yang Xiaolin responded politely, “We have four apartment types, with a floor area of ​​170 square meters and an interior of 148 square meters. There are three bedrooms, a study room, a living room, a dining room, and two bathrooms.”

“Type B has a building area of ​​240 square meters, inside the suite…” Yang Xiaolin was interrupted by Anliang before she finished the introduction.

“Just talk about the largest apartment.” Anliang didn’t bother to listen to the small apartment.

Buy the best if you want!

Little vixen deserves the best!

Yang Xiaolin revealed a touch of joy in her eyes, and she immediately introduced, “¨‖Our largest is the D unit, with a construction area of ​​square meters and an inner area of ​​290 square meters.”

“Type D has three bedrooms, each of which is equipped with a separate bathroom, and is additionally equipped with a study room for the host, a gym for the hostess, a nanny room, a separate storage room, and a guest bathroom.” Yang Xiaolin Introduced.

The most basic symbol of high-end real estate projects is that each room is equipped with an independent bathroom, so that each family member has independent privacy.

After all, the times are changing!

In high-end real estate ten years ago, four-bedroom, five-bedroom, or even six-bedrooms were the favorites, as if the more rooms, the higher the level.

The current high-end real estate does not like this (good) set at all!

What’s the use of too many living rooms?

The whole family live together?

How does the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along in the factory?

The rich people nowadays, even if they want to live together, are they buying two houses door-to-door together?

As for considering that the guest has no place to live when the home is coming?

This idea is wrong!

For an inconsequential reason, wasting space as a living room is not in line with modern people’s idea of ​​satisfying their own needs.

What if there is a guest at home?

Is it expensive to book a night in a high-end hotel?

As for whether you will be poked on your spine by relatives and friends?

rest assured!

As long as you have enough money, your relatives and friends will even tout that you book a high-end hotel is a matter of saving face, rather than poking the backbone to say that family love is weak. .

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