Chapter 587

The small group of interests gathered by Anliang is very stable!

Anliang has the ability to create benefits. The forces behind Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang have the ability to carry thunders and the cooperation between the two parties is very good.

The last time I gathered senior Tang wool, Neon’s related investigators were defined as “commercial espionage”, and they did not even make waves to prove the strength of the three powers.

Under such circumstances, do we need to introduce more power?

The answer is yes!

Never despise the stronger forces!

“Uncle Wu, wait a minute, and I will discuss with other friends.” Anliang looked at Wu Zhengfeng and said.

Wu Zhengfeng nodded affirmatively, “Hmm!”

He knew that Anliang must be in contact with Li, Yun, and Qian.

In the small buddy group of the Imperial Capital, Anliang sends a message.

‘Anliang: @Everyone: Let me say one thing first. ’

Anliang quickly explained the current situation, including Wu Zhengfeng’s plan to use a 90 million super mansion as a stepping stone to admission tickets.

Anliang and the three of them don’t need to hide these little things.

‘Li Cunyuan: I suddenly felt that I made 90 million! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: +1, secretly happy! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I know this Wu Zhengfeng. He has some power in Shengqing. The market value of Chengyuan Group is about 40 billion. If he becomes one of us, it will consolidate our strength in Shengqing. ’

‘Anliang: I am not going to accept him as a core member. ’

‘Anliang: Like Huang Junfeng, I can give Huang Junfeng part of the benefits of Lingqu Gold Mine, but I will not let him participate in our core interests. ’(Read more @

The four-member interest group is very stable!

The interdependence of the two parties is very high. Anliang can meet the economic needs of the three companies, and the three can escort Anliang, which is a mutually beneficial and stable relationship.

How to admit others into the core group?

The interests of the current core group will inevitably be damaged, and it is very likely to cause rifts to the core group.

Actually it is the same!

Whether it was Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, or Qian Xiaogang, they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the message sent by Anliang.

‘Anliang: I am going to make Wu Zhengfeng our outer member. Some of the situations that we can’t fully handle or the cake is left. If the four of us can’t finish eating, we can let the outer members participate. ’

‘Anliang: Let me first declare that peripheral members cannot enjoy the treatment of our core members. Our Anxin Investment Company will charge their commissions according to the industry standards of financial investment companies. ’

If commissions are charged according to the industry standards of financial investment companies, and based on the previous profit of senior wool, Anxin Investment Company can even obtain profits of more than 100 million yuan from the profits of Li Cunyuan.

After all, the commission plan of financial investment companies, generally speaking, the more profitable, the more profit it draws.

300 million profit?

It is really a very conscientious situation to draw a profit of 100 million yuan!

‘Li Cunyuan: No problem! Thank you Liang brother! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Haha, I think I have earned it again! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, are you going to let Wu Zhengfeng board the boat this time against Bentian Motors? ’

‘Anliang: Hmm! The capital of the four of us is a little too small, basically unable to shake Bentian Motor, after all, this company is not afraid of black material exposure, it is simply outrageous! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Friendly reminder, Brother Liang, this Wu Zhengfeng is worth 30 billion, and his personal assets are about 10 billion. He belongs to a strong aid. ’

‘Anliang: The total value of Bentian Motors exceeds 300 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the global annual sales are close to one trillion Xia Guoyuan. If we want to force it, we must have more allies. ’

‘Anliang: I already have some clues in my mind about engaging in Bentian Motors this time. You can carefully select peripheral members in your circle of friends. This is only the cooperation of Bentian Motors. ’

‘Anliang: The arrogance of this Bentian car is too arrogant, I have to break it! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Okay, we will try to reveal the news and win over some peripheral members. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Great! Brother Liang, you are finally relieved! My little friends of ghost fire teenagers have long annoyed me, and this time they just got into the car. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I also have some partners here who want to get in the car. ’

‘Anliang: For the people you pull, we will share the benefits evenly with you after the investment company draws a lot of money. ’

‘Anliang: This time, it’s highly probable to make money. I hope that our four brothers will make money in harmony. No (good) we will have conflicts for money. ’

‘Anliang: So if you have public friends on the bus, how to distribute your benefits, it’s best to say in advance. ’

‘Anliang: If the four brothers are separated because of the plan against Bentian Motors, I would rather not engage in it! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Don’t worry, we are all brothers. If we talk about our interests in advance, there will be no problems. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’ll just lie down and win, more or less. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Don’t worry, Brother Liang, we definitely don’t engage in moths. ’

‘Anliang: That’s safe. Let’s build an interest group of peripheral members first. If the strength of the peripheral members is strong enough, we really want to break Bentian Motors this time! ‘young.

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