Chapter 605

Yang Maoyi cares about Anliang’s investment!

The cost of this live broadcast is 1.83 million in cash reward costs, plus 900,000 rewards and drainage costs.

The profit of the lottery is 1.273 million yuan, plus the return of rewards of 633,600 yuan, even if the cost of rewards and drainage is deducted, the total profit is still over one million.

“My lord, I will return your costs to you. With a profit of one million, I was embezzled. It happened to be used to buy Lin Shanju’s house. By the way, I will simply decorate and upgrade it.” Yang Maoyi retreated and said second.

Since Anliang doesn’t want profit, then return the cost to Anliang.

“My lord, you promise me!” Yang Maoyi acted like a baby. “If you don’t agree, I don’t know how to ask the lord to help me next time.” Yang Maoyi explained.

Anliang did not refuse any more, “Okay, I will give you a card number in a while, and after you have received the salary from Huya platform, you will call my share.”

“Yeah!” Yang Maoyi nodded obediently.

While talking to Yang Maoyi, Anliang was giving out rewards. In less than ten minutes, he finished the rewards skillfully and turned on the microphone again and said, “Well, friends, happy time is always short. Lucky fox will return tomorrow. I am accomplished and retired, goodbye!”

After Anliang finished speaking, he immediately broadcasted it at the speed of light.

The audience in the live broadcast room has become accustomed to the light-speed downstream style of Yang Maoyi’s live broadcast room. Anyway, the rewards are all distributed, and the audience who should go will naturally take a step first.

As for the winner?

I’m probably going to sing, right?

It’s less than eleven o’clock, is it a good time to sing?

Anliang was streaming down at the speed of light and shutting down the live computer by the way. Yang Maoyi immediately entangled her, and she called out, “Big King!”

This vixen!


How can the righteous leader An Daoist be confused?

Bold fox demon, take a trick to subdue the demon and subdue the demon stick!

The night is getting darker.

Approaching the early morning, Yang Maoyi fell asleep in Anliang’s arms, and Anliang checked the feedback from the life winner system.

‘Ding! ’

‘The live broadcast replacement mission is complete! ’

‘Reward settlement is in progress, please wait…’

‘Popularity factor for live streaming: 0.42’

‘Private seat coefficient in live broadcast room: 0.57’

‘Coefficient of lottery number: 0.41’

‘Raffle amount coefficient: 0.55’(Read more @

‘Raffle draw profit factor: 1.69’

‘Final coefficient: 3.64’

‘This rebate will be calculated based on the total turnover of the lottery gift! ’

‘Total turnover of lottery gifts: 5.552 million yuan’

‘The total cash back this time is: 20,093 million yuan’

‘Special note: This cashback will use the host’s investment account in Anxin Investment Company to obtain the corresponding funds from the U.S. stock market. The profitability of all funds is documented and all profit operations are reasonable and reasonable. Please rest assured to use the host. ’

‘Ding! ’

‘Congratulations to the beloved for the return of the Super God Emperor’s surrogate lottery task for over-completed! ’

‘An extra reward for [Core Commercial Secret Information] about Bentian Motors’

Did you get a copy of commercial secret information about Bentian Motor?

And is it still [core] trade secret information?

When Anliang was just about to check, his mobile phone received a new WeChat, he took it over and checked it, it turned out to be the message sent by Liu Ling.

‘Liu Ling: Classmate An, I finally worked overtime to complete the relevant conditions for your AXA loan. Now I just got off work. Do you have time? Let’s have a supper together? ’


It’s midnight right now, right?

Have supper at this time?

Anliang looked at Yang Maoyi in his arms. As a good man, Anliang would naturally not be able to leave Yang Maoyi at this time.

Besides, doesn’t Xiao An need to rest?

Let’s give Xiao An a vacation!

‘Anliang: I’m sorry, Auntie, I don’t have time now. ’

Liu Ling who reluctantly refused Anliang!

He is a good man after all, right?

However, Anliang immediately added information.

‘Anliang: Tomorrow! Auntie, we will make an appointment for a supper tomorrow. ’

Good men are so considerate!

Since everyone else has a supper appointment, even if it is a different time, it is still a supper appointment, right?

Only in this way can I be sincere!

Otherwise, if someone else has an appointment for supper, should they return an appointment for breakfast?

Can’t read the breakfast appointment?

Brother Liang suggests to read Mr. Xu’s collection of poems!

There is a saying, Mr. Xu still has something to do, at least on the way to a good man, he is definitely a pioneer.

On the other side, in Tianlan Community, Liu Ling looked at Anliang’s reply, her mouth bends slightly.

‘Liu Ling: tomorrow? ’

‘Liu Ling: If it’s tomorrow, how about having dinner together? ’



Anliang refused without hesitation!

‘Anliang: Excuse me, Auntie, I have already made an appointment with my friend for dinner tomorrow, or else we have another time? ’

In fact, Anliang didn’t make an appointment at all for dinner tomorrow.

It’s just that, isn’t this kind of thing Anliang has the final say?

After all, is there anything between Anliang’s thoughts!

As for whether Liu Ling will agree?

Anliang actually already has the answer!


Update time: 13:38:05.

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