Chapter 620

Jin Qiang knows very well the character of his son. When he was young, he neglected the education of Jin Yuquan in order to work hard for his career.

In addition, when Jin Yuquan was three years old, Jin Qiang divorced Jin Yuquan’s mother, and then all kinds of women entered Jin Qiang’s life in a hurry. How could those women who are for money educate Jin Yuquan?

So Jin Yuquan is crooked!

Facing Jin Qiang’s question, Jin Yuquan was taken aback for a moment, and directly denied, “No! I only came back today, where can I offend people?”

“Are you sure?” Jin Qiang looked at Jin Yuquan.

Jin Yuquan shook his head, “No!”

“Let me tell you about the situation of our family. Ten minutes ago, we lost three customers in our family. Among them is an important customer. I believe you understand what I mean.” Jin Qiang explained.

“Liu Neng, President Liu, you have also seen him. He just notified us to terminate the cooperation and did not even give a reason. Do you think there is no problem in 08?” Jin Qiang stared at Jin Yuquan.

Jin Yuquan was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly thought of Anliang, but he didn’t believe that the other party’s energy was so great!

“This…I just had a small argument with someone at the airport.” Jin Yuquan said hesitantly.

“You talk about the matter from beginning to end.” Jin Qiang explained.

Jin Yuquan narrated that according to Jin Yuquan, he just thought Li Xiyan was pretty and wanted to get to know Li Xiyan, but Anliang verbally abused him as uncultured and looked like a gangster, so it happened with Anliang. Quarrel.

Jin Qiang stared at Jin Yuquan, he didn’t even believe in the punctuation that Jin Yuquan said!

“Tell the truth!” Jin Qiang snorted coldly.

“Dad!” Jin Yuquan stared, “I’m telling the truth!”

“Fart!” Jin Qiang directly saw through Jin Yuquan’s lie, “I’m afraid that you think other people are beautiful, so you harass them, and then you are taught by the other’s boyfriend?”

Know the son Mo Ruo father!

What kind of person is Jin Yuquan, does Jin Qiang know?(Read more @

This is not the first time such a thing has happened!

“Do you know the other party’s information?” Jin Qiang was too lazy to ask again, he had already guessed the situation.

“I only know that the other party is called Anliang.” Jin Yuquan responded.

“Anliang?” Jin Qiang frowned, “Peaceful?”

“Yeah!” Jin Yuquan responded.

Jin Qiang furrowed his brows deeper, “You have caused a catastrophe!”

“Huh?” Jin Yuquan hesitated, “Dad, are you scaring me?”

“Do you remember what I told you before? In our West City development plan, an unremarkable construction company got 5% of the West City development plan?” Jin Qiang reminded.

“Then what?” Jin Yuquan asked rhetorically.

“This company is called An Sheng Construction Company, and its boss is An Sheng Yu. If there are no accidents, Anliang should be the prince of An Sheng Construction.” Jin Qiang explained.

Jin Yuquan was taken aback for a moment.

“In the West Side Development Plan this time, except for a few official units, AXA Construction Company got the most share. Do you understand the stakes?” Jin Qiang added.

“In addition, it was just that AXA Construction Company was the first to announce the termination of cooperation with us, and it caused a chain reaction. I am worried that the situation will…” Before Jin Qiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by the ringtone of the call.

Jin Qiang glanced at the caller ID as Li Keying, the company’s secretary. He answered the call, “What’s the matter?”

Li Keying said quickly, “Mr. Jin, it’s not good. We have received a lot of e-mail notifications of termination of cooperation. Yongguyuan Construction Company…”

Jin Qiang interrupted the other party, “Apart from Nengqi Construction Company, are there any important customers of ours?”

Li Keying replied affirmatively, “Yes! There are four of them! I have counted it. The sales share of 17 companies accounted for about 76% of our total sales.”

Jin Qiang heard Li Keying’s feedback. His strength was like 000 Buddha and was emptied for an instant, and then he fell heavily on the sofa.

“President Jin, what should we do now?” Li Keying asked.

Jin Qiang responded calmly as much as possible, “You contact all companies, ask the other party why, and try to find a way to investigate clearly.”

“Okay.” Li Keying ended the call with Jin Qiang.

Jin Yuquan looked at Jin Qiang and said, “Dad, what’s the situation now?”

Jin Qiang looked at Jin Yuquan with complicated eyes. He started his business for twenty-five years. From the beginning of collecting broken copper and iron, he eventually developed to a scale of over 100 million assets today.

In order to start a business, he even ignored Jin Yuquan’s education. He always felt that when Jin Yuquan grew up, he would understand the hardships of society and his personality would become mature.

But now it seems he can’t wait for Jin Yuquan to mature, right?

Because from the information provided by Li Keying, unless AXA gives up the blame and takes the initiative to cooperate with them, this time the zero steel sales company will undoubtedly die!

This time Jin Yuquan really got into a big disaster! .

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