Chapter 636

Imperial Capital International Airport.

Anliang met Liu Xinyi who had not been in contact for a long time.

The last time I met with Liu Xinyi had some minor problems. Liu Xinyi’s favorability dropped to 60 points, and the two parties did not continue to contact.

Now I once again encountered it at the Imperial Capital International Airport.

Facing Liu Xinyi’s reminder, when Anliang was about to ask the reason, he felt a danger!

The danger foresight ability rewarded by the life winner system will provide a super ability to predict future dangers when encountering extreme situations.

When Anliang was in the Shengqing National Financial Center, Anliang encountered an escalator collapse accident. The danger prediction ability provided information for predicting future dangers, so that Anliang could even save Yunxin when he avoided danger.

The situation encountered now is an extremely dangerous situation!

The ability to perceive danger has reminded An Ling that the man behind him has an extremely threatening ability.

Anliang foresaw the dangerous situation in the future, he quickly made a judgment in his mind, and because he knew the danger in advance, the real dangerous situation allowed Anliang to secrete adrenaline quickly, which provided preparations for high-intensity body movements. .

Under normal circumstances, when humans encounter danger, they will quickly secrete adrenaline, so that humans have stronger strength, faster reaction ability, and faster speed, so as to avoid danger as much as possible.

“Small…” Liu Xinyi just reminded that Anliang had already acted.

I saw Anliang quickly turned to the left and met a man wearing a mask and a peaked cap. Anliang clenched a fist with his right hand and hit the chest of the man with a peaked cap at an extremely fast speed, supported by the adrenaline burst.

Anliang has simulated this punch several times in the ability to sense danger!

Anliang’s physical fitness is as high as 11 points, surpassing the highest level of ordinary people; strength is also as high as 10 points, reaching the highest level of ordinary people; and Anliang has proficient free fighting ability.

This heavy punch accurately hit the chest of the man with the peaked cap. The powerful force passed through the protection of the chest cavity, causing the man with the peaked cap to almost have a sudden stop in his heart.(Read more @

The man in the peaked cap just raised his right hand and was pressed by Anliang’s left hand on his wrist, and was hit by Anliang’s right hand again.

If there is a radio operator at the scene and the equipment for collecting audio is arranged, you can hear the crisp sound of bone fracture when Anliang’s right hand hits the other’s right forearm.

In just two blows, the man in the peaked cap didn’t react at all, so he fell straight down. When he fell, his right hand dropped unnaturally and dropped a black pistol.

Although the whole process looks very long, it actually broke out in only two seconds!

It took only two seconds from Liu Xinyi’s half-word of ‘careful’ to Anliang’s resolution of the capped man.

The moment Anliang saw the black pistol, he stepped over, then stepped on the barrel of the pistol, and then looked at the capped man who fell on the ground. Is this man targeting him or something else?

Such a change made Liu Xinyi stunned!

The next moment, Liu Xinyi took out a pistol and pointed at Anliang, “Don’t move it!”

Anliang frowned. Although Liu Xinyi pointed a gun at her, her ability to sense danger did not give an early warning. So, did Liu Xinyi make a plainclothes patrol or other related patrols?

“Liu Xinyi, who are you?” Anliang asked calmly, “I advise you to put down your gun!”

“Have you seen the movie?” Anliang continued, “My reaction speed is very fast. Although I can’t avoid the bullet, I can see through your movement before you shoot, so I advise you to put down the gun. I can give you a chance to explain.”

“Otherwise! You won’t want to know the result!” Although Anliang saw through Liu Xinyi’s identity, he did not say it directly, but acted in accordance with the current situation.

Liu Xinyi looked at Anliang nervously, “I am a staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau, and this person is the suspect I am following.”

“`” Heh! Anliang confirmed Liu Xinyi’s identity in her heart, but she didn’t believe it on the surface, “First put down the gun!” If you are really a staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau, then put down your gun and we will notify the patrol. ”

In fact, the security mechanism of Imperial Capital International Airport has been activated!

A large number of security personnel at the airport are evacuating the crowd, and the patrol stationed at the airport has also begun operations. The special explosion-proof patrol has reached the periphery, but because Liu Xinyi has a gun, the special explosion-proof patrol did not act immediately.

“I’m really a staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau.” Liu Xinyi said again, “I will notify the patrol immediately.”

Anliang still combined the current situation in acting, “I said, put down the gun! I can express my sincerity first, I will kick the pistol off my feet first (Zhao), you’d better not make any movements, especially those that make me misunderstand. !”

“Okay!” The biggest reason Liu Xinyi held a gun and pointed at Anliang was the pistol spoon at Anliang’s feet.

Even if Liu Xinyi didn’t think Anliang was a threat, she was worried about an accident, so she pointed her gun at Anliang to prevent Anliang from picking up the pistol.

In this country, firearms are strictly forbidden. Except for a few official staff, no one else is allowed to own them. That’s why Liu Xinyi will guard against Anliang.


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