Chapter 647

Just now, when Anliang asked Ning Ruoshuang why he didn’t go home, Ning Ruoshuang always avoided answering. Anliang guessed there was a special reason, right?

Chen Siyu responded, “Is Shuangshuang still sleeping?”

“Yeah.” Anliang responded.

“This matter… is a bit complicated!” Chen Siyu responded.

“How complicated? Listen carefully.” Anliang replied.

“I’ll tell you secretly, after you know, pretend not to know, understand?” Chen Siyu explained.

“Relax, I understand!” Anliang responded.

Chen Siyu explained, “The environment in Shuangshuang’s family is a bit complicated. Her mother died young, and her father married a new partner and had a half-sister.”

Anliang understands in seconds!

It turned out to be a stepmother’s family, and the stepmother has her own children, thus forming a differentiated treatment?

So Ning Ruoshuang’s cold personality was formed when he was a child, probably to cover up his true heart with coldness, thus forming a personality protection?

“Shuangshuang’s stepmother is a bit too much, and there is a whole set of yin and yang weirdness. Her younger sister is also an onmyoji, and often hurts Shuangshuang with all kinds of vicious words.” Chen Siyu explained.

Anliang frowned secretly, is there such an inside story?

“I actually hate her dad the most!” Chen Siyu said angrily. “Her dad is a bit weak. Every time her stepmother and sister are yin and yang, her dad turns a blind eye.”

Chen Siyu continued, “I almost blown me up when I read Shuangshuang’s WeChat family group chat records before. Her stepmother and younger sister are really weird.”

Chen Siyu couldn’t help but complain, “Her sister’s three views are particularly problematic, probably because the values ​​are affected by software such as Xiaolvshu or Yindou. Her sister actually asked Shuangshuang in the WeChat family group, why not find a rich person. It’s okay for the boss to fall in love, even if it’s just for a few months. If you look at these three views, it’s sick!”

“What’s even more is that her stepmother actually seconded, and she said in a strange way that Shuangshuang was a waste of God’s gift. When she grows so beautiful, she must be cheap and poor in the future. I was really angry at the time. Wonderful flower!” Chen Siyu’s desire to complain directly reached its full value.

“If it is said that her stepmother and younger sister are not correct in the three views, then the yin and yang will be queer. After all, it is a stepmother, which is more or less understandable.” Chen Siyu added, “but that is the WeChat family group and her father is also in the group, but her dad just pretended To die, choose to be invisible, this is simply annoying!”

“Anliang, you are also an Onmyoji, do you feel so irritating?” Chen Siyu asked.

“I can only tell you. Fortunately, you are not in front of me. Otherwise, I want you to look good. How could I become an Onmyoji?” Anliang hummed in response.(Read more @

Chen Siyu continued to complain, “Didn’t Shuangshuang hurt her leg before? She originally planned to go home, even if she suffers from the yin and yang of her stepmother and sister, but at least her dad is her own family member?”

“As a result, her father told her on WeChat to let her cultivate in school. You are good, you can believe it!” Chen Siyu frantically complained, “That’s why I discussed with you at that time and let Shuangshuang cultivate on our side.”

“By the way, Shuangshuang will also be here during the Chinese New Year this year. I entered all her fingerprints and gave the owner permission.” Chen Siyu added.

? ? ?

Is this Chen Siyu so empathetic?

Did you give the owner permission directly?

There is providence in the dark?


Brother Liang suddenly felt that he was innocent!

“Brother Liang, you won’t be angry if I do this?” Chen Siyu asked.

This question is poisonous!

“As long as you are happy, these are all small things. By the way, when will you come back, I am thinking about whether to come to school or not.” Anliang asked.

Chen Siyu responded negatively, “You don’t need to come over, there is basically no one in the school. We are training camp. I don’t have time when you come. Teacher Sun will talk to you again. You should play at home!”

“All right!” Anliang responded, “Let me see what we eat tonight.”

“I want to eat sukiyaki!” Chen Siyu responded proactively, “There is a sukiyaki just north of our house. I saw it in my circle of friends before and I think it should be good.”

“What’s the name, let me check it.” Anliang responded.

“Burning pot cuisine.” Chen Siyu explained, “I want to eat Jinji fish. I used to hear how delicious Jinji fish is so delicious. I want to try it.”

The big cat in the imperial capital wants to eat fish?

no problem!


“Okay, book here for that evening.” Anliang asked, “The three of us will go there together, or?”

“Call Qianqian again!” Chen Siyu added, “You will wake Shuangshuang later and let her notify Qianqian, lest Qianqian gets jealous and our friendship boat will turn over!”

four people?


Ready for the food sharing cashback card?

It just so happens that Brother Liang’s personal account only has funds in his early 20s, so try again today!

“Okay.” Anliang asked, “Then what time do you end?”

“After about half past four, before five o’clock. By the way, you and Shuangshuang go directly, by the way, tell Qianqian to go there by yourself. After I finish here, go directly, and we will meet directly at the cooking pot.” Chen Siyu explained. Tao.

“Okay!” Anliang agreed.


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