Chapter 650

There is a reminder in the operating instructions of the Life Winner System that the most important role of the ability to sense danger is to prevent extreme dangers.

The so-called ‘extreme danger’ is a danger that threatens Anliang’s personal safety.

What if there is no danger?

The ability to sense danger will definitely not remind!

Of course, if there are some very slight dangers and the reminder of danger premonition is not clear enough, Brother Liang blurted out and shouted ‘Shuangshuang’?

“Okay!” Anliang responded to Ning Ruoshuang, saying that he had remembered not to call him too intimate.

“Qianqian has already set off. She said she will be there in twenty minutes.” Ning Ruoshuang explained.

“You can ask Siyu to see how long she will arrive.” Anliang asked again.

Ning Ruoshuang sends a message to Chen Siyu.

After a while, Ning Ruoshuang replied, “She said that it will take a while. Let’s go to Burning Pot and make a reservation first, and she will come directly.

“Okay!” Anliang responded.

Burning pot cooking is very close to Yunjing International Apartment. At 4:50, Anliang and Ning Ruoshuang first arrived at the Departure Business 08 Industry Center where Burning Pot cooking is located.

“Should we go shopping first?” Anliang asked.

Ning Ruoshuang had a bit of eager eyes, Anliang led her directly into the Qicheng Commercial Center, Ning Ruoshuang struggled a little, but did not struggle away, and let Anliang lead her.

No one knows them anyway, right?

The Qicheng Commercial Center is just a cheap commercial center. The two wandered around, just like an ordinary couple. Anliang also bought a helium balloon for Ning Ruoshuang.

Helium balloons have the same floating properties as hydrogen balloons, but hydrogen balloons are in danger of exploding, so they have now been completely banned and replaced with safer helium.

Ning Ruoshuang pulled the helium balloon like a child and asked Anliang to take pictures of her.

Originally, Anliang wanted to take a group photo, but Ning Ruoshuang refused because she said that Chen Siyu and she often played with each other’s mobile phones. If she and Anliang had a group photo, wouldn’t it be over?

It seems to be the reason!

At five ten in the evening, Ning Ruoshuang received a call from Song Qian.

“Shuangshuang, I’m here, are you there yet?” Song Qian asked.

Ning Ruoshuang replied affirmatively, “We have just arrived, come here right away, at most three minutes.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you outside.” Song Qian responded.(Read more @

“Hmm!” Ning Ruoshuang hung up the phone, she said to Anliang, “Qianqian is here, let’s go over quickly!”

“Good.” Anliang responded.

Ning Ruoshuang gave a helium balloon to a passing child. If you take this kind of gift, you will definitely be asked by Song Qian and Chen Siyu. Could it be that Anliang bought it?

There seems to be a problem!

Anliang originally wanted to lead Ning Ruoshuang, but was pushed away by Ning Ruoshuang, “Qianqian has already come, let’s be careful lest Qianqian find out.”

“Okay!” Anliang agreed.

This sneaky feeling…

It’s a bit unspeakable?

It was nearly five minutes before Anliang and Ning Ruoshuang walked out of the Departure Commercial Center. Song Qian vomited, “Are you talking about three minutes?”

Ning Ruoshuang walked over to hold Song Qian, “Oh, we are lost, walk around, let’s eat.”

Song Qian laughed, “Yes, we’re going to eat.”

Having said that, Song Qian looked at Anliang, “An Daxian, can you order anything today?”

“As long as it is not wasted, of course you can order it!” Anliang said affirmatively.

The price doesn’t matter. Whether it’s this expensive cooking pot or the cheap second canteen of Tianfu Economics College, Anliang abides by one principle, that is, don’t waste it.

As long as there is no waste, what is the price?

Enjoy the food and enjoy the cash back card pocket bottom!

Brother Liang came over to eat, that’s to give the restaurant face, understand?

The three of them walked into burning pot cooking. Their home decoration is quite good, with a lot of dark gold wood grain decoration.

The average person commented on this restaurant is RMB yuan/person. Restaurants of this level are basically attentive in their decoration. At most, there are only differences in aesthetic concepts, and it is unlikely that the decoration will be poor.

Can’t the environment of the roadside stall be a per capita?

Although there are many so-called ‘fly houses’ in Shengqing and Tianfu that often advertise luxury cars waiting in line, the fly house tastes good, not the price is particularly high.

The three chose the window deck, Ning Ruoshuang sat diagonally across from Anliang with great attention, Song Qian sat across from Anliang, and the two were asking Chen Siyu on WeChat.

“An Daxian, your little fairy will be here soon, she is in the underground garage 060.” Song Qian reminded.

Anliang nodded while flipping through the menu, “Look what you like to eat.”

The price of this cooking pot is a bit high!

Average yuan per person commented by the masses?

Anliang guessed to double it casually?

And more than doubled!

“An Daxian, I’m not welcome!” Song Qian said with a smile.

“Please don’t be polite!” Anliang responded jokingly.

When the three of them were checking the menu, Chen Siyu came in. When she came, Anliang got up and gave way, and he let Chen Siyu sit inside.

Chen Siyu didn’t sit in immediately, she plunged into Anliang’s arms, and Anliang also hugged Chen Siyu.

Song Qian teased, “It’s alright, don’t scatter dog food, it’s a lot of people!”

Chen Siyu got up from Anliang’s arms, and she replied teasingly, “Don’t be sour, you just don’t have a boyfriend!”

“It’s great to have a boyfriend?” Song Qian hummed.

“Sorry, having a boyfriend is great!” Chen Siyu responded proudly. .

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