Chapter 663

In the elevator of Yunjing International Apartment, the atmosphere is somewhat stagnant.

Anliang held Chen Siyu with his left hand and Ning Ruoshuang with his right. The two girls did not speak. After all, the three of them went home together. It seemed strange?

On the eighty-eighth floor, Anliang released the two of them. He used his fingerprints to open the door. Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang walked into the house first, and Anliang followed up.

As soon as Anliang entered the house, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID was an ‘unknown number’, which is a feature of Renyi Security’s call.

Anliang swipes the screen to answer.

On the 1st, Tang Jinsheng’s voice came, “Sixteen packages have been packed and are being sent to Hongkang Island. The corresponding white noodles have also been found and have been fully controlled. The relevant detailed information has been sent, please-further instructions.”

The efficiency rate of Renyi Security Company is too high, right?

As Anliang ordered, he hoped to get the result today, so he got the result today!

“The corresponding package was sent to Hongkang Island according to the original plan. After the package is set up, I will be notified and I will arrange for someone to receive it.” Anliang instructed the situation.

“As for the second matter, you should strictly control it first. I will deal with intelligence first, and then give you feedback.” Anliang explained.

“Received.” Tang Jinsheng responded.

Anliang hung up the phone.

Chen Siyu asked, “Are there any jobs?”

“Well, I have to deal with the work first, and you can play by yourself.” Anliang responded.

Chen Siyu pulled Ning Ruoshuang towards the master bedroom, wondering what they were whispering again?

Anliang first read the intelligence information sent by Tang Jinsheng. He was just about to call Huang Guoxiang of the National Security Investigation Bureau, but Liu Xinyi called first, and Anliang chose to answer.

“The person you want to check, we have already investigated it clearly.” Liu Xinyi responded.

“Are there any crimes?” Anliang asked.

If that Ji Jianjing has a record of breaking the law, she doesn’t need Anliang to take action at all to solve the trouble.

Anliang prefers to solve opponents through rules.(Read more @

Unless it is a guy like Jay Dewen who breaks the rules of the game, Anliang will not solve the problem by breaking the rules in the first place.

Because of breaking the rules, it will inevitably be rejected by others!

Even if Ji Jianjing is not in the circle where Anliang is located, it is also easy to cause fear if he uses methods that break the rules.

Besides, if you can solve your opponents through rules, why should you treat yourself like a gangster, as if you can’t do anything other than fight and kill?

Liu Xinyi responded, “This person’s situation is more complicated. What he did is a gray edge, which is a bit of a problem, but it does not constitute a crime. We have no way to force him to deal with him.”

“Where is his profile?” Anliang asked.

“His personal information is a bit wonderful. I will print it out and send it to you later. By the way, there are small interest groups behind him. You should pay attention to it.” Liu Xinyi responded.

“Oh?” Anliang was curious, “What kind of small interest group?”

“Anyway, it is some stakeholders. Otherwise, his training organization will not be so smooth. If you want to engage him, through the power of patrol, I am afraid it is basically impossible.” Liu Xinyi responded.

Anliang frowned after a week, “Okay, I will pay attention. By the way, is Lao Huang still there?”

“You have something to look for him?” Liu Xinyi asked back.

“Something to talk about.” Anliang responded.

“The contact information I gave you is his personal contact information, you can contact him directly.” Liu Xinyi responded.

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“Okay!” Anliang added, “Remember to send me Ji Jianjing’s information quickly.”

“Okay.” Liu Xinyi responded and hung up.

Anliang continued to contact Huang Guoxiang and waited for Huang Guoxiang to answer the call. Anliang said first, “Good evening, Lao Huang, are you asleep?”

Huang Guoxiang responded, “Not yet. Mr. An, is there anything wrong?”

“Regarding the matter discussed before, should we make a face-to-face meeting tomorrow, or can we talk over the phone?” Anliang asked cautiously.

“You wait a moment.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

0 ……. …….

About ten seconds later, Huang Guoxiang asked, “Is your phone environment okay?”

“I’m in Yunjing International Apartment, and there is definitely no problem with the call environment.” Anliang responded.

“Then you can say it on the phone.” Huang Guoxiang responded, “Could it be that Haipu’s matter has a result?”

“Of course!” Anliang replied affirmatively, “I said before, I hope the result will come out today!”

“According to the news I got here, including the leader of the Haipu Organization, Weichai, who is in charge of freight, and Wangxi who is in charge of security, all these high-level executives were captured, and a total of 16 people were captured. .” Anliang responded.

Anliang added, “By the way, Silifone, who is in charge of financial management, died. In order to avoid trouble, we left Silifone in Tyrande and give it to you when your people pass by.”

The treasurer died?

Huang Guoxiang felt that there was a problem for the first time!

“What about white noodles?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Of course it was all seized!” Anliang responded, “There is no detailed data yet, but there are at least two tons, so I will inform you and let you send someone there as soon as possible!”

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