Chapter 671

Niujie Songshi Teahouse.

Anliang put his phone on the table, and he greeted, “Little brother, ask something.”

The shop Xiaoer who was in charge of the tea replied, “Master, what’s the matter with you?”

The old teahouses in the imperial capital always have some retained habits from the past, such as the title “Master”.

“When does your opera usually start to sing?” Anliang asked.

Dian Xiaoer responded, “The fixed time is at two o’clock in the afternoon every Saturday. If there is a special event, we will generally give notice in advance.”

“What if you want to listen temporarily?” Anliang asked.

“If you want to listen temporarily, you need to book an extra place.” Xiaoer Dian responded.

“What’s the price of the private room?” Anliang asked again.

Xiao Er in the shop is a young man, and he can know Anliang, a high-end luxury brand clothing.

In the high-luxury field, if you only carry high-luxury bags, it can only exist at the entry level, because many people bite their teeth and buy a high-luxury bag, and then use one bag for many years.

But high-luxury clothing is different!

There is a ridiculous saying in the high-luxury field that those who carry high-luxury bags are not necessarily rich people, but those who wear high-luxury clothing must be economically not bad.

After all, can the poor economy afford high-end clothing?

Clothing and bags are different!

There is no problem if a bag is not changed for a few years. Classic bags like Louis Vuitton can even be used for ten to twenty years.

Why don’t you change your clothes for a few years?

In most cases, unless it is a classic style, such as plain coats and trench coats, as well as classic suits and shirts, it is likely to be used for many years.

How many years have you used fashionable high-luxury clothing?

If it is a showpiece of high-luxury clothing, even in the second year, it is called outdated design.

In the high-luxury field, if you continue to wear high-luxury clothing similar to the show in the second year, not only will you not wear the luxury and rank of the high-luxury brand, but you will only have one idea in the eyes of the knowledgeable person: Yet?

Otherwise, why wear the high-luxury brand show clothes of the previous year in the second year?(Read more @

Is there no new model this year?

Therefore, in the high-luxury field, there are ridicules. What kind of rich people carry a high-luxury bag and have the ability to buy a full set of high-luxury show clothes?

Anliang wears high-luxury clothing, although it is not a show style, but it is also a fashionable style. Generally speaking, fashionable styles have a life span of two or three years at most.

As for the show?

Anliang thinks the show is a bit exaggerated.

The show styles are the styles worn by fashion models in high-luxury brand conferences. Quite a lot of show styles are more exaggerated. In reality, they are a little bit exaggerated.

Dian Xiaoer could tell at a glance that Anliang has the financial ability to book the venue. He patiently explained, “Return to Lord, our play is different according to different dramas, and the price corresponds to different 々 “.”

“Please wait for a while, I’ll bring the list of tricks to the master right away.” Xiao Er quickly responded.

Anliang nodded.

In less than three minutes, the second person in the shop brought the playlist over, and Anliang glanced at it, including: Yutangchun, Changbanpo, Qunyinghui, Fishing and Killing Home, Empty City, Drunken Concubine and so on.

Except for Kuangchengji and the drunken concubine, the other Anliang has never heard of… the name!

In fact, Kuangchengji and Drunken Concubine have only heard the names. As for the traditional Chinese art of Peking Opera, Anliang has never heard of them.

“What is the price of the concubine drunk?” Anliang clicked on the one he knew most.

“Returning Lord, this drama of ours is Mr. Mei’s version. It is a boutique drama. There are more than a dozen people performing on stage, and there are more staff under the stage. It takes several makeup artists to spend two or three hours for makeup “Dian Xiaoer said while looking at Anliang’s expression.

Anliang responded calmly, “Just talk about the price!”

“If you want to watch today, we will arrange it now, and then we can sing in the afternoon. The price is 60,000 yuan. If the master allows us to sell tickets publicly, the price will drop to 50,000 yuan.” Xiaoer explained the situation.

“Wait a minute.” Anliang responded, sending another message to Liu Xingbang on WeChat.

‘Anliang: Buddy, I ordered a drunk concubine in Song Dynasty. Do you like to be lively or quiet? ’

‘Liu Xingbang: Fuck! Damn it! Damn it! ’

‘Liu Xingbang: In Song Dynasty, there is only a show at 2 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, and the price of a private room is very high. ’

‘Liu Xingbang: My buddy, you are making a fortune, I am a little panicked! ’

‘Anliang: Don’t panic. I’ll be here later. You can choose to do it or not. No matter what you choose, I will accept it. ’

‘Anliang: By the way, do you like to be lively or quiet? ’

‘Liu Xingbang: Of course you have to be lively in the theater! ’

‘Liu Xingbang: Guys, please reserve the front row. I will arrange a few old men to watch the show. ’

‘Anliang: Good! I will book the venue directly, reserve the first two rows, and let Song Shi arrange the rest, is it okay? husband’

‘Liu Xingbang: There must be no problem (Zhao Zhao)! It’s best to watch the show to be lively, everyone applauds, and there is an atmosphere of watching the show. ’

‘Anliang: Okay, I’ve settled down here, you will be here, we will elaborate. ’

‘Liu Xingbang: On the road, taxis, parking in the southern district is poisonous, and taxis are the most convenient. ’

‘Liu Xingbang: There is at most a quarter of an hour left. ’

‘Anliang: [OK]’

After Anliang responded to Liu Xingbang, he put his mobile phone on the square wooden table, “`” booked a drunk imperial concubine and allowed you to sell tickets, but the two rows in front were reserved. ”

“Hao Le, Lord, I’ll make arrangements for you!” The shop Xiaoer echoed, “By the way, Lord, you reserve the first two rows. We will charge 55,000 yuan here. Look…”

“Swipe your card!” Anliang responded. .

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