Chapter 684

In the big tea room of Yunjing International Apartment.

The four people connected separately. Anliang contacted Wu Zhengfeng and waited for Wu Zhengfeng to connect. Anliang said first, “Uncle Wu, ready to enter, send your funds to Anxin Investment Company, and I will send you the relevant information. ”

“No problem!” Wu Zhengfeng responded, and he added, “By the way, Xiaoan, you should know that there is a shadow following you, right?”

“I know, they have already pooled tens of billions of funds, right?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“No, no, no, according to the news just received, their funds have exceeded 30 billion.” Wu Zhengfeng responded.

“These lunatics!” Anliang vomited, “The total number of plates is only more than 300 billion. Are these people crazy?”

“There is a risk?” Wu Zhengfeng asked rhetorically.

“Uncle Wu also participated in the shadow operation?” Anliang asked the same, “If Uncle Wu wants to participate in the shadow operation, let me remind you that the shadow operation is very risky.”

Wu Zhengfeng responded negatively, “I did receive the invitation, but I did not participate. By the way, Lao Liu participated. May I remind him?”

“Okay!” Anliang agreed, “I am actually worried that Uncle Liu will think that you are blocking his money.”

Wu Zhengfeng smiled bitterly, “It is very likely that this is the case, but I still have to talk about it. As for whether he listens or not, it is his own business.”

“Well, I still have things on my side, hang up first, remember to transfer the funds today.” Anliang reminded.

“Relax!” Wu Zhengfeng responded.

Anliang hung up the call, he contacted Song Ren from Tyrande again and waited for Song Ren to answer the call. Anliang said first, “Brother, did you read the email I sent you?”

“Well, do you want to take action?” Song Ren asked rhetorically.

“Yes! Are you ready over there?” Anliang asked.

“I’m ready at any time.” Song Ren replied.

“Okay! I’ll contact the eldest brother after handling it here.” Anliang explained.

There were only two pieces of cake divided by Anliang, and he quickly completed the notification, and Li Cunyuan and the three of them continued to notify their recipients of the piece of cake.

After nearly half an hour, the three individuals ended contact.

“Has anyone changed?” Anliang asked.

“No!” Li Cunyuan was the first to respond.(Read more @

“Of course not.” Yun Haiyang also said that there is no problem.

Qian Xiaogang made an ‘OK’ gesture.

Anliang responded, “I’ll create a WeChat group, and then pull everyone in. Let’s talk about the rules.”

All three agreed.

Anliang established the’anti-base group’. He edited the group announcement so that newcomers could enter the group and understand the rules. After the group announcement was made, Anliang pulled the three of Li Cunyuan into the anti-base group and set them three as administrators. Pull in Wu Zhengfeng.

As soon as Wu Zhengfeng joined the group, the corresponding announcement message popped up.

Announcement against this group:

1. Everyone who enters the group will change the group business card according to ‘region-industry name-real name’.

2. Everyone in this group is the friend of the group owner and the administrator, please do not attack each other with words.

3. If the group members develop business cooperation and exchanges, both parties are responsible for themselves, and the group owner and the administrator do not make any guarantees.

4. Do not take screenshots of any information in the group.

After reading the group announcement, Wu Zhengfeng immediately changed his group business card to “Shengqing-Chengyuan Real Estate-Wu Zhengfeng”, and then he observed the group business cards of other people in the group.

In just a few minutes, the total number of people in the group reached 52.

‘Sheng Qing-Anxin Investment-Anliang: @Everyone: All partners are here, just say one rule, before the end of the operation, don’t ask us what we are doing, don’t spread internal information, let alone spread rumors to the outside, peace of mind The heart is waiting to divide the money 0 ……..’

‘Sheng Qing-Peace of Mind Investment-Anliang: The group owner usually doesn’t have time and can’t answer these questions. If you have something to do, I will find three administrators, thank you. ’

‘Emperor Capital—Creation Entertainment—Hu Xiaoyu: The group owner greatly asks for WeChat! ’

‘Sheng Qing-Anxin Investment-Anliang: …….’

Hu Xiaoyu?

“Brother Ocean, where did you pull?” Anliang asked.

Yun Haiyang stared at Li Cunyuan in death, “Brother Yuan, this is mine!”

Li Cunyuan complained, “You are ashamed to say? You didn’t pull Miao Xueyi?”

“She asked me, what can I do?” Yun Haiyang vomited.

Qian Xiaogang hummed, “I thought the four of you had finished things before, but the lotus was broken?”

“I used to pull, now I can’t kick it out?” Li Cunyuan sighed.

Yun Haiyang also sighed, “You have committed sins!”

“Hu Xiaoyu added me, what should I do?” Anliang asked.

“Brother Liang, don’t worry, Hu Xiaoyu doesn’t like a scumbag like you.” Yun Haiyang responded.

“Fuck!” Anliang stared at Yun Haiyang, “Why am I a scumbag?”

“Huh?” Yun Haiyang stared at Anliang, “Brother Liang, are you serious?”

Li Cunyuan also looked at Anliang speechlessly.

Qian Xiaogang looked suspicious.

“I think I am a good man!” Anliang replied affirmatively, “You said, where do I have a problem?”

“This…” Yun Haiyang was unable to complain, “Stop talking, Brother Liang, I respect you as the strongest!”

Li Cunyuan also complained, “I take it!”

Qian Xiaogang nodded faintly, “So is this the secret of your success?”.

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