Chapter 688

Bentian Automobile, in a meeting room of the Imperial Business Center.

Bentian Motors Xia Guo marketing director Mitsui Hiraling knocked on the desk. He spoke fluently in Xia Guoyu, “As of now, our Bentian Motors has 28 sales stores in the Imperial Capital, a sales store in Yanjiao, and The twelve sales stores in Tianfu, as well as the twelve sales stores in Shengqing, were all put on banners with boycott slogans.”

“Taking the Imperial Capital area as an example, the daily sales of the corresponding sales stores have a serious impact. Except for the situation where the deposit has been paid, there is no new transaction volume in a single day today.” Mitsui Hirai explained the situation.

“Excuse me, what is going on?” Mitsui Hirai glanced at everyone in the conference room.

Li Xianglin, deputy director of the public relations department of Bentian Motor Xiaguo, responded, “Your Excellency Mitsui, our public relations department has learned some things. This time, such a large-scale and large-scale boycott is behind the scenes.”

“Nonsense!” Mitsui Pingling snorted coldly.

This kind of large-scale banner pull operation, if there is no behind-the-scenes, wouldn’t it be funny?

“Regarding that Senior Hall was targeted by a financial investment company of Xia Guo, do you know about Mitsui?” Li Xianglin asked again.

Mitsui Hiraling responded instantly, “This time the man behind the scenes is An~Shin Investment Company?”

“The judgment from the current intelligence is indeed the case.” Li Xianglin responded, “I learned from some special channels that Anxin Investment Company is absorbing a large amount of funds recently. The gossip is rumored that Anxin Investment Company is preparing to target our Bentian Automobile.”

“How much money did they absorb?” Mitsui Hirai-inquired.

“The information obtained so far is probably tens of billions.” Li Xianglin said guessingly, “but it is very likely to have a larger scale.”

“Because of the outstanding record of this Anxin Investment Company, coupled with its special background, it is too simple to obtain funds, and we have to deal with a lot of trouble this time.” Li Xianglin reminded.

Mitsui Hiraling snorted coldly, “We are not a senior hall!”

“Notify all the media that we are cooperating with, and let the other party post a message to support us, indicating that our Bentian Motors has been targeted by a long-planned conspiracy.” Mitsui Hirai explained.

Natsuki Matsubara, the head of the public relations department, gave a neon affirmative response, “Hi!”(Read more @

“By the way, Li Sang, regarding the current situation of our Bentian Motors, I hope you will relieve it through Xia Guo’s official and ask the other party’s patrol department to assist us in solving the problem.” Mitsui Hiring explained.

“Li Sang, our Bentian is fully integrated into this great country. Whether it is Tobe or Guangzhou, they all own half of our equity and get half of the profits.” Mitsui Hiraling reminded.

Mitsui Hiraling meant that Bentian Motors is a joint venture in China, and how much money Bentian makes in Xia Guo will be divided equally with Xia Guo’s company.

Now that Bentian has been engaged by Xia Guo’s local forces, won’t Bentian’s cooperative enterprises stand up?

The biggest reason for foreign companies seeking joint ventures with local companies is to seek protection from local forces. After all, it is difficult for strong dragons to overcome the situation, and Bentian Motors must also learn such rules.

Li Xianglin sighed, “Your Excellency Mitsui, this matter is very difficult! This Anxin Investment Company is extremely powerful. The last time our investigators from the Investigation Division of the Ministry of Neon Economics came to conduct a review and investigation of Anxin Investment Company, the results were simply impressive. unbelievable.”

Mitsui Hiraling wondered, “What is the result?”

“Three investigators from the Investigation Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs were defined as’commercial espionage’ and thus were deported and restricted from entering the camera again. I believe you can understand what this result means,” Li Xianglin explained.

0 ··········Ask for flowers···········

“In addition, let me say one more thing. The controller behind the Anxin Investment Company once planned a murder in the Imperial Capital. Everyone knew it was him, but the investigation department could not find evidence. Interested groups Instead, sympathize with him. You can consider this person’s power.” Li Xianglin was talking about Jia Dewen.

In fact, everyone knows that Anliang must have solved Jia Dewen, but after Anliang transformed himself into a victim, he won the support and sympathy of everyone in the imperial capital circle.

……. ……… …

Mitsui Hirai fell silent.

There are many such things in neon, and neon is not a paradise in the legend.

Do you really think that Neon has no human relations?

Just say a pachinko as an example, anyone who understands will understand!

Therefore, Hiring Mitsui can fully understand the situation Li Xianglin said. He thought to himself, and now he is facing such a person against them, what should he do?

“Can this person be bought?” Mitsui Hiraling adopted the method most commonly used by Bentian.

Hard bones?

Can’t beat it?


Can’t solve it?

Just buy it!

Li Xianglin shook his head negatively, “I shouldn’t! If at first, I am afraid there is still a little chance, but now the interest groups behind him are pushing him forward, it is impossible to stop him.”

Hiring Mitsui understands Li Xianglin’s meaning, he has read Xia Guo’s literary works.

This is called: People can’t help themselves in the arena!

In fact, it is true!

Anliang has no retreat and can only target Bentian cars! A.

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