Chapter 692


In the office of the Economic Investigation Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Zhou Jun, Anxin Investment Company is again plotting against our neon stock market. This time the target is Bentian Motors. Please check the specific situation first.” Section Chief Naoto Sanguan played on the projector via a tablet. With peace of mind to invest in related operations for Benzene.

Including the video of “Bentian Silk Domain Real Impact”, of course, is also an investment company’s backdoor.

Everyone in the Economic Investigation Division was viewing the content played by the three-in-a-kind straight person, and from time to time they used their mobile phones to take pictures for recording.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, the three-pipe straight talent ended the play.

“Zhu Jun, now Anxin Investment Company has made it clear that it will target Bentian Motors. What do you think Zhu Jun has?” asked Naoto Sanguan.

Takasho Ozada responded, “Chairman, this time Anxin Investment’s case against Bentian Motor has been seen through by Bentian Motor. I think Bentian Motor can block Anxin Investment’s attack.”

Yamato Goto seconded, “I second! In Xia Guo’s Internet, the contest between Anxin Investment Company and Bentian Motor is already open. A large number of people in Xia Guo know that Anxin Investment Company is deliberately targeting Bentian Automobile. I don’t think it will cause a huge blow to Bentian Motors.”

Hiroga Kosaburo put forward different opinions, “Two seniors, I have different opinions.”

Takasho Ozoda and Satoru Yamazaka both looked at Hiroga Kosaburo, and they waited for Hiroga’s advice, otherwise they would teach Hiroga Kosaburo.

Neon is a society in which the concept of “predecessors and younger generations” is extremely important.

Similar to Hiroga Kosaburo’s public rebuttal of his predecessors, it is called ‘following offense’, but more and more neon young people like this kind of ‘following offense’ in the workplace.

Hiroga Kosaburo explained, “Let’s first analyze the situation of Anxin Investment Company. This investment company has targeted the senior church twice in the past and has made huge profits.”(Read more @

Takasho Koduda responded positively, “Yes, Anxin Investment did have a brilliant record in the past, but the past is the past. Take Anxin Investment’s second time against Senior Hall as an example. They first targeted the stock market and then manipulated the fishing vessels.”

Takasho Odumada added, “We have checked the stock market. There has been no sudden large-scale trading of Benz Tian Motor’s stock. An Xin Investment Company has not yet entered the layout, and it has started fishing boats. Therefore, Benz Tian Motor should see through An Xin ahead of time. Investing in the company’s strategy, and thus chose to save itself.”

Yamato Satoru seconded, “I think so too!”

Hiroga Kosaburo retorted, “What if not?”

Hiroga Kosaburo continued, “I have carefully studied the situation in Xia Guo. Anxin Investment Company can postpone until Monday and wait for the opening of our stock market. It will first operate on the stock of Bentian Motors and then make a fishing boat offensive. So as to suppress the stock price of Bentian Motor Company.”

“I contacted His Excellency Mitsui Hiraling, Marketing Director of Bentian Motors in Xiaguo. In areas where the offline fishing vessels of Bentian Motors broke out, sales suffered a severe decline. Taking the capital of Xiaguo as an example, two days of real sales The number goes back to zero directly.” Hiroga Kosaburo said the details.

“According to this situation, if Anxin Investment Co., Ltd. arranges ahead of schedule, they should make a profit, right?” Hiroshi Kosaburo asked rhetorically.

Hiroga Kosaburo continued, “Xia Guo has an old saying: something abnormal must be a demon! Now that is the case with Anxin Investment Company, they have done such an abnormal thing, I think they have bigger plans!”

Sanguan Naoren seconded, “It makes sense! I will find a way to apply for the special protection regulations of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. If Anxin Investment Company really wants to target Bentian Automobile, we will definitely make them look good!”

“The section chief is wise!” Hiroga Kosaburo patted the horse.

Takasho Ozoda shoots a horse together with Yamato Goku.

However, Hiroga Kosaburo did not figure out the situation at all!

His self-righteous analysis is completely fighting against the void!

In fact, Anliang only wants to make a small scale, using a place in the Imperial Capital as a pilot, and then trying to target Bentian Motors to see how the stock market reacts on the neon side.

In the end, who knew that the shadow group was so wild?

All actions outside the imperial capital were made by the shadow group!

Including “Bentian Silk Domain Real Clash” was also produced by the shadow group, but Anxin Investment Company is only holding back.

Hiroga Kosaburo doesn’t even know the existence of the shadow group, and can divide so many, isn’t it serious?

Is Anxin Investment Company also a victim?

The shadow group completely disrupted Anliang’s plan. Anliang was originally just a test, but as the shadow group’s contradictions intensified, this directly became the rhythm of the beginning of the ultimate battle.

In such a situation, Anliang also expressed helplessness.

Who can think of the interference of the shadow group?

Fortunately, Anliang’s plan has never been so simple! .

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