Chapter 696

Yunjing International, Room 8806.

Bingshan girl seems to be madly suggesting.

But it seems to be the case?

After Chen Siyu went home, only Anliang and Ning Ruoshuang were left here.

It seems that Ning Ruoshuang knows it!

Anliang embraced Ning Ruoshuang, obviously checking the rigidity of the ligaments, which eventually turned into a dispute of tongues.

After a few minutes, the dispute between the two sides ended.

Ning Ruoshuang was nestled in Anliang’s arms with flushed face, and she gradually fell in love with this feeling, probably because she was nestled in Anliang’s arms and greedy for his warmth. Is she really safe?

“By the way, Shuangshuang, give me your mobile phone, I want to use it.” Anliang explained.

Ning Ruoshuang did not hesitate, she handed the phone directly to Anliang, and explained, “The password is 990909.”

Anliang had seen Ning Ruoshuang’s ID card. He naturally knew that this password was Ning Ruoshuang’s birthday, September 9, 1999, a good time.

Anliang enters the password, he first clicks on WeChat, Ning Ruoshuang allows him to operate, there is no intention of blocking at all, obviously there is no secret in the phone.

Anliang also did not check Ning Ruoshuang’s WeChat chat, after all, Ning Ruoshuang has already done this step, coupled with the interpersonal relationship scanning system rewarded by the life winner system, does he still need to see the WeChat chat history?

In WeChat, Anliang opened the WeChat wallet. Ning Ruoshuang’s WeChat change wallet only had a few dozen dollars in it. Anliang took out two bank cards and handed them to Ning Ruoshuang, “Chinese New Year is coming soon, I’ll prepare it for you. I got a red envelope. Which card do you like?”

Ning Ruoshuang did not pretend to be polite, close to 10 million apartments have already received, more than one million high-end jewellery watches and more than one million jewellery have also been received, hundreds of thousands of luxury brand clothing also Yes, do you still need to pretend to be a posture now?

Anliang treats her well, she likes Anliang treats her well, nothing more.(Read more @

Ning Ruoshuang checked the two bank cards. She chose one with the end number of 1666 and the other with the end number of 1888. This selection method was in line with the size and status of Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang.

The small one should pick the small one, and the big one should be the big one.

Anliang silently took Ning Ruoshuang’s choice into his eyes. He explained, “Every card has the same money, which is two million.”

“Huh?” Ning Ruoshuang was taken aback for a moment, “Is that so much?”

“Hey, who calls you the prodigal maidens?” Anliang joked in response, and at the same time bound the bank card with the end of 1666 to Ning Ruoshuang’s WeChat payment, and he easily tested the recharge of 50,000.

The recharge is passed directly, no SMS verification is required!

Anliang also bound the payment insurance, and also topped up 50,000 yuan for testing, and it passed smoothly without SMS verification.

“Here, WeChat and PayGuaranteed fast payment. The maximum limit for a single transaction is 50,000 yuan, and the maximum limit for a single day is 200,000 yuan. If you have a larger amount of consumption, you need to swipe your card directly.” Anliang explained.

“During the Chinese New Year, spend money when you should spend money. Any problem that money can solve, then use money to solve it, understand?” Anliang explained.

In fact, many people do not understand this truth!

It is obvious that money can be used to solve problems, and some people always want to use human relationships to solve problems.

For example, the problem of renting a house and moving house can obviously be solved by a moving company. Why do I have to call a friend for help?

If it is the same city, the moving company may cost a few hundred yuan, and the problem can be solved within a thousand yuan at most.

But what about calling a friend?

The first is the issue of human relations!

I owed a few favors after calling a few friends!

If you ask for help on a working day, and your friend asks for leave to help, this favor will be even greater.

After my friends have helped to move, are they still not allowed to have dinner?

When hosting a meal, even if you choose the most cost-effective hot pot, if there are three or five people, and drink a little wine, it’s not a problem to spend seven or eight hundred yuan in the capital?

The key is that it is ‘should’ to treat guests to dinner, and the favors owed by the move are still owed.

So why not just use money to solve the problem?

Don’t say anything about asking for help is interpersonal relationship. Only when the relationship is in place will people come to help. It is really a matter of human relationship.

Ning Ruoshuang silently accepted the bank card, she shrank her legs, nestled in Anliang’s arms, and whispered, “Thank you.”

Anliang smirked to Ning Ruoshuang’s ear, “I don’t want you to thank you.”

Ning Ruoshuang’s ears turned red all of a sudden, she whispered, “Wait…wait…wait for Siyu to go home…wait for me for two days…”

Anliang heard half of it, and laughed directly, this iceberg girl has indeed been melted!

At this time, Chen Siyu walked out. She first glanced at Ning Ruoshuang in Anliang’s arms. She teased, “Are you a bad man bullying Shuangshuang?”

Anliang snorted softly. He pulled Chen Siyu and Chen Siyu over, letting Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang sit alone, “I don’t just want to bully Shuangshuang, do you think you can escape?”.

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