Chapter 824

Just like the situation in Wu Rongyu’s family, Song Zhifeng and Han Zhaoyu’s family are also calculating the investments that can be made.

Although each of them allocated only 10 million investment shares, and the profit was only 3 million, it seems that it is relatively small, but in fact it is quite a lot.

After all, I don’t want to go to a tea and talk, it is impossible to make a lot of money, I can only say that it is better than ordinary people, and there is a stable guarantee.

Really want to make a lot of money?

Their status is not enough!

It was nearly half past one in the middle of the night.

The Pinnacle Hotel, Muling Mountain, Presidential Suite No. 6606.

Tang Yuzhou was sending messages quickly in the bathroom.

‘Tang Yuzhou: LYQ is in Shengqing. ’

‘Tang Yuzhou: Plan A enters the international spot gold market. ’

‘Tang Yuzhou: A judges that there are opportunities in the international spot gold market, but there are also risks, similar to gambling. ’

‘Tang Yuzhou: A transferred 24 billions of funds. ’

While sending a message, Tang Yuzhou listened to the movement outside. After sending the message quickly, she swiped the dialog box to the left and clicked delete directly.

Imperial capital.

Chen Ming received Tang Yuzhou’s message. After checking it quickly, he sent the message directly to a WeChat group.

‘Chen Ming: A chess piece has worked! ’

‘Chen Ming: The alliance of four is in Shengqing, and they are targeting the international spot gold market. ’

‘Meng thought: Are they crazy? ’

‘Meng Xiang: The international spot gold market has recently undergone changes. The international gold price has fluctuated repeatedly, and even the 30-fold leverage has been killed for several waves. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: If Anliang is operating, I think there is a chance. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: I don’t know if you have discovered one thing, that Anliang is really evil! ’

‘Lin Mufeng: Taking the Jadewen incident as an example, we originally thought that he changed his position as a victim, and then completely solved Jadewen, which is the final end. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: As a result, the Lao Wang’s Family and the Fugui Gold Group were killed together. Can you believe it? ’

‘Lin Mufeng: Let’s take a look at the recent anti-this plan. This person feels even more terrifying! ’(Read more @

‘Lin Mufeng: Originally, we used his plan to completely disrupt his layout, and even tried to disrupt the neon stock market in advance. As a result, this person’s goal was not the neon stock market at all! ’

‘Lin Mufeng: Our final profit was 1.64 billion, but we offended many coal families in Xishan. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: The other party made billions of dollars and did not offend anyone. Instead, he established a very terrifying super-large interest group that spans the imperial capital, Shengqing, and Tianfu. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: Looking at this person’s development path, do you remember when he originally invited us? ’

‘Chen Ming:…’

‘Meng thinking:…’

‘Lin Mufeng: I’m not complaining, I’m saying that this person has achieved such a degree in such a short period of time. Is it horrible? ’

‘Lin Mufeng: His family is just a tens of millions of small construction company, and now it has soared to the level of one billion after feeding back. ’

‘Lin Mufeng: He has more than 2 billion personal assets and 2 billion in cash. Don’t you think it’s terrifying? ’

‘Chen Ming: I didn’t think it was scary at first, but after your analysis, I think it’s very scary! ’

‘Meng Xiang: I regret it now! ’

‘Lin Mufeng: I have no regrets! ’

‘Chen Ming: Time is also fate! ’

The three of them missed the olive branch thrown by Anliang, and now they really regret it. They know very well what Li Cunyuan and the three have gained with Anliang.

As for the price paid by the three of Li Cunyuan?

The three of them can do the same!

Simply put, Anliang is the only resource, and Li, Yun, and Qian are not the only resources in the imperial capital circle.

Even now!

‘Lin Mufeng: Shao Ming, arrange your chess pieces and let her find a way to find out more detailed information. ’

‘Chen Ming: I will do my best! ’

‘Meng Xiang: How about we also pay attention to the international spot gold market? ’

‘Lin Mufeng: I’m not involved. ’

‘Chen Ming: Brother Dream, from a professional point of view, I don’t recommend you to enter the international spot gold market. This market should be the most risky market in the world. Some national teams have suffered big losses. We made a profit last time. In this market, a drop of water drips into the sea. ’

‘Chen Ming: If you don’t have experienced veterans, coupled with the guarantee of sufficient funds, and deep insights into the world’s macroeconomics, I’m afraid it’s a dead end if you get in. ’

The chance of being drowned is that you can swim!

Because you can’t swim, how many people would go into the water if it wasn’t for accidents?

Only those who know how to swim will be eager to dive into the water!

In such a situation, it is possible to drown, okay?

Just as in the stock market, bear markets hardly cheat people, only bull markets will cheat people!

How do people lose money in a bear market?

No one enters the stock market at all!

Only when the bull market comes and all kinds of stocks seem to have skyrocketed, will the leeks rush in one after another.

The results of it?

What about the T+1 trading mechanism?

Anliang can only say that these people are too naive!

He just doesn’t want to harvest the world’s second-largest leek field, or else it can be harvested faster than in the US stock market? .

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