Chapter 858

Yang Maoyi is actually quite pretty!

In the evaluation of the interpersonal scanning system, her appearance score reached 93 points, and her body score was also 93 points, plus the standard height of 1.68 meters, with fair skin and seductive temperament, she was really a bit Like a vixen.

However, when Yang Maoyi like this is broadcast live on Huya platform, she is actually very difficult, right?

If it hadn’t met Anliang, Yang Maoyi would have decided to quit the live broadcast industry.

This shows that the live broadcast industry is really not beautiful!

“I’m curious, what does your relative live broadcast?” Anliang asked with interest.

“There is a cousin who can’t beat her eight poles. She is from the College of Accounting and plans to be a dance anchor.” Yang Maoyi explained.

Anliang froze for a moment, “Dance anchor?”

He added, “Is it pretty? Is it good to dance? Or are there any other advantages?”

Yang Maoyi turned over, took the phone from the bedside table, and then continued to snuggle in Anliang’s arms. She clicked on the Huto Live app, first logged out of the account, and then opened a live broadcast room.

“Here, she happened to be live broadcast, you see?” Yang Maoyi motioned to Anliang to see the situation.

Anliang looked up, and the other’s anchor name was [Little Fox Fairy’s Cousin].


Anliang laughed directly, “Hahaha, is your cousin poisonous?”

Yang Maoyi complained, “There is more to it!”

Sure enough, there is something more excessive!

Anliang discovered that the content of Yang Maoyi’s cousin’s live broadcast was actually related to Yang Maoyi. She regarded some of Yang Maoyi’s privacy as the live content, which attracted people’s attention.

Anliang frowned secretly, “Your cousin is boring!”

“Yeah!” Yang Maoyi said annoyedly, “She almost revealed my home address before, it really is in her mind…” Yang Maoyi finally endured it.

Anliang patted the smooth back of the little fox, “Bring my phone here.”(Read more @

Yang Maoyi turned over again and took Anliang’s phone.

Anliang directly sent a message to Limbo of Huya Platform on his mobile phone. This person was the guy who discussed with Anliang about the proportion of Yang Maoyi last time. He is the vice president of Huya Platform.

‘Anliang: Mr. Lin, please deal with one thing. ’

‘Anliang: Anchor ID: [Little Fox Fairy’s cousin], she is suspected of revealing other people’s privacy, and I suggest you block her permanently. ’

‘Limbo: Please wait a moment, Mr. An, we will verify the situation right away. ’

‘Anliang: Okay. ’

Anliang is a major customer of the Huya platform. Although Anliang has not made any purchases on the Huya platform recently, the Huya platform is still very polite for such local tyrant users.

In less than five minutes, Limbaugh responded to the message.

‘Limbo: Mr. An, after our verification, the corresponding anchor did reveal the privacy of others, and we have permanently banned the anchor involved. ’

‘Anliang: Thank you! ’

‘Limbo: By the way, Mr. An, we are holding the 2019 anchor campaign, Mr. An might as well pay attention. ’

‘Anliang: Okay, let me check the situation first, our little fox hasn’t told me about this. ’

‘Limbo: If Mr. An has any questions about Huto’s platform, please feel free to contact me. I will not disturb Mr. An’s rest. Happy New Year to Mr. ’

‘Anliang: Happy New Year. ’

After the exchange, Anliang told Yang Maoyi of the results, “Little Fox, are you satisfied with the results?”

“Hmm!” Yang Maoyi nodded, “I’m very satisfied! King, I was annoying her before, this cousin is simply shameless!”

“She is really shameless… By the way, if she does something on other live broadcast platforms or through other means, you can tell me directly and I will continue to deal with it.” Anliang explained.

Violating the privacy of others is a crime!

Friendly reminder, human flesh search is a crime.

Exposing the privacy of others without permission through Internet channels is also a crime.

It’s just that in the face of higher costs of protecting rights, most people choose to give up.

But with Anliang’s resources, if Yang Maoyi’s cousin really continues to infringe on Yang Maoyi’s privacy, Anliang even only needs to send a message to Song Zhifeng to solve it easily, okay?

Song Zhifeng’s father is the chief arrester of Shengqing’s patrol department. For such things as infringement of other people’s privacy, as long as the evidence is seized, it is a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years.

“Little fox, I found something!” Anliang threw his mobile phone aside, he was pinching Yang Maoyi’s waist.

“Huh?” Yang Maoyi was puzzled.

“After a year, you seem to be a little fatter?” Anliang asked.

“Is there?” Yang Maoyi didn’t admit it, “I’ve been paying attention to it. I strictly control my diet every day, and I maintain the amount of exercise. It’s impossible to get fat!”

Anliang smirked, “Then let me check it out!”

This inspection lasted for more than half an hour, and finally Anliang felt that the little vixen should not have gained weight, right?


The humble author begs for flowers. Yesterday was fourth, today is second. Are we going to be the first? .

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