Chapter 937

Regarding the accident of the three of Chen Xi, it was indeed not arranged by Anliang behind the scenes.

Anliang is not an idiot, okay?

Because the ‘Cloud Love’ project has been invested by the much-anticipated Tianyun, if something unexpected happens at this time, it will inevitably cause even greater disturbances.

‘Anliang: I have no arrangements here. ’

‘Anliang: The twenty? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: No. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: According to the evidence obtained by the current patrol, it should be the Jinling circle behind the scenes. ’

‘Anliang: This time? ’

‘Anliang: Go crazy! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: According to the gossip, it should be the He family in Jinling. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I have a buddy who is from Jinling, and he also said he is-He’s. ’

‘Anliang: So wild? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: This He family was originally a bit wild. The key is that the He family, like the 20 imperial capital circles, approached Tianyun Investment Company to withdraw their capital in advance, but they were rejected by Tianyun Investment Company. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: He Jia clearly saw the opportunity to leave the market, but Tianyun Investment Company did not let them divest. You said He’s not angry? ’

‘Anliang: Should the government handle such a wild operation, right? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I heard that the coffin of He’s family was buried inside. This time, Tianyun Investment Company was finished, and they were basically finished, so their reaction was normal. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: The He family is no longer afraid of being dealt with by the government. After all, people are still alive and all the money is gone. What’s the point? ’

The greatest sorrow of the rich is not that people have died, and the money has not been spent, because most people have inherited ideas.

The biggest sorrow of the rich is that if people are still alive, there is no money!

An ordinary person who wants to earn one million, as long as he works hard, there will be a chance after all; if he wants to earn ten million, he needs some opportunities.

As for 100 million?

More billions?

Even tens of billions?

Ordinary people want to earn this level of wealth, that is no longer a problem that can be solved with hard work. In addition to the most basic own abilities, they also need superhuman emotional intelligence to make up for the lack of family background.

At the same time, the opportunities provided by the industry and the times are needed!

For example, in the past sharing economy, shared bicycles, shared cars, these projects have lost money, but most entrepreneurs in this era actually made money.

Finally, there is the most important factor, and that is strong luck!

If you have enough luck, you will be the protagonist of all kinds of billions of prize news.(Read more @

If luck is more abundant…

Brother Liang is the representative!

Except for the existence of Anliang, other billionaires, if they are beaten once, it is too difficult to stand up again, because the era and industry opportunities that supported him to stand up are gone forever.

Take the sharing economy boom as an example. In the era of the sharing economy boom, as long as it is a sharing economy idea, as long as there is a little feasibility, you can fool some investment.

Among them, Mr. Dai was worth more than 100 billion yuan.

But now?

Can Mr. Dai still stand up?

Times are changing only!

So the biggest sorrow of the rich is that money is gone before they die. After all, they enjoy the prosperity of the world, and then let the rich live a life of poverty?

Just talking about the psychological gap will drive many people crazy!

Like a “Life Exchange Game” program, the lives of children from rich families in the prosperous world and left-behind children in poverty-stricken areas are exchanged for a short period of time.

This kind of life exchange game can only destroy the hearts of left-behind children in poverty-stricken areas forever!

If they hadn’t seen the bustling world, they could have endured poverty.

Because I have seen it, so I hope.

Anliang’s biggest goal in destroying Tianyun Investment Company is to make Chen Xi fall into the world. According to his arrogant temperament, he should not be able to accept it, right?

0 ····Find flowers 0 ·········

The greatest possibility is to end your own life!

However, the He family couldn’t accept this ending in advance.

‘Li Cunyuan: By the way, Brother Liang, we have found the whereabouts of the lithography machine. At the local commercial bank in Jiutongqu, we directly said hello to block the mortgage project. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: As long as the billions of funds are thrown away within a month, the other party will send the lithography machine over. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, one month is enough, right? ’

‘Anliang: Completely enough! ’

‘Anliang: Thanks! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: My brother, you don’t need to be polite. ’

……… …. 0

‘Anliang: I slipped away. Today is Valentine’s Day. Are you okay? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I fell out with Miao Xueyi last time. I have no new goals for the time being. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I’m working hard here. ’

‘Li Cunyuan: @云海洋: Brother Haiyang, Mr. Thirteen in the evening, it’s still OT, I’ll treat you! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: This…I’m not a drinker! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Yes, yes, you are not, mainly because I want to invite you to drink. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Next time, next time I have a treat, I have something to do today. ’

‘Anliang:? ’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ? ? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Damn it? The number one picker in the imperial capital circle actually didn’t drink wine, there must be a situation! ’

‘Anliang: Be lenient with confession? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Wait! You will not really rekindle your old relationship with Li Qian, will you? ’

‘Yun Haiyang:…’

‘Yun Haiyang: I made an appointment with Li Qian for a meal. I slipped away first. I made an appointment for a haircut and styling. ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I vomited, what a scumbag! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I admire it! ’

‘Anliang: Congratulations, Brother Haiyang! ’


Update time: 06:56:06, September 4, 2020, the old rules, ten consecutive updates, ask for a monthly pass~9.

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