Chapter 960

At five o’clock in the evening, Yunyun Tea House gathered 37 representatives, with a total of more than fifty people.

The main reason is that two people come together in some homes. For example, Li Mingfei and Li Qian came from the Second Li family, so the number of people exceeds the number of representatives.

The business meeting room on the third floor of Yunyun Tea House.

Anliang and Li Cunyuan sit in the first place, and Anliang and Li Cunyuan sit in the middle of the center.

“Cough!” Anliang coughed to attract everyone’s attention.

“I believe everyone already knows me this time, so I won’t introduce myself. Besides, I also know all of you, so you don’t need to introduce.” Anliang said.

“Of course, if any of you don’t believe that I know all of you, please raise your hand and I will call it!” Anliang added.

When Anliang’s voice fell, several people raised their hands.

“Little fish, put your hand down!” Anliang said jokingly, “On the right hand side, the penultimate buddy, your name is Liu Neng, right?”

Liu Neng responded with a little excitement, “Yes, thank you Liang Brother for remembering.”

“Brother Liu Neng is diagonally across from Brother Xu Zhekai, right?” Anliang continued to call his name, and he stopped after six consecutive clicks.

Everyone secretly marveled at Anliang’s power.

Because many of them are just one-sided relationship with Anliang, Li Cunyuan took Anliang to introduce everyone in the banquet hall on the third floor of Yunjing International Apartment before, but Anliang remembered it?

Actually the credit of the interpersonal scanning system!

“We call everyone over today, mainly to announce two things~”. “Anliang explained.

“The first thing is that, in view of the increasing frequency of cooperation between us all, in order to better communicate and communicate with all of us, we plan to establish a [Heavenly White Yujing] Club!” Anliang explained.(Read more @

Everyone is not surprised that Anliang wants to set up a club!

Gathering contacts through clubs is actually something that many people are doing.

For example, the LCF Automobile Club that Qian Xiaogang participated in has gathered a large network of Lamborghini first-hand car owners in the Imperial Capital.

“The main role of our Tianshang Baiyujing Club is to facilitate faster cooperation, especially between club members.” Anliang explained the role of Tianshang Baiyujing Club.

“In order to achieve such a role and goal, on behalf of Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, and Brother Gangzi, as the co-founding members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club, I invite everyone to join our Tianshang Baiyujing.” Anliang explained.

“By the way, our members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing adopt the invitation system!” Anliang explained the new rules of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club.

“So, if you are not someone you particularly trust, we do not recommend that you guarantee the other party to enter the Baiyujing in the sky.” Anliang added, “Additionally, the membership fee of the Baiyujing Club in the sky only costs one yuan a year, and Set up to pay on January 1 every year, this year we will take advantage of it.”

“Well, if you want to join the Tianshang Baiyujing club, then register for the four of us. Everyone sitting at the scene is eligible to apply to join the Tianshang Baiyujing club.” Anliang explained.

As Anliang announced the recruitment of Tianshang Baiyujing Club, all 37 imperial capital circles on the scene joined Tianshang Baiyujing.

Let’s not talk about other things. It’s only one yuan for one year membership fee. What’s the problem with participating?

Besides, whether it is the peripheral members in the anti-this plan or the subsequent 20 imperial capital circles, they all know that there is meat to eat with Anxin Investment, so why are they hesitating?

Just a quarter of an hour later, Anliang pulled everyone into the newly established WeChat group of “Bai Yu Jing in Heaven”.

“Even everyone joins us in the heavenly Bai Yujing?” Anliang asked with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

“` “Since everyone has joined the Heavenly Bai Yujing, everyone is their own, and our Heavenly Bai Yujing has just been established. As the founding members of the heavenly Bai Yujing, we must give a benefit.” Anliang explained.

Everyone looked forward to it, and they secretly guessed what welfare Anliang would give out.

“Do we have a high rate of return for our Anxin Investment Company?” Anliang asked suddenly.

“High!” Li Mingfei responded loudly.

Zhou Ronghua also responded loudly, “Very high!”

Everyone yelled one after another, saying that Anxin Investment’s rate of return was quite high.

that’s the truth!

Anxin Investment’s annual rate of return has reached 10%, which is at the top of the pyramid in the financial industry.

“I don’t think it’s high at all!” Anliang responded with a smile.

“You are the first batch of members of our Tianshang Baiyujing, you can also be said to be start-up members, if our Tianshang Baiyujing is a listed company, you start-up members will definitely make a lot of money.” Anliang explained.

“Now you can treat yourself as a startup member of the company that is about to go public, and you can buy the company’s stock!” Anliang said.

“The only problem before you is, how much money can you spend to buy stocks?” Anliang asked jokingly.

“Before you answer this question, let me talk about the second of the two things in the initial opening!” Anliang added. .

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