I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 20 Ye Ren’S Cheek Is Wide Open!

"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is primitive.

Yin and Yang are in harmony, and the God of Thunder obeys his orders.

Qianyuan Henry, the earthquake phenomenon appeared.

I hold the talisman in my hand to summon thunder from the sky. "

Wangping Ping An waved his dust fly, and a bright ball of lightning condensed in his right hand. The dense arcs of electricity spread around like branch branches.

The moment lightning struck the dean, a ripple seemed to appear in the space.

The scales and carapace on the dean's body cracked in large pieces, and smelly and dirty black water splashed out.

The dean let out a painful roar, and it tried to struggle, but the amulet of peace of mind had locked it firmly.

“Nine Heavenly Kings, thunderbolts of fire.

Thunder God descends quickly, listen to my orders.

Break away the darkness and bring out the bright light.

When the sky thunders, the evil spirits flee."

Wang Ping An continued to recite the mantra and formed a seal with one hand again. This time the condensed lightning was several times more exaggerated than before, almost as big as a person!


This palm thunder directly numbed the dean, in every sense of the word.

Its body twitched under the flashing arc of electricity, and a strong burnt smell filled the air.

"The Thunder God holds an axe, and the Lightning Mother raises her whip.

The clouds gather, the wind rises, and the rain moistens everything.

The sky is majestic and thunderous.

Wherever my heart desires, the God of Thunder will come quickly. "

"Urgent like a law! Thunder is coming!"

Wang Ping An recited the curse for the third time, and this time there was no arc in his palm, but the sky in the abyss thundered.

You know, this is another world!

Almost everything here is different from the watch world!

But with Wang Ping'an's abnormal ability, he actually attracted the purple sky thunder, and a bright arc of light fell from the sky!

"I'm going..." The lantern-bearers of the reinforcements were all stunned.

The dean's huge body was shattered into pieces under the impact of the purple sky thunder, and the pieces of flesh were scattered in pieces here and there.

Wang Ping An's expression softened slightly, and suddenly his pupils narrowed slightly when he thought he was done pretending.

Because even under such a devastating attack, the dean was not completely dead.

The scattered pieces of flesh twisted and squirmed in the mud, as if they had their own consciousness. They began to slowly gather toward the center, trying to piece it back together.

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly when they witnessed this scene.

"They're all broken into pieces and they're still alive?!" a lamp holder said in a trembling voice, the weapon in his hand trembling slightly.

"Not a buddy? Can you play without cutting?"

Another team member's voice was filled with panic. His eyes were fixed on the pieces of flesh that were being reorganized, and his scalp was numb.

Jiang Sui also frowned, with worry in her eyes. She gently pulled Ye Ren's sleeve:

"How about we go back? This guy seems to be unkillable."

Ye Ren said nothing, staring at the head of the dean's head.

Can't be killed?

No, there is nothing in this world that is unkillable.

"Absolute Beginning has the way, the essence of Dongyang.

Within and outside the Three Realms, only fire reigns supreme.

Vermilion Bird spreads its wings and dances in flames.

Burning filth and eliminating evil, true fire appears. "

"Urgent as a rule! Summon the True Fire of Dongyang from the Supreme Being!"

Wang Ping An saw that the thunder spell had no effect, so he cast the fire spell again. In an instant, the dean's broken body was ignited with blazing flames.

The flames burned on the pieces of meat, making a crackling sound, and thick smoke and a scorched smell filled the air.

The pieces of flesh twisted and struggled in the flames, but they reorganized faster.


Wang Ping An's expression changed slightly for the first time, and Qingfeng Daogu's temperament also collapsed due to this.

The other five bosses hiding in the dark have already begun to prepare to take Ye Ren to Kairun.

Because there is no need to fight with an immortal monster, their only mission is to protect Ye Ren's personal safety.

After all, safety comes first.

Everything else falls back.

The dean's sanity disappeared the moment he was corrupted by the abyss, his perception was distorted and eroded by the power of the abyss.

At this moment, his body had been beaten to pieces, but nourished by the mud, his twisted consciousness miraculously revived!

"I...I succeeded! My theory is correct! As long as I am in the abyss, I will have eternal life!"

Its maniacal, hoarse laughter echoed in the abyss.

However, in stark contrast to the dean's ecstasy, was the panic and uneasiness on everyone's faces.

In the face of the dean's almost immortal vitality, the lantern-bearers of the reinforcements felt unprecedentedly confused.

"Withdraw? There's no need to fight."

"Captain, say something, Captain!"

"This monster is obviously not something we can handle!"

People have already begun to think about quitting. Although they don't want to admit it, they are all frightened by the dean.

Many people even began to have hallucinations in their eyes, and strange whispers sounded in their ears.

They were already mentally polluted. Under fear, some of the lantern holders gradually lost their minds.

Some have begun to brandish weapons and attack their companions.

The scene fell into chaos for a time, and the tragedy of fratricide was almost about to take place.

"Don't come here!" a lamp holder roared. In his eyes, his companion suddenly twisted into an indescribable monster.

Although he still had some sense left, he could guess that this was an illusion.

But when he saw his companion who had turned into a monster raise a thick sickle towards him, almost cutting his skull open, he subconsciously wanted to fight back.

Jiang Sui saw all this and was anxious in her heart.

If this continues, there is no need for the dean to take action, and the lamp-bearing team can kill each other cleanly by themselves.

Wang Ping An's face was as dark as ink.

He was about to release the Pure Heart Spell to help the reinforcements of the lampbearers fight against the pollution, but at this moment.

The chaotic team suddenly regained order.


It can't be said that order has been restored, but that all the people contaminated by hallucinations are frozen in place at this moment.

Ye Ren put his right hand behind his back, holding the handle of the blood blade with his palm.

"Please wake up! Get out!"

As mentioned before, Ye Ren himself is a source of pollution with extremely high status. Once he starts to release pollution.

The dean's mental pollution was immediately covered.

In the extreme fear brought by the bloody blade, the lampbearers of the reinforcements trembled and followed the instructions to retreat to a safe distance.

At this time, the crazy dean began to preach his "truth" to everyone:

"Look at me, then look at yourselves! Only by embracing the abyss can you gain eternal life! This is the only answer and the only way out for mankind!"

However, Ye Ren showed a look of disgust and said directly to his face:

"Look at you? You look like a cross between a loach and a defense. The only answer? The only way out?"

"Even if I die, die outside, or jump into the abyss, I won't become like you!"

Ye Ren's taunt was like a loud slap in the face, and the dean was stunned.

Then Ye Ren continued to mock:

"If your mother knew that you had become like this, would you regret giving birth to you? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you don't have a mother."

The dean was silent.

It was immersed in the silt of the abyss without saying a word.

The tranquility at this moment is as oppressive as before the storm.

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