What does it feel like to have a numb scalp?

Now Xingwei understands it very clearly.

Her delicate and flawless little face lost all color, and her connection with the dream was cut off by the indescribable power of the source.

In Xingwei's mind, a taboo-like file material poked its head out.

[File number: X-09]

[File level: Destruction level]

[Description: X-09, respectfully known as the "Lord of Dreams". According to existing reference materials, his full name is "Lord of Dreams Noxtus", and he has the ability to control all dreams. The Lord of Dreams is considered one of the Lords of the Abyss, whose true form is unknown and has the power to create and destroy reality in dreams]

[Historical Traces: In the remains of multiple ancient civilizations, archaeologists have discovered murals and carvings depicting the "Lord of Dreams". Noxtus, the Lord of Dreams, is often depicted in these artworks as a god with endless pupils, surrounded by a variety of bizarre dream creatures. These findings suggest that the Lord of Dreams may have been worshiped as a deity in ancient civilizations, with influence spanning multiple cultures and eras]

[Appendix-1: Record of collective dream events]

[The following is a partial record of collective dream events related to the Dream Lord]

[Date: ██/██/████ Location: ████ City]

[Description of event: A collective dream event occurred in ████ City, where thousands of citizens experienced the same dream on the same night. In the dream, the Lord of the Dream appears as a mysterious old man, showing the dreamer a world full of strange creatures and supernatural phenomena. The incident caused a large number of people to become insane, and some people have not fully recovered yet]

[Appendix-2: The "Sleeping Plague" in Medieval Europe]

[Record description: In Europe in the 14th century, there was a large-scale abnormal event called the "Sleeping Plague". Thousands of people fell into a deep sleep that could not be awakened. Documentary records at that time mentioned a mysterious being named the Lord of Dreams, who was believed to be the cause of this phenomenon]

[Appendix-3: “Dream Visions” in the 19th Century]

[Record description: At the end of the 19th century, there were reports that an expedition to the South Pacific discovered a group of indigenous people on a remote island. They claimed to dream of the same goddess every night, and she called herself the Lord of Dreams. And gave them guidance and prophecy in their dreams. It is reported that the average IQ of the indigenous people is higher than 300, but their cognitive ability is weaker than that of ordinary adults]

[Appendix-4: Research report on the appearance of the Dream Lord]

[Record description: The research report pointed out that the activity cycle of the Dream Lord may coincide with the sunspot activity cycle. During years of high sunspot activity, the frequency of Dream Lord appearances increases significantly. In addition, certain special geographical locations, such as ancient Sacred Land and energy nodes, seem to be more likely to be the location for the arrival of the Lord of Dreams]

In the dream world.

Ye Ren raised his head and saw a black star shining in the dream sky, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression.

When he continued to stare at the star, he saw countless densely packed human faces appearing on the surface of the star. Each face was different, including fear, excitement, despair, bliss...

When other people saw Ye Ren's actions, they subconsciously raised their heads, but within two or three seconds, someone's face became ferocious and his pupils turned red.

"Don't look at that!"

Jiang Sui's cold roar made everyone suddenly wake up, and they quickly lowered their heads in fear and stopped looking at the black star.

After the dream world was taken over by the Lord of Dreams, Noxtus, the already desolate scene became even more twisted and hideous.

The sky was shrouded in a thick layer of dark red haze, as if the heart of the abyss was beating, constantly pumping out bloody clouds.

The stars disappeared, replaced by countless twisted tentacles dancing in the clouds. They seemed to be looking for something and kept approaching the black star.

The fleshy earth is no longer stable, but is constantly twisting and deforming like a liquid. Sometimes huge bubbles emerge, and sometimes bottomless cracks open.

What spews out of the cracks is not magma, but pitch-black abyssal silt. They emit a suffocating stench, and occasionally some bone residue is ejected from them.

The broken buildings in the base can no longer recognize their original appearance. They seem to have been twisted and stretched by some incredible force, forming an indescribable structure.

The windows turned into the eyes of abyssal creatures, countless tentacles grew on the walls, and the entire ruins became a hotbed of flesh and blood.

The air was filled with piercing screams and deep growls, the sounds mingling together to form a maddening symphony.

Ah...the wind is blowing...

But the wind carried biting moisture, and every breath caused severe pain in the throat, like swallowing a knife.

Invisible fear spreads in everyone's heart, and the calm reason begins to collapse in this chaos and disorder.

"You all mourn individually, I'll go!"

Seeing that everyone was not feeling well, Ye Ren quickly tried to comfort them, but the effect was very little.

So he directly took out the blood blade and took a shot of cardiotonic!

Scarlet blood mist filled the air, and the pure and intense fear pollution overshadowed the corruption brought about by the dream abyss.

"But...it's okay, brother..."

"Damn it, I woke up, it's a good thing I have you!"

"It's so refreshing. Damn it."

Ye Ren's operation directly brought everyone's sanity from the dangerous line back to the normal index, avoiding the end of their mental collapse in the chaos.

Xingwei, who had been hiding in the dark from the beginning, appeared.

She appeared directly in front of Ye Ren, with an anxious look on her face and a confused and hesitant look in her eyes:

"Everyone, listen to me, you are all dreaming!"

Xingzhi's voice was urgent and nervous. She briefly explained the assessment arranged by Lin Shuang, which shocked everyone.

"What the hell? Is everything we endured tonight a dream?"

"So the instructor is not dead? Damn it! That's great!"

"Wait...so what's going on now..."

Xingzhi pursed his lips, his eyes full of bitterness.

It is no longer an assessment. She has been deprived of the right to control the dream. Now it is the being who controls the dream!

"The Lord of Dreams... He has taken over the entire dreamland, and we are now trapped in the world he constructed."

Xingzhi's voice trembled, and her two small hands tightly grasped the hem of her skirt in search of a sense of security, but it was of no use.

After hearing Xingzhi's words, everyone's expressions changed.

What the hell are you doing?

Lord of dreams! ?

Although everyone's authority is not high, just hearing the name makes me feel that it is a very powerful abyss creature!

Moreover, he has seized power from Xingwei, who is the master of the dream.

Doesn’t this further prove His power? !

"My dear mother...how can we deal with this?"

A friend asked with a trembling voice, and his whole body collapsed.

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