I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 4 Being Dragged Into The Abyss! Shadowfang?

[Record: Abnormal objects will cause small-scale memetic contamination when releasing their abilities. This contamination can distort the emotional cognition of all creatures, including abyssal creatures. The specific manifestation is extreme fear, causing the affected person to lose basic abilities such as language, walking, and body control]

[Record: The anomalous subject seems to be unable to sense the anomalous memetic contamination caused by itself. During the test, the abnormal subjects did not notice the scarlet blood mist and other abnormal phenomena in the surrounding environment]

[Record: Abnormal objects will fall into a state of extreme hunger after using abilities. The specific manifestation is that he devoured eighteen braised pork knuckles in one breath, and his food intake completely exceeded the limit of a normal human individual]

Dr. Zhou looked at Ye Ren thoughtfully from time to time while filing the test records into the computer system one by one.

Ye Ren is sitting in the corner of the cafeteria at the moment, enjoying his feast crazily.

He swallowed eighteen of those huge braised pork knuckles as big as his head in one breath, and then he barely crawled out of the abyss of hunger.

In front of him were empty plates, fried rice, yogurt, braised eggplant...

The aunt in the cafeteria was stunned. She said that this was the first time she had seen such a delicious young man in so many years of working in the department.

[Record: Temporarily code the anomalous object as A-1024, codenamed "The Killing Blade", and add a new archive level - conceptual level. Recorder, Zhou XX (information has been encrypted)]

Ye Ren slowly chewed the last piece of braised eggplant, enjoying the rich flavors it released in his mouth.

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly sat opposite Ye Ren.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. I am the deputy director of the Lantern Bearer Branch in Tengyan City. My name is Lu Yan."

The middle-aged man's voice is deep and magnetic, as if it can penetrate people's hearts.

Ye Ren put down his chopsticks, nodded politely, and continued to listen.

"Your ability is very important to us." Lu Yan continued, his eyes like searchlights, trying to penetrate into the depths of Ye Ren's heart.

"So please join us as a lamp bearer. You will get five insurances and one housing fund, two weekends off every week, two months of annual leave, and a house provided by the government on the day you join the company. We can discuss any other conditions."

Ye Ren was stunned.

Good guy, is this the legendary civil servant?

"The current situation is not optimistic. The boundaries between the inner world and the outer world are becoming increasingly blurred, and invasions by abyssal creatures are becoming more and more frequent."

There was a hint of heaviness in Lu Yan's voice.

"The short night before dawn is the hardest. We need outliers like you!"

Ye Ren scratched his head.

Half a month ago, he had witnessed with his own eyes the terror and ferocity brought about by the creatures in the abyss.

When the lamp bearer was killed by the creatures of the abyss, those helpless shouts and cries still echo in my ears.

"I...I will seriously consider it." Ye Ren whispered.

He is not a child with a brain disease caused by the second grade of childhood illness. No matter how generous the treatment is, he has to live to enjoy it, right?

Lu Yan nodded slightly, then took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Ye Ren:

"This is my contact information. If you make a decision, you can contact me at any time."

Half an hour later.

Ye Ren stood in front of the door of his cramped apartment and took a deep breath, still echoing Lu Yan's words in his heart.

Obviously half a month ago, I was still an ordinary person struggling to survive, but now I am completely different.

Just as he was about to open the door, the door next door suddenly opened.

A beautiful figure appeared in his sight. She was a young lady. Her long hair was draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, and her big moist eyes seemed to be able to speak.

"Hi, I just moved here. Hello neighbor, my name is Jiang Sui."

The new neighbor's voice was clear and sweet, like the spring breeze blowing through the treetops, making Ye Ren's heart beat faster.

Ye Ren smiled awkwardly, secretly surprised.

Are you so social? It’s so easy to chat with strangers!

Jiang Sui seemed to notice Ye Ren's embarrassment. She tilted her head cutely, squinted her eyes and said with a smile:

"Actually... I cooked a lot of food today, and I can't finish it all by myself. I wonder, brother, would you like to show me some favors and try my cooking skills?"

Ye Ren's heart moved.

As a senior foodie, he has never been able to resist delicious food.

Jiang Sui's home is warmly and comfortably decorated, and the dining table is filled with a variety of dishes:

Braised pork, steamed fish, Kung Pao chicken, Mapo tofu...

Every dish exudes enticing aromas, bright colors, and mouth-watering flavours.

Ye Ren sat down at the table in a daze, and Jiang Sui brought the dishes and chopsticks from the kitchen, which had a reassuring wifely charm.

"What are you doing standing there? It won't taste good when it's cold. Try this first!"

Jiang Sui began to pick up vegetables for him, her movements elegant and natural.

Ye Ren took a bite of the braised pork. The meat was so soft that it melted in your mouth.


He couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously praised Jiang Sui's cooking skills.

"Actually, I am also the lantern holder, and Lu Yan is my father." Jiang Sui held her chin and said suddenly while watching Ye Ren feast.

Ye Ren nodded, not surprised. He had already made a guess in his mind, but he didn't expect Jiang Sui to admit it so generously.

Then Jiang Sui's tone became serious:

"Brother Ye, when my father said you were a conceptual anomaly, I didn't believe it, so I came here to see you. I didn't expect you to be quite handsome!"

Ye Ren stopped holding the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Jiang Sui with a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

Jiang Sui smiled like a little fox and continued:

"How about you just obey me and join the Lantern Bearer? As long as you open your mouth, everything can be discussed~"

Ye Ren was silent for a moment, then put down his chopsticks:

"I...I need time to think about it."

Jiang Sui nodded with intriguing eyes:

"Of course, I will give you time, but please remember that we...well...my door is always open for you~"

After dinner, Ye Ren returned to his apartment.

He leaned against the door, thoughts rushing through his mind.

As night falls, the city lights gradually dim and everything is immersed in silence.

Ye Ren was lying on the bed, his thoughts twinkling like stars in the night sky.

However, this peaceful night was broken by a strange smell——

The floor was suddenly covered in black sticky mud, and an indescribable smell continued to emit.

No, not just the floor!

Walls, counters, coffee tables...

The entire apartment seemed to be submerged in mud, with disgusting, sticky slurry gushing out everywhere, and the liquid was still making gurgling sounds as the foam burst.

Ye Ren suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was no longer in the apartment, but lying on a deserted ground.

Ye Ren looked around blankly and couldn't help but be stunned:

"Oh, your uncle?"

"Where did this come from?"

"Is this still in China? Huh?"

Then a strange scene appeared in front of Ye Ren...

The barren ground suddenly rippled, and an abyss creature known only as "Shadow Fang" emerged.

Their bodies are slender, their skin is a deep black color, and their eyes are like burning rubies, emitting a violent light.

Shadowfang's arms are unusually slender, and their fingertips are as sharp as knives, able to easily tear through any obstacle that stands in their way.

Suddenly, thirty Shadowfangs poured in like a black torrent, and their roars filled the entire space, deafening.

Ye Ren drew the knife almost subconsciously.

With the bloody blade in hand, the Shadowfangs' sharp explosions stopped abruptly.

The confrontation fell into a dead silence.

The Shadowfangs were too frightened by the memetic contamination brought by the Blood Blade to attack.

Ye Ren is calm on the surface, but he is panicking inside, because his ability only works on residual blood!

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