I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 45: Behead! A Sword That Shakes The World!

The majestic pulling force coming from the abyss suddenly strengthened, severely restraining the Lord of flesh and blood.

The dense chains on his body were stretched straight, and his body was uncontrollably squirming into the cracks. He was about to be dragged back into the abyss.

The Lord of Dreams stopped moving when he saw this, and stared indifferently at the Lord of Flesh and Fury.

"don't want!"

"I don't want to go back!"

"I don't want to go back to that prison!"

The wails and roars of the Lord of Flesh are indescribable, and people can only hear incomprehensible sounds.

Only Ye Ren.

But he clearly understood the will contained in the wail.


Ye Ren blinked, feeling as if he had heard some terrible news.

At this moment, the figure of the Lord of Flesh seemed to be slowly dissolving, and blood rain fell from his huge body.

Faced with this suffocating scene, the onlookers Wang Pingan and others held their breaths.

Their eyes focused on the flesh-and-blood Lord who was about to be dragged back into the abyss.

Suddenly, Ye Ren made a move that stunned everyone——

He pulled out the bleeding blade and stepped towards the projection of the Lord of Flesh and Blood who was about to be recalled to the abyss.


Lu You let out a horrified cry, his voice full of shock and confusion.

"Hey! You don't mean to..."

Wang Ping An's scalp was numb and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Zun Du Fake Du? Do you want to kill the Lord of flesh and blood!"

Yu Linglong covered her small mouth, her pupils trembling.

The other big guys also had their throats rolling, but they couldn't make any sound. They just clenched their fists hard and looked in shock.

"No, buddy... Do you really want to play like this?"

The bosses couldn't find what to say to describe their mood at the moment.

Ye Ren didn't answer, there was excitement in his eyes.

[Can trigger passive beheading]

Above the flesh-and-blood Lord's projected body, which was huge enough to cover the entire city, a prompt that only he could see popped up.

At the same time, the blood volume of the Lord of Flesh and Blood was just below 30%.

So Ye Ren drew his sword towards him.

In fact, every time Ye Ren releases the killing passive, the effect of the picture is completely different.

Blood Blade Execution will change as the target changes.

For example, for some small targets, the Blood Blade's killing animation will be very simple and simple, just a sword striking the head.

But if the target is a projection of the Lord of Flesh that is big enough to cover the entire city...

The moment Ye Ren waved the blood blade.

A huge half-moon-shaped scarlet sword energy that cannot be described in pale words passed through the body of the Lord of Flesh and Blood.

At that moment, it was as if the whole world had stopped.

The body of the Lord of Flesh, which was made up of endless minced meat and blood, was cut open like a knife cutting tofu the moment it came into contact with the sword energy.

If time is slowed down a thousand times, the moment before Jian Qi Shang comes into contact with the Lord of flesh and blood, His skin will first crack like glass being hit hard, and then the cracks will spread rapidly.

Then the sword energy passed through his body without any hindrance.

The Lord of flesh and blood was abruptly cut off in the middle, and imprisoned by the chains of the abyss, half of Him was suspended in the air, while the other half fell heavily to the ground.

A huge crater was smashed into the city, stirring up dust and smelly blood mist.

At the same time, the destructive power brought by this huge, scarlet, half-moon-shaped sword energy was beyond everyone's imagination.

The crust in the center of the city suddenly shattered under the influence of this force, as if the earth opened a huge mouth.

A crack that is nearly 50,000 meters long is like a rift valley after a volcanic eruption. It starts from the place where the projection of the Lord of Flesh fell and quickly extends to the skylines at both ends.

Countless tall buildings collapsed along this sudden scar, or were torn in half.

Half of it fell into the underground sinkhole, and the other half still stood in place, with only the broken limbs of reinforced concrete to maintain a precarious balance.

The streets on both sides of the crack instantly turned into cliffs, with vehicles hanging precariously on the edge and cables hanging down like broken blood vessels.

Streetlights, billboards, and trees on the sidewalks all lost their support and slid into the bottomless darkness.

Ye Ren's sword not only killed the projection of the Lord of Flesh and Blood.

It also created an unhealable scar in the city, forever changing the appearance and fate of the city.

The big guys: "(ΩДΩ)..."

Jiang Sui: "Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ ..."

Lu You: "Σ(っ °Д °;)っ ..."


It's hard to describe everyone's expression at the moment with short words.

Because Ye Ren's sword silenced everyone!

The city fell into an unprecedented silence.

The aftermath of the originally violent battle retreated like a tide, leaving only a mess and silence.

What else can everyone who witnessed this scene say?



"Against the sky..."

Although they have all read Ye Ren's files and clearly know that Ye Ren has a conceptual-level killing skill.

But knowing is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.

After all, Ye Ren just killed the projection of the Lord of Flesh and Blood in an instant!

That was one of the Lords of the Abyss, a world-destroying existence. It is not an exaggeration to call him a god from the perspective of humans!

Everyone has deeply experienced his power.

However, such an indescribable terrifying existence was killed by Ye Ren in the blink of an eye under the witness of everyone.

Ye Ren stood on the rooftop, with a charred land and broken and collapsed buildings in front of him. His figure was unique in the dark night created by the Lord of Dreams.

At this time, Ye Ren turned his head and grinned:

"How about it? Is it handsome?"

Everyone: "..."

Is this still a question of handsome or not?

Don't you look at what you just did!

Wang Pingan rubbed his temples hard, and the unbelievable expression on his face was difficult to relieve. He felt his head buzzing.

Miss Yu Linglong's lips trembled slightly, and her voice was mixed with awe and fear: "This is... This is a conceptual abnormal ability..." Although the voice was light, it echoed in everyone's ears. It was completely unreasonable. As long as the prerequisites were met, even if the Lord of the Abyss came, I would kill you. With the death of the projection of the Lord of Flesh and Blood. The chains on his body began to drag his remains back to the abyss, but the blood blade did not agree. It trembled slightly and made an inaudible buzzing sound. Then the chains that popped out of the abyss stopped in unison. After about two or three seconds, the chains actually pulled away from the remains of the Lord of Flesh and Blood, and returned to the abyss like a flexible snake. The remains of the Lord of Flesh and Blood melted and disintegrated into red mist, and were greedily devoured by the blood blade. This time the devouring was particularly long. After all, the remains of the Lord of Flesh and Blood were too huge. Even if the blood blade mustered up all his strength to eat, it was estimated that it would take at least half an hour to eat it all. At this time, only the projection of the Lord of Dreams, Noxtas, remained on the field.

The thin and sharp-eyed boss whispered:

"Should He go back now..."

Ye Ren hissed:

"Boss, you are too rude. They helped us after all. How can you drive them away so quickly?"

Boss: "..."

The main reason is that the oppression of the Lord of the Abyss is too strong!

Ye Ren waved at the Lord of Dreams:

"Thank you, Tietie. Without you, I really can't beat that disgusting thing."

If the Lord of Dreams hadn't beaten the Lord of Flesh and Blood violently, the Lord of Flesh and Blood's health would not have reached Ye Ren's killing line.

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