I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 51 The Testing Record Was Forced To Terminate!

But this feeling went away just as quickly as it came.

Sixty seconds passed, and the big eyeball disappeared from behind Ye Ren, and the scarlet blood mist also faded away in the blink of an eye.

The big guys were wiping cold sweat with complicated expressions.

Early the next morning.

The sunlight shines on Ye Ren's face through the gaps in the curtains.

Ye Ren, who already had the ability to control his own flesh and blood, washed up as usual and then came to the training ground.

Instructor Zhang Tie was doing morning training, and he was slightly surprised to see Ye Ren's arrival.

After all, today is a holiday, and everyone else is taking a rest and relaxing to relieve the psychological stress they suffered in Harbor City yesterday.

"Instructor, do you want to see the tentacle monster?"


Zhang Tie drank a large cup of refreshing coffee and ate eight large meat buns this morning. Now he is full of energy and energy.

But at this moment he saw Ye Ren split.

That's right.

Physically broken.

The scene was too disgusting to describe, but the instructor's reaction was undoubtedly violent.

Zhang Tie: "Ah, ah, my eyes!"

A few minutes later.

The instructor came back from the toilet. He vomited all the breakfast he had eaten in the morning. Now he looked at Ye Ren with a strange look in his eyes.

"You should follow me to see Colonel Lin Shuang immediately. This matter must be reported to her immediately!"

Colonel Lin Shuang is preparing to handle today's official business.

Although she temporarily retreated from the front line due to injury, she was still able to handle the task reports of the lampbearers in each city.

In order to deal with those complicated archives.

This morning, Lin Shuang drank a large glass of soy milk made from filtered bean dregs, and ate two glutinous rice chickens and a portion of seafood rice rolls.

Just as she took a breath and prepared to start the complicated work process.

Suddenly Zhang Tie and Ye Ren burst into her sight.

Ye Ren saw Lin Shuang for the first time and was surprised by the young and beautiful female colonel in front of him.

Zhang Tie: "Colonel Lin, Comrade Ye...he has something very important to report to you today."

Lin Shuang looked at Zhang Tie in surprise, and then his eyes fell on Ye Ren.

Ye Ren: "(p≧w≦q) sister, do you want to see the tentacle monster?"

Lin Shuang: "?"

A few minutes later.

Lin Shuang came out of the toilet holding her stomach with a disgusted look on her face. She had killed thousands of abyssal creatures on the front line. She thought her heart had long been as hard and cold as ice.

But Lin Shuang found that he was terribly wrong.

She broke Ye Ren's defense completely.

"So...your abnormal ability has new characteristics?"

"Yes, I can now freely control every inch of flesh and blood on my body."

Lin Shuang should be said to be a woman in a high position. She quickly suppressed her aversion and started thinking seriously.

But Ye Ren shocked him far more than that.

Ye Ren continued:

"That's not important. What's important is that I have a new skill, and this time it's an active skill."

He briefly described the triggering conditions for the disarming ability.

Lin Shuang's eyelids twitched fiercely after hearing this:

"So you mean... this is also a conceptual skill?"

Ye Ren nodded.

This matter is of great importance. Lin Shuang immediately ordered professionals to take Ye Ren to detect and record his new abnormal characteristics.

The general detection square is located at the bottom of the base, surrounded by tall concrete walls, forming an encirclement.

There are all kinds of strange traces left on the square.

These are the records left by the previous batches of lamp holders when they conducted abnormal detection here.

When Ye Ren followed the white coats into the detection city, all eyes were instantly focused on him.

Lin Shuang also followed, and she stood at the edge of the square.

The white coats were concentrating on adjusting the equipment. They were wearing uniform white lab coats and had identification tags on their chests.

One of the female technicians stood in front of the recording equipment, her voice steady and calm:

"Log: (shielded sound) August 27, 2018 08:04:23AM, the current test recording location is located in the deep test square of the training base, the ambient temperature is constant at 22℃, the humidity is 50%, and the electromagnetic shielding device has been fully turned on to ensure that there is no external interference."

"The personnel involved in this test recording include subject X-11, instructor Zhang Tie and members of the test team, a total of twelve people."

"This operation aims to verify and record the triggering conditions, actual effects and impact on the surrounding environment of the newly awakened "disarmament" ability of subject X-11."

"The experimental steps are as follows: Instructor Zhang Tie holds a saber and simulates an attack on subject Ye Ren according to the predetermined route to induce the activation of the "disarmament" ability."

Ye Ren was stunned when he heard it in the center of the venue.

Fuck, she is indeed a professional.

He started to get nervous just by listening to the oral record of the sister.

Instructor Zhang Tie walked into the center of the venue, his steps were firm and powerful, and he held a shining saber in his hand.

"Are you ready?"

Zhang Tie looked serious, taking an attacking stance, with the tip of his knife pointing directly at Ye Ren, and the air around him seemed to freeze instantly.

The other people present also held their breath, nervously watching the scene in front of them.

The white coats were in their positions, wearing wireless headphones, capturing every tiny movement through high-definition cameras.

Ye Ren nodded slightly to the instructor, and then took the initiative to release the disarming skill.

[Disarm: 59S remaining]

Behind Ye Ren, a huge scarlet eye appeared like a one-eyed monster from the depths of hell!

It was suspended in mid-air, with a terrifying evil light flowing in its pupils.

With the appearance of this strange big eyeball, a thick red mist spread rapidly like a plague, filling the entire square, instantly subverting the originally calm and orderly atmosphere into a chaos and filth.

Everyone present was shocked by this sudden horror scene, and a fear from the depths of their souls was like ice, freezing their actions instantly.

Even Zhang Tie, a battle-hardened instructor, could not help but be crushed by this invisible pressure. His body was as stiff as a sculpture, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable fear.

For a full minute, the red eyeball moved, continuously releasing a suffocating sense of oppression.

After sixty seconds of torture, when the terrifying existence disappeared without a trace, everyone seemed to have escaped from a nightmare.

Their limbs gradually regained consciousness, cold sweat soaked their clothes, and the sound of their heartbeats echoed in the silent laboratory, knocking on everyone's nerves.

The experiment was forced to stop, and three of the twelve researchers on the scene could no longer hold on due to extreme mental shock.

They were pale, with helplessness and panic flashing in their eyes, and had to temporarily withdraw from the scene to seek professional assistance from the psychological treatment room.

At the same time, a technician discovered an even more bizarre phenomenon. The recording equipment was subjected to unprecedented interference when the big eyeball appeared.

The screen was no longer clear and stable, but full of snow spots and garbled characters, and the picture was distorted to the point where it was almost unrecognizable.

"Colonel Lin... something is wrong..."

Lin Shuang's eyes flashed with disbelief.

She clearly remembered that only a powerful existence like the Lord of the Abyss could cause such a strong magnetic field distortion, paralyzing modern high-tech electronic equipment.

So what was that big eyeball...?

What the hell?

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