I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 67 That Thing You Picked Up Can Destroy The World

"Take this thing to the outside world, are they crazy?"

Lin Jinyu couldn't help but want to curse.

As we all know, the Abyss Lords are existences that can destroy the world. Due to rule restrictions, they cannot even come to the surface world in their own bodies, and even their projections can only last for a few minutes.

And now...

In the Lampbearer's headquarters building, lies a fragment of the Abyss Lord's body? !

Lin Jinyu's whole body was numb.

"Notify everyone to evacuate immediately!"

Lin Jinyu gave the order decisively, and before the oblivion pollution began to spread, the lamp-bearers evacuated the headquarters building in an orderly manner.

Within minutes after everyone evacuated, Lin Jinyu suddenly received a data report from a drone, which showed that there were large-scale anomalies in the call records, social media updates, and public surveillance footage of residents in surrounding neighborhoods.

People's daily activities and communication content have become fragmented, and they are obviously affected by the forgetting effect.

She widened her eyes and felt cold in her heart:

"The scope of forgotten pollution is expanding. If it is not curbed, this city and even the world will fall into pollution..."

I™ want to quit traveling, you bastard!

Lin Jinyu clenched her fists and imagined in her mind the scene of Dewang Ping An and his team bringing back the holy severed wings in the B-51 area. She couldn't help but tremble and murmur:

"So how did they get this thing back? It's a doomsday starter!"

Take it slow, relax your mind first.


You can't relax at all, you bastard!

Lin Jinyu bit her lower lip nervously, not even having time to wipe the beads of sweat on her forehead.

She was extremely depressed, feeling helpless against the spread of forgotten pollution. Then Lin Jinyu took a deep breath and gritted her teeth to report the situation to Xu Qian.

There was an imperceptible tremor in her tone:

"Reporting to Commander Xu, the scope of pollution is still expanding. We currently have no known means to deal with the current situation, and I now have to ask a question that is very puzzling to me."

"How did Mr. Wang transport that part of the suspected Abyss Lord's wreckage back from the B-51? This simply goes against conventional logic. I really can't understand it..."

Xu Qian's lips couldn't help but tremble:

"I can't come..."

Who knows that the holy broken wings are such a terrifying thing, how did they bring this thing back?

There were obviously no problems on the transport truck before.

Why is it like this now! ?

"Concerning the clearance support mission in the B-51 area, Colonel Lin Shuang in the training base is in charge. What does she probably know? Have you tried to contact her?"

After receiving the instruction, Lin Jinyu immediately adjusted her mentality, moved her fingertips on the cold communication panel, and activated the video call with Lin Shuang.

The screen switched instantly, and Lin Shuang's image appeared on the communicator's panel.

"Hello Colonel Lin, this is the headquarters, I am..."

Lin Jinyu couldn't wait to pour out all the difficulties and questions she was facing. After Lin Shuang listened, she also seemed confused.

The contamination of the Holy Broken Wings was so terrifying that she was also caught off guard.

"I just want to know how this thing was transported back safely?!"

Lin Shuang's expression after hearing this: "O-o..."

She thought for a moment and then continued: "It should be related to X-11. Please wait a moment."

Lin Shuang subconsciously thought of Ye Ren.

It is clearly recorded in the file that he is immune to the pollution of the Lord of Flesh and Blood, and passively shares his ability to resist pollution to his teammates around him.

Even when he actively uses his abnormal abilities, he can reset the distortion caused by flesh and blood pollution.

The sunlight outside the window shone into the room and reflected on Lin Shuang's profile. She continued:

"Mr. Liu will take the child to use the space bubble to rush to your place later. With him here, the spread of pollution should be able to be contained."

"Okay, please be quick!"

In the dormitory apartment.

The lazy sunlight shines on Ye Ren's fluffy hair through the gaps in the curtains, and his hands are entangled in Jiang Sui's warm thighs even in his sleep.

Who in the family understands?

The knee pillow is really comfortable~

However, this tranquility was interrupted by a rapid knock on the door. The dazed Ye Ren opened his eyes and saw Lin Shuang with a stern face when he opened the door.

"Something happened again..."

Lin Shuang went straight to the topic without any unnecessary pleasantries. Her words were like a basin of icy spring, instantly extinguishing the warmth in the room.

Ye Ren was confused:

"Aren't you sisters? Am I the broom star? Why do you feel like everything that happens is related to me!"

My buddy just came back from area B-51, and he hasn't had a good night's sleep yet, so he has to do some work for him again, right?

"The wings you brought back are very, very, very scary." Lin Shuangyan repeated the important thing three times with a straight face, "About the oblivion pollution caused by it, it is very likely that the headquarters will launch an OI plan. You know what this means. What are you wearing?"

Ye Ren looked stunned:


He saw Lin Shuang's expression becoming more serious, and even the air became depressing.

"The so-called OI plan is the ultimate response strategy formulated by the Lantern Bearer organization for global disasters and even doomsday level events." Lin Shuang's voice was low.

"It means that we have reached the edge of life and death of human civilization. Once the forgetfulness pollution gets out of control, it will be enough to destroy the existing order of the world, and with a high probability may lead to the collapse of the entire world."

Lin Shuang closed his eyes slightly and opened them again. His eyes revealed a complex emotion of helplessness and unwillingness.

"The OI plan is essentially an adventurous plan that fights fire with poison and anomaly with anomaly. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a desperate plan. After all, it is going to be the end of the world, and the situation will not be worse no matter what."

Ye Ren was stunned for a while.

He probably understood that the OI plan seemed to use some kind of abnormal item discovered by the lamp holder but completely uncontrollable to fight against the end of the world.

But no one knows what the outcome will be.

Maybe the OI plan has a one-in-a-million chance of avoiding the doomsday, but the remaining probability is to change the doomsday in another way.

"Okay, so what do you need me to do?" Ye Ren scratched his head.

Lin Shuang nodded slightly:

"You need to set off immediately. Mr. Liu will use the space bubble to take you to the headquarters building, and then use your abnormal characteristics to control and eliminate the effects of oblivious pollution."

"The fate of the world may depend on your hands at this moment!"

Ye Ren: "Eh? Is it so exaggerated? Zundu is fake..."

It makes people quite stressed.

Wang Ping'an, Yu Linglong and other six bosses have returned to their peak condition after a night of emergency treatment.

As anomalies, their vitality is much stronger than ordinary people.

Coupled with the help of the healing abnormality, as long as he is still breathing, it is basically difficult to die.

Liu Gao then released the space bubble and led everyone to the outside of the tightly controlled Lamp Bearer headquarters building.

"Hey, is it so empty?" Ye Ren said subconsciously.

The surrounding area was already desolate. Under the guidance of the government's emergency broadcast, nearby residents evacuated to safe areas, leaving only a few heavily armed lampbearers guarding the headquarters building.

The surrounding streets were deserted, except for a few fallen leaves swaying in the breeze.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

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