I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 78 Yu Xiaoqian? You Are Still Alive! ?

At the exit, a group of deformed and twisted flesh and blood creatures sealed the exit like a giant membrane.

Its surface is covered with tentacle-like blood vessels, which squirm from time to time and emit a disgusting smell.

The monster's existence was like a natural barrier, blocking everyone's way and forcing ordinary people near the exit to panic and flee backwards.

Some of the lantern holders who were guarding the people were launching a fierce attack on the monster.

However, the strange thing is that in the face of the lamp holder's offensive, the monster did not make any counterattack, but still sealed the exit and allowed the attack to fall on it.

It kept making sharp, painful roars, and the sound was like a biting cold wind, stinging the nerves of everyone present.

Ye Ren stood among the crowd, staring at the monster, his face gradually becoming serious.

Suddenly, Ye Ren's pupils suddenly shrank, and a strong premonition came to his heart.

Then Ye Ren roared and shocked the whole audience:

"Stop it all!"

His voice was like a thunderous explosion, piercing through instantly.

The attack of the lantern holders stopped abruptly when Ye Ren shouted. They followed the order subconsciously, although their hearts were still full of doubts and uneasiness.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Ren took steps forward and approached the deformed flesh and blood monster.


Yu Linglong subconsciously grabbed Ye Ren's sleeves, fearing that he was in danger.

However, Ye Ren acted as if he hadn't heard anything and never stopped at all. Seeing this, the bosses had no choice but to follow Ye Ren and protect him at all times.

As the distance shortens, the details of the flesh and blood monster become more clear and terrifying.

It is like a hill made of countless wriggling bloody tendons and blood vessels. The surface is slippery and sticky, with occasional drops of dark red liquid...

It's like a biological teardrop.

The dense tentacle-like blood vessels glowed strangely under the light of the supermarket, as if each one was connected to a painful soul.

The fishy smell emanating from the monster's body became stronger and stronger, almost suffocating.

Finally, Ye Ren stopped just a few steps away from the monster.

He stared at the twisted flesh membrane, his expression becoming more solemn and complicated.

Then Ye Ren took a deep breath, and then spoke to the monster in a cautious tone:

"Yu Xiaoqian?"

As the words fell, the tension in the air reached its peak in an instant.

The flesh and blood monster seemed to be touched by this name, and its whole body trembled violently.

It let out a low whine, as if responding to Ye Ren's call.

Then, a creepy change happened——

The originally irregular and chaotic flesh and blood began to squirm violently, as if there were invisible forces surging inside, guiding them to rearrange themselves.

While everyone was stunned, the central part of the flesh-and-blood monster began to shrink sharply, and at the same time, the surrounding muscle tissue slowly opened like petals.

A chiseled facial structure is gradually revealed.

First the eye sockets, then the bridge of the nose, then the lips...

All this happened so quickly and so naturally, as if this mass of flesh and blood should have taken on this form.

Finally, a human face suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It was the face of a young woman, with skin as pale as paper and delicate and beautiful facial features.

Her eyes were slightly opened, and her brows showed endless pain and sorrow, while her small cherry mouth was trembling, as if she wanted to tell something but couldn't.

This face is very familiar to Ye Ren!


Ye Ren only felt a roar in his head, and his fist became hard in an instant.

Do you still remember Yu Xiaoqian?

The head nurse Yu Xiaoqian who appeared in Chapters 14 and 15 was the poor woman who wanted to go home but was rescued by his own hands.

Ye Ren's knuckles turned white from excessive exertion.

"Really...it's you..."

The outline of Yu Xiaoqian's face was slightly distorted in the flesh and blood, showing an expression of hatred and resentment.

Her eyes were filled with endless sorrow and pain, and a dry and hoarse whisper came from her mouth:

"I wandered alone in the abyss. At the beginning, I was terrified and always lived in fear. In order to survive, I had to learn how to hunt those monsters and use their flesh and blood to nourish this contaminated body. The body..."

"But why? Why do you want me to have human consciousness after you turned me into a monster! Why!?"

Yu Xiaoqian's voice turned into a shrill scream at the end, and her originally bright and clear eyes were now filled with endless sadness and hatred.

That hatred made the lamp-holders behind Ye Ren subconsciously tighten their weapons.

Ye Ren is in a very uncomfortable mood now. He knows that words are feeble at this moment. He wants to say something, but he is choked in his throat when looking at Yu Xiaoqian's hateful eyes.

After a while, Ye Ren whispered:

"Feel sorry……"

However, this apology seemed to ignite Yu Xiaoqian's suppressed hatred. She suddenly raised her voice, and her twisted and deformed flesh and blood body squirmed crazily at this moment.

"Sorry?! What's the use of being sorry? I've become like this, a human and a ghost. I hate all of you!"

Seeing Yu Xiaoqian seeming to collapse from the depression, she seemed to have completely lost her mind.

All the lampbearers were alert for a moment, especially the team leader, who was ready to issue an attack order at any time.

However, Ye Ren just looked at Yu Xiaoqian's twisted face sadly and said slowly:

"You hate everything...why do you want to protect them?"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Ren pointed at the ordinary people who had shrunk far behind: "You blocked the exit because you didn't want them to get lost, and you didn't fight back when they attacked you just now."

Yu Xiaoqian: "..."

Yu Xiaoqian's squirming body gradually returned to calm.

Then she cried.

Bloody tears fell from her face one after another. Her spirit had collapsed. In order to survive in the abyss, everything she experienced was unimaginable by ordinary people.

Although his body has become a monster, his consciousness still retains his humanity.

What kind of torture is this?

She hated the world for putting her through all this, but even so, she still went to protect ordinary people and did not move away even when she was attacked by the lantern holders.

"Why should I suffer all this...it's not fair..."

Yu Xiaoqian was sobbing, choking, and in pain.

Kind people will always suffer more. If she can abandon her human conscience, she may not have to experience these pains.

But she didn't, because a belief always supported her not to forget humanity.

"I want... to go home..."

Her cry made Ye Ren's fist tremble slightly.

At this moment, Ye Ren suddenly made a bold and unexpected move.

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