I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 80 Liminal Space? One Kill And It's Broken

Two black shadows suddenly broke out from their closed pupils, and the outline of their bodies emerged like ghosts. They instantly transmigrated the space along the line of sight and reached the end of their field of vision.

The blood blade in Ye Ren's hand cut through the air, but was swung away due to Shadow Demon's teleportation.

"Puff! Puff!"

However, a crisp and strange sound suddenly came, like the sound of sharp bone spurs penetrating soft tissue.

It turned out that at a space node dozens of meters away, Yu Xiaoqian had already taken action first.

Two slender and tough tendrils sprouted from her right arm. The tendrils were as fast as lightning and penetrated in the blink of an eye, accurately pinning the two shadow demons that had just escaped.

Their struggling and twisted figures looked particularly desperate and powerless in the air.

"I'll go...it's awesome..."

Ye Ren gave Yu Xiaoqian a thumbs up, then narrowed his eyes.

Because in his sight, familiar reminders appeared.

[Can trigger passive beheading]

Yu Xiaoqian is essentially an abyss creature, so her attack methods have special bonuses to Shadow Demon.

In just a moment, the blood volume of the shadow demons was directly reduced to less than 30%.

Ye Ren flicked his wrist, and the bloody blade danced with a blazing red light in his hand, like a burning purgatory fire.


The light on the sword's edge was condensed to the extreme, forming a majestic sword energy in an instant.

Like a huge red dragon rising into the sky, it shot out from in front of him with a pressure that could change the color of the world.

At that moment, the entire supermarket seemed to have stood still in time.

Everyone's eyes widened and their bodies trembled and froze in place.

Only the violent sword energy was left in the field of vision, roaring and roaring in the void, causing everything around to surrender and tremble.

Along the trajectory of the sword energy, the light and shadow were distorted and the air molecules were squeezed until they were almost liquefied, creating a deep red vacuum channel.

The products on the shelves seemed to be crushed by invisible forces. The packaging cartons burst instantly, the metal cans were penetrated by invisible forces, and the food inside evaporated in an instant.

The originally solid floor tiles were as fragile as tofu under the sword's energy. They were lifted up layer by layer, and then turned into powder.

Even the ceiling of the supermarket was not spared. The reinforced concrete structure was baptized by the shock wave, exposing criss-crossing cracks, and stone chips and dust continued to fall.


Silently, the sword energy penetrated the target. The two shadow demons who tried to escape didn't even have a chance to cry out, and were completely torn apart by this heaven-destroying force.

Their bodies were cut in half by the sword energy in an instant, and then the remains were swallowed by the bloody blade.

But the concept-level killing sword energy did not disappear, but continued to extend.

As the sword energy continued to move forward, the physical wall of the supermarket was disintegrated in an instant, and the sword energy easily penetrated the concrete layer behind the wall.

But what’s surprising is…

On the other side of the wall after the sword energy penetrated, it was no longer an endless cycle of supermarkets, but a twisted abyss scene.

Everyone: "(ΩДΩ)?!"

Did Ye Ren's sword break the infinite cycle of the liminal space? !

The ordinary people huddled in the rear could no longer contain their excitement and joy. They screamed and cheered, glad that they were about to escape from this terrifying cyclic space.

"Look over there! Can we go out?!"

"That's not a supermarket behind that, woohoo!"

"But what's outside..."

If the sight of the abyss hadn't been terrifying enough, I'm afraid all these ordinary people would have rushed out of the damaged wall.

The lampbearer rescue team acted quickly, maintaining order at the scene to prevent further accidents in the chaos, and shouted loudly:

"Don't worry, we will take everyone out safely. Now follow the command and line up first. The elderly and children stand in front!"

The squad leader and other lantern holders lit the ancient abyss lanterns one after another.

The candlelight illuminated the place where the outer and inner worlds merged, and the cracks came together to form the door to the outer world.

When the crack was wide enough and stable, the squad leader decisively ordered:

"The elderly and children will go first, keep in good formation and don't mess up. We will take you home."

However, as the team was marching, the alert little chicken suddenly flapped its wings and led Ye Ren to stop several passers-by who were about to step into the crack.

These passers-by looked stunned and didn't understand why they were stopped at this critical moment.

When the team leader saw this, he immediately alertly reminded:

"Stop for a moment. I'm worried that there is still a shadow demon hidden in their pupils. If the shadow demon is allowed to follow them back to the surface world, the consequences will be disastrous!"

When Ye Ren heard this, he said, "It's okay, then I'll pull it out..."

Just when he was about to pull out the bleeding blade again and release the fear pollution to deter the shadow demon, Xiaojizi was one step faster than Ye Ren at this time.

In its small body, an unusual pollution force was quietly released.

The broken wings of a fallen angel, one of the Lords of the Abyss.

The forgotten pollution mastered by Little Chicken is also a root-level lord power. It is also an irresistible force for Shadow Demon.

In the pupils of those passers-by, the hidden shadow demons appeared one after another.

They knelt on the ground in fear and let out mournful screams, as if begging for mercy. However, what responded to them was the decisive killing of the lantern holders.

After successfully solving the hidden danger, everyone finally felt at ease and crossed the cracks under the leadership of the lamp holders.

The moment they returned to the watch world, the light from the night stars shone on their faces, and the long-lost sense of security made everyone cry with joy.

Having experienced the despair of endless cycles in endless supermarkets, the freedom at this moment seems particularly precious and difficult to them.

"Thank you... thank you!"

Amidst the grateful thanks, the lantern holders couldn't help but smile.

After everyone had evacuated safely, the members of the rescue team couldn't help but feel a little tired, and the team leader was ready to pack up their equipment and go home.

However, Ye Ren had no intention of ending like this:

"I want to go back and have a look."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the members of the rescue team twitched.

Are you okay?

After finally rescuing people and escaping from the endless cycle of supermarkets, now you have to go back! ?

Ye Ren glanced at the lamp-bearers of the rescue team:

"This is my own business. The tasks of all comrades have been completed. You can collect your team and go back."

After finishing speaking, Ye Ren looked at Yu Xiaoqian considerately: "You can go back with them, I will stay here for a while longer."

Yu Xiaoqian was about to speak but stopped.

She had always dreamed of going home, but at this moment, she hesitated.

Yu Xiaoqian knew very well that she could change back to human form and leave the abyss, all thanks to Ye Ren, so how could she leave first by herself at this time?

This is too much...

She thought to herself that it would make no difference if she went back earlier or later, so she said:

"I'll go with you and go back later."

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