I am a god in another world

Chapter 999 Purchase Insurance

What Gavin and his team have to do now is to clear out the forces in other directions that will react to this in advance, once and for all.

Kill all the undead, extract all the soul power, and retain or directly destroy the low-level undead lords and soul pools as appropriate.

The troops are all annihilated in advance, and at that time, the response that the Bone Plain can make is relatively limited.

Gavin and his team can then draw on superior forces to concentrate on dealing with enemies in one direction, with less pressure and a higher success rate.

During this period, Gavin himself was not idle.

On the one hand, he continued to strengthen his combat effectiveness. The high-level super-state change, the main ability of the Hundred Changers, was the most suitable for him and the easiest to start with.

Because he had been studying super-state change for a long time and had a sufficient foundation, he was now going a step further on this basis, making all the special beings that were originally unable to change able to imitate the changes, and at the same time learning their special abilities.

If you master one method, you will master a hundred methods.

As long as you master the method, the rest of the things will be much simpler.

Legendary bone manipulation has a super auxiliary role in this aspect. Gavin can not only sense the composition of the other party's bones, but also go deep into them to find out their differences, especially special abilities.

The so-called special ability is to use one's own flesh and blood, or even soul as a carrier to magic.

When transforming, if you want to obtain their special abilities and supernatural abilities, you must imitate them, which is impossible to do with super-state changes, so it only has its form.

Therefore, the difficulty of transformation is not simply related to the size of the body, which is only one aspect. It is also closely related to the life dice, the number and strength of special abilities and supernatural abilities.

Imitating the structure and special abilities of the other party's body is only the first step. How to perfectly integrate it with one's original abilities is the most difficult step.

Because Gavin himself also has extraordinary special abilities and supernatural abilities, this means that his body structure is also more complicated than imagined. There may even be some specialties or special abilities that cannot be compatible after some transformations, and they will be automatically blocked during the transformation process.

At least in the non-human transformation state, he has many human expertise that cannot take effect, and his spellcasting ability will also be limited to a certain extent, although he is currently a half-baked spellcaster.

However, it is precisely this series of abilities that make his ability after transformation far exceed that of the object he originally imitated.

Let's not talk about other things for now, just say that the skeleton soldier he transformed into should not be taken lightly.

Especially the six-armed skeleton soldier, not only is his body terribly strong, but his attack speed is also terrifyingly fast, and most of his semi-god clothes can also take effect.

Just relying on him alone, he can kill a tens of thousands of undead army alive.

However, this transformation does not make much sense. After all, the skeleton soldier does not have any special abilities, and the special abilities gained are far less than those given up, which is not worth the loss.

Not only the skeleton soldier is like this, there are really not many transformations that Gavin can look up to, such as the dog demon.

The most commendable thing about the dog demon is the swallowing.

But using this ability, Gavin can't get over this psychological barrier at all, and he is not prepared to get over it.

For him, transformation is just a means and an ability. His soul and mind have not changed. He is still a living person.

When he was a human, he could not accept it.

After the transformation, he could not accept it.

The fusion of the corpse of the Death Patrol was also in this category.

In other words, whether it was the transformation into a Death Patrol or a Corpse Hound, Gavin could not accept it. After he reluctantly learned the transformation, he immediately canceled it and swore in his heart that he would not use this transformation ability in his life unless he was forced into a desperate situation.

Because the transformation is not like the Wu Liu transformation, Gavin is just the central manipulator, but the form of the bones and flesh of the whole body will be energized and then reshaped into a new form.

Although he was uncomfortable psychologically, Gavin still forced himself to learn it.

Many skills are better than nothing.

Maybe he will encounter some extreme situations in the future, and he will need some special ability of this unique existence to win the game?

On the other hand, Gavin sent a package to his hometown. It was a batch of purification essences, a total of nine - three for the Corpse Hound and six for the Soul Pool.

After receiving the package, the main members of the temporary parliament were summoned immediately. After watching the projection in Gavin's package, even though they were not ordinary people, they couldn't help showing joy.

Daphne, in particular, did not hide her excitement and praise. "I know that with the Lord's ability, no matter where he goes, he will create his own extraordinary achievements, even in the bottomless abyss.

We haven't figured out how to provide him with more help, but he has transferred the benefits back home.

With the legendary bone manipulation, the output of our skeleton cannons will step onto a new level and increase tenfold.

But in this way, the skeleton materials that could originally support a year can only last for more than a month."

Gavin made a clear allocation of the nine pieces of purification essence in the projection, two of which were given to Daphne and Esther (two corpse hounds and four soul pools) to help them activate the legendary bone manipulation ability and assist them in making skeleton cannons.

While Zalanda was excited, she couldn't help but frowned: "Using a large amount of skeleton materials in the material plane, especially high-quality skeletons like giants and dragons, is ultimately not a long-term solution. There is no way to use physical materials instead." ? Like steel or something?”

"We have tried it a long time ago." Daphne shook her head and said, "Steel's ability to bear the power of shadow is far lower than that of high-quality bones. Even if it is steel infused with the power of shadow, it is even more powerful than a skeleton cannon. Not even a third of them.

However, in the Underdark or the Shadow Plane, there is a metal called Shadow Steel, which is as compatible with the power of Shadow as high-quality bones, and it should be able to be used as an alternative material.

However, the difficulty of acquiring large quantities of this kind of shadow steel is probably far greater than that of high-quality skeletons. "

Zalanda's silence undoubtedly acquiesced to Daphne's words.

Both environments are relatively isolated, and the volume of trade with the material plane has never been particularly high. Even if you have money, you may not be able to find a buyer.

"Can the technology be improved?" Catherine suggested another direction, "Use other elemental powers to replace the power of shadow. I heard that the dwarfs developed a weapon called a bombardment cannon, which is very similar to the skeleton cannon."

"Process improvement is beyond our capabilities. It would be more appropriate for you to discuss this matter with Ms. Filancini." Daphne replied truthfully, "If you want a skeleton cannon, just exchange it for high-quality skeleton materials. There are some useful ones now." That’s good, just don’t be picky.”

Catherine and Zalanda looked at each other, as if they could see the helplessness in them.

Without Gavin's central adjustment, although they are a large unit, their operation is far from smooth.

Everyone's priority is the interests they are responsible for.

Even if Gavin is held accountable, Daphne has good reasons. This is for the sustainable development of Shadow Manor.

In the end, it was Catherine who smoothed things over: "I will leave the task of making the skeleton cannon to you, and I will be responsible for the other thing that the lord told me!"

"Okay." Daphne readily handed the remaining three purifying essences to Catherine.

The next mission is an envoy mission, and it is not convenient for me to carry out it.

After Catherine received the purification essence, without saying a word, she immediately initiated the teleportation back to Clonte, and then flew non-stop to the Kingdom of Leatherman.

After receiving the news of her visit, the witch council of Leatherman Kingdom did not dare to take it lightly. The water of Asen Lake parted, and the water spirit witch came out of it and asked with a smile: "I wonder why the lady came here this time?"

Even as a woman, Catherine couldn't help but be attracted by the other person's elegant body and posture, guessing what kind of thrilling beauty was hidden behind the witch mask.

And such a face is always hidden behind the mask, which is really a rare thing.

When she sighed in her heart, she completely forgot that she had also been wearing the heavy armor of a knight for several years.

After calming down, Catherine said straight to the point: "I am here on behalf of Lord Gavin, and he asked me to purchase a magic item.

"I wonder what kind of magic item it is?"

"Light Spirit Crystal."

"Light Spirit Crystal?" There was a hint of hesitation in the water spirit witch's voice, and she responded apologetically, "According to the relationship between us, I shouldn't refuse, but what Lord Gavin wants to buy is not an ordinary magic item, but a cost. The Guangling Crystal can only be made by the Guangling Sisters with a lot of professional experience. I can't agree on her behalf. I need to inform her and ask her attitude. "

"This is what it should be." Catherine nodded in understanding, "We are not exchanging ordinary items. This is the purification essence extracted by Lord Gavin by destroying evil. The effect is exactly the same as the purification essence of the Death Patroller. It’s two to three times higher, and after absorption, you can gain powerful bone manipulation capabilities.”

Brothers are still settling scores, let alone between two forces.

Gavin directly offered a price that was hard to refuse.

Seeing the purifying essence in Catherine's hand, the water spirit witch's eyes lit up uncontrollably and asked, "Can you show it to me?"

She is naturally knowledgeable, and she immediately felt that the power contained in this mass of essence had already reached the level of laws - the law of bones.

"Okay." Catherine readily handed over the purifying essence.

It's not that she has high trust in these witches, but she is very aware of the importance of this deal to Gavin.

This will be his way to stay at the bottom of the box and save his life.

He is now in a bottomless abyss full of dangers, and is preparing to go to war against those high-level undead lords. No one knows what he will face next.

If you are not careful, there is a possibility of attracting the master behind them.

How could the thoughtful Gavin not prepare for this?

He immediately thought of the earth spirit crystal that could summon the totem incarnation of the earth spirit witch.

The totem bodies of these legendary witches are top-notch existences even in the bottomless abyss, let alone the material plane. If used properly, they will play a decisive role in making a comeback.

Especially the Light Witch, her specialization in positive energy has reached a level rarely seen by ordinary people. The totem body she transformed into is a pure aggregate of positive energy.

She is the deadly nemesis of demons, especially undead demons. She only needs to stand there to cause damage to them, let alone launch an attack.

The eyes of the water spirit witch who received the purifying essence from the soul pool became more radiant. She secretly thought in her heart that it was indeed the demonic essence from the bottomless abyss, and it was also a high-level demonic essence.

For these legendary witches who stand at the pinnacle of power, even high-level demon essence is not difficult to obtain.

What's rare is that she can't feel a trace of evil impurity in this high-level demon essence. Even an ordinary person can absorb it, and it will only have endless benefits without any negative effects.

This is extremely precious.

Purification and destruction are two completely different concepts.

The former is thousands of times more difficult than the latter.

The water spirit witch immediately shared this matter with the other sisters.

"Lord Gavin wants to ask for the Light Spirit Crystal? Why doesn't he come in person? Are the rumors true? He is really no longer in the material plane, but fell into the plot of Yamen Khan and fell into hell ?”

"Originally it was just speculation, but now 99% of it is true. It's just that he didn't fall into hell, but fell into the endless abyss. Only in this way can we explain where he got this high-level demonic essence."

"It seems that even after falling into the lower plane, Lord Gavin can still thrive, and he even uses this high-level demon essence as a trade item."

"Lord Gavin's abilities have been personally experienced by all of you sisters. He absolutely cannot be treated as an ordinary professional. If there were no constraints and restrictions, it would not necessarily be easier for him to use his skills in the bottomless abyss."


"What do you sisters think of this transaction?"

“Mr. Yu, he is likely to complete the integration of Jugu and the Kingdom of Sesk, and will be an important ally in our future fight against the Kingdom of Ser.

Personally, he has a great debt of gratitude to us and the Kingdom of Leatherman, and he has pointed out a new development path for us.

Whether it is public or private, we should not sit idly by and ignore it. "

"That's right, Lord Gavin has always been honest with us, and it's the same this time. He could have used other special materials to trade with us, but he didn't do it. Instead, he took the devil's essence, which is tantamount to taking the initiative. Tell us his whereabouts!

We cannot live up to this rare sincerity and should show our greatest sincerity. Sister Guangling, how many Guangling crystals do you still have in your hands? "


"Then take the opportunity to trade them all to Lord Gavin. I believe that with his intelligence, he will not fail to feel our goodwill. When he can escape from the bottomless abyss, he may bring us unexpected things. benefit."

"Haha, if you think this way, you will inevitably fall into the cliché, but judging from Lord Gavin's character, it is indeed the case."

"Then please trouble Sister Guangling to make a trip in person."

"By the way, what to do with that high-level demon essence?"

"Since it was exchanged for the Guangling Sister's Guangling Crystal, it should naturally be given to her for use."

"Thank you sisters for your kindness, but this demonic essence that is good at bone manipulation is of very limited help to me. After all, I specialize in positive energy. It is better to hand it over to sisters who are more suitable for this ability."

"In fact, the most suitable person for this kind of demonic essence should be a sister who specializes in negative energy to strengthen her ability to control the undead. However, since Dushan fell into darkness, this has been our biggest shortcoming."

"I think this is a great opportunity for us to make up for our shortcomings. Only by gathering all the specialized abilities can we be the most powerful and be able to use some of the most top-notch abilities."

"I agree with this suggestion, but this time we should be more cautious and pay more attention to the sister who specializes in negative energy to prevent her from being unable to resist the temptation of darkness and following in Dushan's footsteps."

"Do you think Lord Gavin saw through this and consciously sent this demonic essence into our hands?"

"When you put it like that, it's really possible. He's so thoughtful. He probably already realized this when he was building the totem demiplane."

"Hey, it's a pity that Lord Gavin is a male. Otherwise, according to his character and ability, he would be very suitable to become one of our sisters."

"It's a pity that our ability specialization has flaws and limitations. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind breaking the gender restrictions and bringing him in."

"Hehe, it's not that the gender cannot be changed, but I don't know if Lord Gavin is willing to make a little sacrifice."

"Stop dreaming, just look at her confidantes everywhere. Even if he is willing, they are not willing."

"There is no way. A man like him who needs to be capable, charming, and charming will attract the eyes and attention of women wherever he goes."

"Haha, it's not you who is also moved, right?"

"is it not OK?"

"Yes, provided they don't mind your age."

"Believe it or not, I tore your mouth off."

"Let's talk about it when you can see me."

Without outsiders, the topics of these Haslan witches began to become taboo. If the female group started talking, it would be more terrifying than those purely male.

Regarding this matter, they quickly reached a consensus and made a decision. They not only agreed to the deal, but also gave them the greatest discount.

Although Catherine and the others imposed a strict blockade on Gavin's disappearance.

But this kind of blockade is just to temporarily hide those ordinary people.

It is obviously not useful for the ruling class of those big forces, especially for powerful spellcasters like the Haslan witch.

They have too many ways to spy on a person's situation and whereabouts.

However, they are obviously the group of people who are concerned about Gavin's disappearance and are full of goodwill.

In their eyes, a living Gavin is far more valuable than a dead one.

They also hope that he can help them break the fate of being entangled with the Kingdom of Sel, suppress them, and preferably completely eradicate them.

Catherine naturally would not refuse such goodwill. After completing the transaction with the Light Spirit Witch, she hurried back to the Shadow Manor and packed it up for Gavin.

Looking at the three crystal stones in the portable dimensional cave that look like the sun and emit soft light, Gavin couldn't help but raise his mouth and said with a smile: "Dongfeng is in place, the plan is launched!"

With Gavin's order, the undead in the killing territory came out in full force and marched towards the territory of the King of Giant Bones. (End of this chapter)

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