I am a god in another world

Chapter 1005 The King of Giant Bones' Counterattack

"The heart of our territory has been invaded." The Bone King responded without any emotion.

"Which bastard tore up the armistice agreement without authorization..."

Hearing this, General Sestin's fighting spirit rose steadily, and the analysis he made was exactly the same as when he was recalled before.

He was just halfway through his words, and he got stuck first, because everything seemed familiar, and he seemed to have faced this kind of scene at some point.

But he couldn't confirm whether this was his disordered memory before he died.

The Bone King didn't give General Sestin a chance to sort out his chaotic thoughts, and directly shared the information he got from him: "It's not the other three high-level undead lords, but an invader with divine power. This is both a crisis and an opportunity, which can completely break the balance of the Bone Plain and even the entire plane, and gain more powerful power from it.

I will meet this invader in person. Your mission is to return to the front line, reorganize our undead army, and respond to my orders at any time!"

Without waiting for General Sestin to answer, the Bone King snapped his fingers again.

No less than ten giant ribs appeared around him at the same time, twisting and deforming rapidly.

One fell on his head, four were wrapped around his limbs, and the rest were around his body.

This time, the King of Giant Bones did not simply make a rib helmet, but directly made a heavy rib armor for him.


This time, General Sestin no longer welcomed the rib helmet as he did the rib helmet, but fought hard.

Because he knew the greatest effect of this heavy rib armor, which was an upgraded version of the rib helmet. It not only gave him a stronger ability to mobilize troops, but also turned him into a puppet toy of the King of Giant Bones.

The opponent only needed a thought to make the soul consciousness descend on him and replace him.

But no matter how General Sestin struggled or roared, it was in vain.

In this castle, the King of Giant Bones was in an absolute domain, and his manipulation of the skeleton reached the level of divine power.

When the bones of the whole body no longer obeyed his control, how could he resist?

Soon General Setin was completely wrapped in heavy rib armor. Only through the gaps between the ribs could he barely see the original mixed iron armor of the Soul-Killing Demon Lord.

He seemed to be parasitized by a skeleton giant. At first glance, it was impossible to tell his original identity.

"Go!" The King of Bones waved his hand, and the giant skeleton hand came out from the ground, dragged General Setin into the ground, and sent him to where he should go.

After sending the Soul-Killing Demon Lord away, the King of Bones fell into a deep sleep again, and the soul fire sank into the skeleton of Obilis.

But this time, he was no longer concentrating on his own research, but moved to the territory.

With the help of the Obilis Demon Skeleton, his soul consciousness was instantly transferred thousands of miles away. Through General Setin's soul memory, he accurately locked the destination.


Gavin, who was transforming a soul pool, was alarmed and decisively gave up the transformation and pulled the soul consciousness away from here.

But it was still a step too late.

A terrifying force swept in with overwhelming force, directly blasting out his soul consciousness.

This force was so terrifying that not only did he spit blood from his mouth, but he also turned into a rolling gourd and was thrown dozens of meters away.

Gavin did not dare to neglect it, and moved away from the soul pool at the fastest speed, while launching a killing and devouring evolution on the four corpse hound elites guarding the surrounding area.

The King of Giant Bones.

The opponent must be the King of Giant Bones.

The lord of this place killed him personally.

The opponent's strength was beyond his imagination, and he had to strengthen his combat power to the greatest extent.

Gavin looked back and saw that the soul pool he had transformed before had turned into a vortex, which was rapidly collapsing inwards, and all the surrounding skeletons were sucked into it. The terrifying sound of bones breaking came from it.

Gavin instinctively took out a large number of dragon breath vibration bombs and dragon vibration bombs from the portable dimension hole and threw them directly into the soul pool vortex.

It's easy to tell that the enemy will not just send a wave of soul shock waves to finish the job. That is definitely just the beginning. The other party is likely to use the soul pool to summon more terrifying beings.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions came from the soul pool one after another.

Bones flew everywhere, the earth seemed to be pulsating, and the vortex of the soul pool stopped rotating.

This kind of internal explosion is always powerful.

But that's all. Gavin can clearly feel that the terrible will and magnificent power are only temporarily suppressed and are still buried underground. When the power of the vibration bomb is weakened, they will continue to move.

To prevent what happens next, Gavin must cut off the connection between the Bone Plain and the Soul Pool.

At present, he does not have the ability to reverse the Tiangang. His control over the territory is carried out through the soul pool.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The vortex of the soul pool started to rotate again, and the speed was getting faster and faster, swallowing more and more bones.

When the power reached its peak, a giant skeleton hand longer than a small car stretched out from inside. It was exactly the same as the Corpse Hound and the Death Patrolman, both of which were made of highly compressed and condensed corpses.

Corpse arm!

Corpse shoulder!

Corpse head!

Corpse chest!

A corpse giant wanted to climb out of the vortex of the soul pool. From the half of his body exposed, his height was at least 30 meters, a super giant.


Gavin gave the attack order to the two super corpse hounds that had already evolved. The enemy was now a living target, and when would they not fight?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The skeleton cannons roared rhythmically, one after another.

The corpse hounds that advanced to super soldiers once again showed the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Not only did their bodies become larger, but they also evolved into three heads. There was a skeleton cannon in each of the two new corpse heads.

This means that it can fire in multiple directions in turn.

The two sides were only a hundred meters apart. Given the huge size of both sides, the skeleton shells fired by the three corpse hounds were almost close to their faces, and there was no possibility of missing them. They hit the corpse giant head on.

Each bombardment would produce huge skeleton ripples, and countless bones flew everywhere.

If it hits the torso, a big hole will appear on the torso immediately.

If it hits the arm, a piece will be missing immediately.

The Corpse Giant showed a terrifying self-healing ability. No matter whether the arm or the torso was injured, a large number of corpses would surge up to repair it.

The Corpse Giant was obviously intelligent. He did not just take the beating. Instead, he rubbed his two big hands together, and a bone ball with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in his hands and threw it towards the three Corpse Hounds.

"Run!" Gavin not only gave the three Corpse Hounds that were locked to escape, but also the one that was not targeted ran away from the bone ball at full speed.

Because he felt the terrifying negative energy on it.

It was exactly the same as the skeleton shells fired by the skeleton cannon. After landing, there would definitely be a violent explosion.

The principle of the skeleton shells was simple and clear. As long as you have the corresponding control ability, rubbing your hands is not a difficult task. Gavin can do it now (thanks to the legendary skeleton control).

The bone ball rubbed out by the corpse giant's hands is only as powerful as the skeleton cannon in the body of the Death Ranger.

In the absence of a breakthrough in the quality of explosives, increasing the explosive carrying capacity is an effective way to increase the power of the bomb.

This also applies to the skeleton shells.

Before Gavin and his men ran far, a terrifying explosion sounded behind them.

It was no longer a simple explosion shock wave, but a rain of bones behind them, crackling and smashing over.

Even the two three-headed corpse hounds, which already had giant bodies, were knocked to the ground by the skeleton shock wave, and a layer of skin was peeled off, making them smaller.

As for Gavin, he saw that the situation was not right and used teleportation to run several kilometers away.

The one who was hit the hardest was not the three-headed corpse hounds, but the corpse giant himself.

This kind of skeleton bomb was too powerful, and he threw it too close with only the upper body to exert force.

Unable to move, he could only bend down and curl himself up, bearing the shockwave. The arm of the corpse that was hit repeatedly was broken.

But for the corpse monster, such damage is not fatal at all, especially since the corpse giant is still in a condensed state, just like a super blood recovery BUFF. No matter how many corpses in his body are torn, a large number of corpses will surge up to help him make up, unless he has the ability to drain his blood pool (soul energy).

Such a mistake was caused by the first time the corpse giant used this kind of skeleton bomb.

His subsequent counterattack against the three corpse hounds obviously did not have this situation.

He controlled the size of the skeleton bombs, their power and range. The subsequent condensed skeleton bombs were only the size of a handball. Given that his palm was four or five meters long, compared with the skeleton cannon, it was only big, not small, and the range was only far, not close.

Having seen the power of the super skeleton bomb, Gavin didn't dare to let the three-headed corpse hounds get too close.

The most feared attack method of the corpse monsters is this kind of single-shot damage with extremely powerful power, which can strip off their outer corpse armor and directly damage the internal core.

The uninterrupted bombardment of two three-headed corpse hounds and six skeleton cannons could neither cause fatal damage to the corpse giant nor prevent him from completely emerging from the vortex of the soul pool.

Gavin couldn't help but put his hand into his combat waist bag, which was not stuffed with healing potions, but the light spirit crystals that he had bought from the witch Leatherman at a high price.

Hesitated again and again.

Gavin still didn't choose to use it, because he was not sure whether the corpse monster in front of him was the King of Giant Bones, or whether it was the body of the King of Giant Bones.

It would be embarrassing if he used his best tricks and killed only a high-level cannon fodder.

There were only three light spirit crystals, and one less was used.

There are as many as four high-level undead lords in the Bone Plain alone, not to mention the more powerful demon lords behind them.

As for asking Witch Leatherman to buy more, don't think too much.

It's not just about money, there are deeper exchanges of interests and emotional interweaving.

Even if Witch Leatherman wanted to sell it to him, she didn't have that much stock. The production process of such powerful magic items is usually very complicated and requires a lot of money, time and professional experience.

The most important thing is that although the Corpse Giant showed a terrifying attack power, it was obviously a trick that imitated Gavin, and it was not enough to pose a fatal threat to them. Even if he completely climbed out of the vortex of the Soul Pool, it would not be easy to kill Gavin and his men.

Four legs have a speed advantage over two legs.

Especially since Gavin is the future God of Road, he has already filled them with the power of Road, which makes their speed even higher.

They quickly changed from a positional battle to a mobile battle.

They kept bombarding each other with skeleton shells, and kept repairing their injuries with the corpses along the way.

The Corpse Giant's tricks are far more than that. He is like a Death Ranger and Corpse Hound that has been strengthened by the origin. He can continuously summon skeleton soldiers. What he summoned is not ordinary skeleton soldiers, but skeleton giants.

Not pseudo-giants like skeleton trolls or skeleton ogres, but skeleton giants formed by real giant bones, with super large bodies.

Although these skeleton giants do not have many special abilities, their huge size is the guarantee of their combat effectiveness. If they are in groups, they are quite good.

But unfortunately, they are now facing a high-end game.

They have only two fates.

One is to become cannon fodder for the skeleton cannon and be blown apart.

The other is to become a supplement for these corpse monsters to restore their vitality.

In addition, the corpse giant also has absolute control over the undead in the giant bone territory, and they will fight to protect it without hesitation.

It's just that this ability is not very useful.

Gavin will not run to the main battlefield of the corpse giant, but retreat to the depths of the killing territory, and at the same time order more corpse hounds to come to support. Soon there are as many as five three-headed corpse hounds surrounding the corpse giant.

As for the death patrollers, not only did they not move forward, but they avoided them from a distance, because their appearance destined them to run slowly. Even with the blessing of Gavin's road power, it is difficult to run faster than the tall corpse giant.

Even the five three-headed corpse hounds were still chased around by the corpse giant and could not cause a fatal blow to it.

Soon the corpse giant changed its tactics and stopped chasing Gavin around the world. Instead, after a little search, it walked towards a fixed direction, where a soul pool was located.

No need to ask.

The corpse giant must have the ability to search for the soul pool, even if it has been occupied by Gavin and has become part of the killing territory.

In this way, the situation was reversed in an instant.

It was no longer the corpse giant chasing the three corpse hounds around the world, but the three corpse hounds launched a siege and interception on the corpse giant, slowing down his speed as much as possible.

This was obviously futile.

In desperation, Gavin could only bear the pain and destroy this useful soul pool, because no one knew whether the corpse giant had the ability to take back the soul pool.

He thought the answer was yes, after all, the other party grew out of the soul pool, and must have his own set of methods to deal with the soul pool.

Gavin would not look down on the world just because he controlled the killing power.

They were the natives of the Bone Plains, and their development and use of soul pools were far beyond the reach of a half-baked person like himself who had been involved in it for less than two months.

The Corpse Giant was obviously aware of Gavin's destruction of the soul pool.

At the moment of its destruction, it stopped moving forward, and then sensed for a while, adjusted its direction, and rushed to the next soul pool.

Gavin quickly understood the Corpse Giant's intention.

He was using this method to force himself to self-destruct all the soul pools near his territory.

In the future, if he sent troops to his territory, it would be an expedition.

And he only needed to hoard a group of elite soldiers in his territory to wait for the opportunity.

If he could not capture one of his soul pools in one fell swoop, he would easily fall into the tactics of the Sea of ​​Undead and constantly consume the soul fire in his territory.

This was a typical case of giving someone a taste of his own medicine.

He had used this trick to absorb soul power from the giant bone territory for his own benefit.

He couldn't continue like this.

The number of soul pools in his territory was limited, and it was impossible to purify and destroy them all. Without the anchor point, his killing territory would no longer exist.

Gavin gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, gathering all the corpse hounds and death patrollers that had accumulated in recent times.

There were five three-headed corpse hounds and four super death patrollers.

Under Gavin's conscious intervention, the ability of the super death patroller after swallowing evolution was also related to the skeleton cannon.

Unlike the three-headed corpse hounds, the super death patroller did not continue to enhance its combat power, but turned itself into a manufacturing factory. As long as there was enough skeleton material, he could swallow it and press it into a skeleton cannon in his body and spit it out. He could make three cannons every day.

The skeleton cannon created by the Super Death Patrol is not the giant cannon in their bodies, but a regular model, with a muzzle of only 30 centimeters and a length of only three meters, and its power is only half of the skeleton cannon.

Gavin and the dog demon also used the legendary skeleton to manipulate and create this type of giant cannon, like the one in the Death Patrol's body, which needs its huge body as support. It is part of his own ability and is closely related to the life dice.

The skeleton cannon is formed in the body of the super-large corpse hound. When it reaches a giant size, it will evolve into a giant cannon. The main cannon in the middle of the three heads is a giant cannon, and the secondary cannons on both sides are cannons.

At first glance, the ability of the super death hunter is not as good as that of the three corpse hounds.

In fact, it is terribly strong, because the skeleton cannons it creates can be accumulated continuously.

Especially after Gavin just seized a skeleton giant soul pool from the giant bone territory.

With the killing and devouring evolution and skeleton cannon equipment, they successfully advanced to become skeleton giant heavy artillery soldiers-full body skeletal armor, holding skeleton cannons, riding skeleton mammoths.

They can charge into battle and provide long-range fire support.

Most importantly, they can be mass-produced.

This soul pool is the soul pool that Gavin must defend. (End of this chapter)

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