I am a god in another world

Chapter 1040 Hunger and Thirst Sacrifice

"You despicable devil!" The King of Jackals jumped up angrily. He had never seen such a shameless and despicable enemy.

This is one of the few God's Chosen whose professional level exceeds level 30 that he has carefully cultivated for countless years. The extent of his favor can be seen from the fact that he has been appointed as his Summoning God's Chosen.

The King of Jackals immediately stopped extracting the violent divinity, and instead used it as a rope to tie the soul of the God-chosen Jackal. While pulling it back with all his strength, he desperately declared his sovereignty, "I am a race of Jackals. God, all the gnolls were born because of me. After their death, their souls will belong to me and come back to me.”

"Everything in the world enters the cycle of death and should be judged, either ascending to heaven or descending to hell. Your soul is filled with endless sins of killing. Today I sentence you to become an immortal killer! Serve your allegiance to killing in an immortal way. !”

Gavin is not a novice, he also declares his sovereignty, which is based on the divine nature of the priesthood.

It is mainly used to emphasize the scope of their own power. After taking the oath in the name of the divine priesthood, they will establish contact with all related things around them. They will continuously provide faith support and assist them in this special war of priesthood. .

In the final analysis, it all depends on who has a higher priority, who has a larger territory and more believers, and who can mobilize more divine power in a short period of time.

The two sides were competing in a tug-of-war across the air.

When it comes to territory and believers, of course the King of Jackals has the absolute upper hand.

He is an out-and-out veteran demon lord and the god of the gnoll race. His sphere of influence is not limited to the realm of Yeenoghu, or even to the plane of Toril. Any plane with gnolls can There may be followers of his.

This kind of thing is not absolute. Just like some humans do not believe in the god of mankind, jackals do not necessarily believe in the god of their own race. It all depends on their own development.

The reason why he has been unable to develop has a lot to do with his violent and bloodthirsty character. Whenever his territory develops to a certain level, he will choose to go to war with his old enemies, eventually causing a lot of consumption.

Affected by his personality, those Gnoll believers are also violent and bloodthirsty, and are out-and-out enemies of civilization.

In a completely wild area, they still have the possibility to develop and grow.

When civilization rises, they must be the first to be eradicated.

But when it comes to the cohesion of faith, the King of Jackals cannot keep up with Gavin, because he has absolute control over the divine power of immortal killing.

This is not only related to the special nature of this divine power, but also inseparable from the fact that Gavin's control over it is in an abnormal state.

He doesn't really use this as a god, so he must have 100% control with the help of external forces.

Therefore, the speed of mobilizing power is far beyond what the King of Jackals can match.

For a time, the two sides formed a stalemate.

There is nothing anyone can do in a short period of time.

In the long run, the Gnoll King has a greater chance of winning. After all, he has the size and constant support.

Gavin narrowed his eyes and thought about it. A bright light that destroyed evil appeared in his right hand and pressed directly towards the soul of the Jackal God's Chosen One.

Since there is no way to capture the soul through conventional means, then completely destroy the trophy and extract the essence.

Anyway, this trophy is not his own. As long as it is not recovered by the King of Jackals, he will be considered a victory.

"Father God..." The Chosen God of Jackals let out a desperate and helpless cry.

The two terrifying divine powers used his soul as a battlefield, which was a kind of destruction to him. He had the illusion that his soul was being torn apart, but he was powerless.

As soon as the power to destroy evil was injected into his soul, it immediately fell into flames.

The same is the soul flame.

There is still a difference between destroying evil and the Flame Queen's soul-imbuing burning.

The Flame Queen is pure violence, burning in the true sense of the word.

To destroy evil is to force introspection, using the evil in his soul as fuel to gather the power of justice and kindness and burn it completely. This method is very similar to a trial, making the evil confess his crime and have no effect on a pure and kind soul.

It's just that this kind of confession has a coercive effect.

The more evil the soul, the better this trick works.

The person chosen by God to become the King of Gnolls will naturally be infinitely close to the King of Gnolls in all aspects. He is murderous, violent and greedy, and his hands must be stained with the blood of countless innocent people.

At this moment, everyone launched a trial and reckoning against him.

"What kind of power is this? Judgment? Purification? You have already mastered the power of immortality and killing. How can you still master this pure power of order and kindness?" The King of Jackals howled in disbelief.

He immediately withdrew his violent divine power from the Jackal God, because he clearly felt that if he did not do so immediately, this force of order and kindness would ignite and purify the violent divine power. , and may even spread to oneself and cause fire.

Immortality and killing!

Order and kindness!

When two extreme forces meet, they will fight to the death and are completely irreconcilable. How can it happen to a person now?

This is an incredible thing.

"What a terrifying power! What is his origin?"

Not only the King of the Gnolls looked incredible, but other people watching the battle were also shocked, especially the King of the Giant Bones, whose soul trembled involuntarily.

He remembered.

It was this power that completely burned his puppet clone. He avoided the fate of being completely destroyed by cutting off the tail of the gecko.

No wonder he had always had a deep respect for this young defiler. He thought it was out of the power of immortality, but now it seems that this power played an indispensable role.

The one who was hit the hardest was the Queen of Burning Flame. For a moment, she could not say whether she was lucky or afraid.

She made a wise choice before, and did not continue to fight with him for the Dragon Bone Ridge, but turned around and marched into the Corpse Territory.

If the war continued, it would be unknown whether he could stand here.

"What are you waiting for? Kill the rest!" Gavin gave orders to the King of the Giant Bones and the King of the Skeleton Dragon in a casual manner. The targets he referred to were naturally the remaining two Gnoll God Chosen.

The minds of the two chosen gnolls were also shaken. Looking at their companions who were burning and wailing, there was undisguised fear in their eyes. Even if the gods they believed in were present, they could not provide them with any sense of security.

If they were trapped in this situation, the King of the Gnolls would be powerless and could only abandon them.


The King of Bones and the King of Skeleton Dragons howled excitedly, gushing with energy, and their speed suddenly increased, rushing towards the closest gnoll chosen god.

Fear was more of an incentive for them, because the one who possessed this power was the object of their loyalty, their gods.

His control over them was absolute, whether there was this power or not.

This power would only be used on the enemy, not on them.


The two chosen gnolls did not violently face the enemy, but let out a short howl, turned around and ran away.

The character of the gnolls is exactly the same as that of the hyenas - they bully the weak and fear the strong.

When facing an enemy weaker than themselves, they will rush forward and show their bloodthirstiness and cruelty to the fullest.

When facing an enemy stronger than themselves, they often scatter in a hurry.

The biggest trump card of these gnoll gods is immortality. Even if they die in battle, they will be reborn in the Yenogu Fortress.

So they are indomitable in battle and are not afraid of life and death.

Now this rule has been broken, and they are even worse than ordinary gnolls, because they are used to immortality and their fear of death is far greater than that of ordinary gnolls.

"You two cowards, get back here." The king of the gnolls almost went crazy.

This was simply a slap in his face, and the violent divine power surged wildly, instantly dominating the two gnoll gods.

Their eyes were filled with rage and bloodthirstiness again, and they turned around and rushed towards the King of Giant Bones.

The gods have absolute control over their chosen ones, and it is natural to change their will in a moment.

"Dorisan, if you hide aside and watch the fun again, I will tear down your Lost Soul Throne first." The King of the Ghouls then roared to the distance.

The pale figure of the King of the Ghouls emerged from not far away. He did not make any excuses, but slammed the hungry tooth staff in his hand to the ground and said loudly, "I order you in the name of the hungry master, eat, you will gain new power from eating, the power of flying."

With the King of the Ghouls as the center, a force vibrated in all directions and sank into the bodies of all creatures along the way.

Whether it was the ghouls, the gnolls, or the undead, they all had endless hunger and thirst uncontrollably.

Especially the ghouls, they pounced on the nearest flesh and blood creatures without hesitation, and the only flesh and blood creatures in the field were the gnolls. When endless hunger filled their bodies and minds, the so-called slavery order was thrown behind their heads.

The paralysis attacks of these ghouls are not effective against the undead, but they are very effective against the gnolls. Especially when a group of ghouls rush forward, many gnolls have no time to react and are thrown to the ground with paralysis. There are only the sounds of flesh tearing and chewing in their ears. They can clearly feel that the flesh comes from themselves, but they don’t feel any pain. On the contrary, it smells so sweet. If they are not in a paralyzed state, they will also join the ranks of gluttons.

This is the fact.

Many gnolls did not attack the ghouls, but followed the ghouls to rush to the gnolls who were thrown to the ground, and staged cannibalism.

"Dorisan, are you crazy?" Seeing this scene, the king of the gnolls felt numb in his hands and feet, as if he was hit by the paralysis touch of the ghouls, and even his roar was three gears lower.

Because he suddenly realized that his gnoll army was actually in the middle of the undead army and the ghoul army of the Bone Plain.

Once the ghoul king rebelled at this time, it is very likely that his gnoll army would be directly surrounded.

Is this a trap?

Specifically targeting him.

The two undead forces had long been combined into one, just to lure him in and severely damage his living forces.

As if guessing what the gnoll king was worried about, the ghoul king took the initiative to explain, "Your Majesty, please be patient and give them some time to complete the hunger and thirst sacrifice, and you will know my true intention."

He didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. He needed to use the power of the King of Gnolls to completely destroy the invaders of the Bone Plains.


The situation changed quickly, and a hearty howl came from it, revealing the satisfaction of being hungry for a long time.

The one who howled was not a ghoul, but a ghoul.

Along with the howl, the ghoul changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. His already hunched body became more hunched, and his forefoot began to touch the ground. The hair on his body fell off in pieces, revealing pale skin, and his shoulder blades bulged high. As the bones spread, the pale skin also gathered and attached to it, and soon formed a pair of huge pale bat skin wings.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to call him a winged ghoul or a winged ghoul.

This situation is not an isolated case. After a large number of jackals and ghouls finished their meal, they stretched out their bat-skin wings and flew into the air, circling around the ghoul king. They were as dark as a dark cloud, and their number was definitely no less than a thousand.

The ghoul king then pointed at the skeleton dragon king and said, "Attack."

The flying winged ghoul army immediately howled loudly and rushed towards the skeleton dragon king.

He proved his position with his actual actions. The hunger sacrifice just now was not aimed at the jackals, but to allow them to collectively gain the ability to fly and to contain the skeleton dragon king.

Seeing this situation, the jackal king's face suddenly looked much better, and he snorted coldly: "Next time you do this kind of thing, communicate in advance, otherwise don't blame me for tearing you apart too."

Even if he felt guilty, the jackal king's mouth was hard as hell.

The suspicion of the Ghoul King in his heart has not completely disappeared. If it is really the return of the Undead King Orcus, is this undead on his side or the other side?

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, it is difficult to completely remove them.

"You want to deal with me with these cannon fodders!" Even if he is alone, the Skeleton Dragon King is not afraid. He took the initiative to fly towards the flying winged ghouls. In the roar, his speed increased to a terrifying degree. In the moment of crossing, countless skeletons gushed towards the flying winged ghoul army.

The crazy rotating skeleton torrent is like a meat grinder. All the flying winged ghouls involved in it are not spared. They are all twisted into twists. They don’t have the tenacious vitality of the jackal god’s choice. They died on the spot and became part of the skeleton torrent, rolling towards other companions.

The flying winged ghouls scattered and flew in all directions. When the skeleton dragon breath was over, they gathered together again and began to chase and intercept the Skeleton Dragon King.

Numbers were their biggest advantage. It was not easy for the Skeleton Dragon King to kill them all.

But if they were left alone and attacked the ground, they would take the opportunity to rush forward.

A single flying winged ghoul naturally could not pose any threat to the Skeleton Dragon King, but hundreds of them clinging to his body were still a big trouble.

Without his air support, the two jackal gods successfully approached the Skeleton King and fought him on the ground. The two-headed flails danced vigorously. The two energies of fire and ice attached to them would inevitably explode with a ball of fire or ice as long as they were hit by the corresponding heads.

Apart from the violent divine power, they are also the best warriors with rich combat skills. They are extremely agile when they move. The two are very good at cooperating, one attracts attention, and the other launches a surprise attack from behind.

The King of Giant Bones did not condense the skeleton weapon, but directly put the skeleton bombardment cannon behind him and launched an attack with his fists.

To deal with these enemies who are smaller than themselves, the most important thing is not strength, but speed. Only by hitting the enemy can one's attack power be exerted, otherwise even if one has a stronger power, it will be useless.

Both sides are obviously in the probing stage, and their fighting style is quite standard, just like three ordinary warriors, except that their strength and speed are very terrifying. As long as they touch each other, it is enough to kill ordinary people.

But both sides are chosen by God, and such attacks are not fatal even if they hit them.

When necessary, they even give up the divine shield and let themselves face the opponent's attack directly to assess the enemy's damage and prepare for the next battle.

Gavin also finished purifying the chosen Gnoll. After throwing him into the dimensional hole, he took out a ball of soul essence from it, summoned a corpse giant on the spot, and merged directly into it.

In such a heavyweight war, he lacked a sense of security, and directly stacked his armor to the maximum and raised his health to the highest level.

Even so, Gavin still had no intention of directly participating in the battle, but watched the battle from afar with the War Predator.

Although the strength and health of the corpse giant he controlled reached an incredible level, it was not much worse than that of the demon god like the Gnoll King, but it was not difficult to deal with him in a real fight.

A high-level dispel magic could force Gavin out of the fusion state.

Whether it is the Gnoll King or the Ghoul King, they can cast this spell at will.

After completing a series of preparations, Gavin turned to the Queen of Burning Flame and said, "I believe the Queen should have felt my sincerity. Joining my army will only benefit you, not harm you. As long as you are willing, I will also grant you divine power."

The plan to use the Corpse King as a bargaining chip to force the Burning Queen to join his army failed, but now the Gnoll King has taken on this task, but the effect is slightly worse, after all, it lacks that kind of extreme hatred. (End of this chapter)

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